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Bone signaling in middle ear development : a genome-wide differential expression analysis

Common middle ear diseases may affect bone behavior in the middle ear air cell system. To understand this pathologic pneumatization, the normal development of bone in the middle ear should be investigated. The objective of this study was to analyze gene expression of bone-related signaling factors and gene sets in the developing middle ear. Microarray technology was used to identify bone-related g

The essence of living parental liver donation

The use of living parental liver donors will continue and probably increase because of lack of cadaveric livers for paediatric transplantation and the excellent graft survival of parental livers. Therefore, it is important for the health care professionals involved in living parental liver donation to understand the experience of being a liver donor. The aim of this study was to investigate the ex

The Gaia-ESO survey : Matching chemodynamical simulations to observations of the Milky Way

The typical methodology for comparing simulated galaxies with observational surveys is usually to apply a spatial selection to the simulation to mimic the region of interest covered by a comparable observational survey sample. In this work, we compare this approach with a more sophisticated post-processing in which the observational uncertainties and selection effects (photometric, surface gravity

Solsystemet : En värld av världar

Runt vår stjärna Solen kretsar åtta planeter, samt dvärgplaneter, kometer och asteroider. Människor har rest till (och gått på) Månens yta, medan våra grannplaneter har besökts av olika rymdsonder och robotar som har skickat tillbaka bilder och mätningar. Från dessa lär vi oss ständigt nya saker om solsystemets olika himlakroppar. I denna planetariumvisning tar vi oss ut i rymden, reser bland planEight planets orbit our star, the Sun, along with dwarf planets, comets and asteroids. Astronauts have traveled to (and walked upon) the Moon, while our neighboring planets have been visited by an armada of space probes and rovers, which have returned data and images back to us. From these we are constantly learning new things about our Solar System.This planetarium show takes us flying out into s

Outcome among VF/VT patients in the LINC (LUCAS IN cardiac arrest) trial—A randomised, controlled trial

Introduction The LINC trial evaluated two ALS-CPR algorithms for OHCA patients, consisting of 3 min’ mechanical chest compression (LUCAS) cycles with defibrillation attempt through compressions vs. 2 min’ manual compressions with compression pause for defibrillation. The PARAMEDIC trial, using 2 min’ algorithm found worse outcome for patients with initial VF/VT in the LUCAS group and they received

Insulin stimulates the uptake of chylomicron remnants in cultured rat hepatocytes

The effects of insulin (10-1000 microU ml-1) on chylomicron remnant uptake and degradation were studied in hepatocyte monolayer cultures. Both uptake and degradation were stimulated by insulin. The degree of stimulation was influenced by cell density, being most pronounced in sparse cultures. The uptake was stimulated in a dose-dependent fashion and was noticed already at a physiological insulin l

Perceptions of experiences of having a sibling stem cell donor

Objective: The aim was to explore stem cell recipients’ perceptions of experiences of having a sibling donor from pretransplantation to one year afterwards in order to support their learning process.Methods: Ten adult recipients, five women and four men, with a mean age of 52 years (19-68 years) receiving stem cells from a sibling donor were included consecutively. We used a phenomenographic appro

Kartanalys för Sydsveriges agrara landskap : Metodstudie om den genetiska mångfalden och det genetiska kulturarvet i dagens landskap. Rapport från projektet Genetisk variation som kulturarv i Sydsveriges agrara landskap (GRAAL)

Genetisk variation som kulturarv i Sydsveriges agrara landskap” (GRAAL) är ett projekt som nyligen initierats och bedrivs i samarbete mellan Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU), Centrum för Biologisk Mångfald (CBM) och Nordiskt Genresurscenter (NordGen). Projektets syfte är att studera den genetiska mångfalden och föreslå bevarandeåtgärder kring det genetiska kulturarvet i träd och buskar i dagens

Response to Katherine E. Southwood

Response to a paper titled "'But now ... do not let all this hardship seem insignificant before you': Ethnic History and Nehemiah 9", on the general theme of Ethnicity in the the Bible and in Biblical Scholarship.

The Initial Development of Voice Onset Time in Early Successive French-Swedish Bilinguals

This chapter explores the initial development of VOT in three Swedish-speaking learners of French (age of onset: 3;0-3;5). Swedish uses long lag and short lag/lead to differentiate voiceless and voiced stops word-initially (Helgasson & Ringen 2008; Sundberg & Lacerda 1999). In French this distinction is made using short lag and lead (Kessinger och Blumstein 1997). Through a memory game wor

A generalized mean-squared displacement from inelastic fixed window scans of incoherent neutron scattering as a model-free indicator of anomalous diffusion confinement

Elastic fixed window scans of incoherent neutron scattering are an established and frequently employed method to study dynamical changes, usually over a broad temperature range or during a process such as a conformational change in the sample. In particular, the apparent mean-squared displacement can be extracted via a model-free analysis based on a solid physical interpretation as an effective am