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Regional Disparities in Agricultural Transformation, Growth and Poverty Reduction: Brazil in a historical perspective

This paper aims to improve the understanding of economic development in Brazil since the 1950s by studying the relationship between structural transformation and poverty reduction at the state-level. Results from a modified shift-share analysis and analysis of an indicator of agricultural transformation suggest that structural transformation is a rather heterogeneous process within the country, hi

Transpersoners förtroende för välfärdsinsitutioner

Vilket förtroende för offentliga välfärdsinstitutioner har transpersoner i Sverige? Denna kandidatuppsats vill undersöka förtroendet för offentliga välfärdsinstitutioner. Förtroende för institutioner verkar påverka i vilken utsträckning en individ vänder sig till välfärdsinstitutioner och litar på välfärden. Detta får konsekvenser i enskilda individers liv. Transpersoner som grupp har enligt de seTo what degree do transgender people trust welfare? This bachelorthesis aims to survey the trust in welfare institutions. Trust in institutions seems to affect to which extent people turn to and trust in welfare and will hence have consequences on individuals everyday-lives. Trangender people have, according to recent years Public Health Surveys, an inferior psychosocial position compared to the p

To Be Smart or To Be Alone? Exploring return on investment and problems in smart city

The European Nations foresees a growing population and a trending urbanization which, pose significant health, environmental and social concerns. Municipal decision makers attempt to leverage the smart city concept as a means to maintain the prepossessed living standard in the city because they cannot manage the radical change themselves. However, the smart city concept force municipalities outsid

City rebranding through co-creation with the residents - the case of Amsterdam

Purpose: There has been a lot of research about city rebranding, however in the realm of tourists and businesses as stakeholders. The aim of this study is to investigate the involvement of residents in the city brand as part of rebranding. This is an explicit and explorative research in how residents co-create their city during Amsterdam’s rebranding. Materials and Methods: Data for this research

Physico-chemical characterization of the active pharmaceutical ingredient Mesalazine - An investigation of previously not specified properties at QPharma AB

This study was done due to observed differences during production, involving the active pharmaceutical ingredient mesalazine, obtained from different suppliers. The aim of the present thesis was to make an investigation of previously not specified properties of mesalazine. This was done to enable adjustment of different parameters during production to account for differences in the raw material.

The Second Generation of Swedish Indians: the Development of Ethnic Identity

The purpose of the study was to examine how the second generation Swedish Indians (I use "the second generation" to refer to the children of immigrants, born in Sweden) developed their ethnic identity while analysing their self-identification, cultural preferences, social interactions and daily practices. This qualitative study was based on ten in-depth interviews with second generation

En rättssociologisk studie rörande uppfattningar kring lagen om kontaktförbud

The contact prohibition act (1988:688) have the last years received a lot of attention in the media and have been criticized regarding its function as crime preventive. The overall purpose of this Bachelor´s thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of how perceptions of the Swedish contact prohibition Act looks from the perspective of prosecutors and employees of women- and shelter protection orga

En ansvarsfull översättning – Från läsaransvar till författaransvar i en populärvetenskaplig bok om Storbritannien under vikingatiden

Denna magisteruppsats bygger på en översättning av cirka 6000 ord från den populärvetenskapliga historieboken The Northern Conquest: Vikings in Britain and Ireland (2007) av Katherine Holman. Uppsatsen inleds med en källtextsanalys som baseras på Lennart Hellspong och Per Ledins modell (1997). Efter detta följer ett avsnitt om överväganden inför översättningen, där bland annat den globala översätt

Kreativitet, kontroll och kontaktnät : en studie av egenutgivares syn på sin verksamhet

Uppsatsen undersöker egenutgivning ur författarnas perspektiv för att se hur de själva upplever sin verksamhet, vad som driver dem och vilka hinder de möter i samband med sin bokutgivning. Materialet består av en enkätundersökning samt intervjuer med egenutgivare, vilket huvudsakligen analyseras med hjälp av John B. Thompsons teorier om aktörers kapital samt länkar i publiceringskedjan. Resultatet

STM-based characterization of single GaInP photovoltaic nanowires

Kan strukturer 1000 gånger smalare än ett hårstrå ha någon effekt på den globala energiförsörjningen? Jorden tar emot mer energi från solen på en timme än vad som förbrukas under ett helt år. Genom att utnyttja en bråkdel av denna energi så skulle beroendet av fossila bränslen inte längre behöva dominera jordens energiomsättning. Ny forskning sammanfogar högeffektiva ”tandem-solceller” med nanoteThe I-V and photovoltaic properties of III-V semiconducting GaInP nanowires have been studied using a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) in evaluation for usage as a potential "sub cell" in a nanowire based tandem solar cell configuration. This evaluation required precise I-V characterization and photo response measurements of individual nanowires. Such measurements usually involve rigo

Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy: Using a Monte Carlo method to determine chromophore compositions of tissue

In this work, inverse diffusion equation and Monte Carlo methods are used in conjunction with diffuse reflectance spectroscopy to develop a protocol for evaluating the chromophore compositions of tissue mimicking liquid phantoms. A novel two spectrometer system is used which provides real time calibration of any intensity fluctuations of the light source. The calibration of this setup is investiga

Fossilbränslefria kommunala transporter - Åtgärdsförslag för att gå över till fossilfria fordonsbränslen i Ängelholms kommun

För att klimatförändringarna inte ska bli för stora har Sverige som mål att till år 2020 reducera utsläppen av växthusgaser med 40%. För att klara detta arbete behöver Sveriges kommuner hjälpa till med lokala mål och åtgärder, och Ängelholms kommun har då valt att i sin miljöplan bestämma att kommunen år 2021 ska vara helt fossilbränslefria i alla transporter som kommunen äger eller brukar. SyftetSweden has a goal to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases with 40 % until 2020 to prevent the climate change from becoming too big. Too succeed in this work, the Swedish municipalities need to help with local goals and arrangements. The municipality of Ängelholm has chosen to decide in its environmental action plan that the municipality by 2021 is going to be completely free of fossil fuels in


Purpose. The survival rate in the Fashion Industry (FI) is dramatically low and the reasons remain unclear. This research aims to identify the main challenges that the fashion entrepreneur faces when entering the FI and how relevant these are through the fashion start-up process. Methodology. Qualitative and comparative multi-case study. The research structures the relevant peculiarities, that pr

A Strategic Framework for Improving Inventory Management Decisions at IKEA

Background IKEA has realized the potential benefits of improving inventory management on a strategic level. For IKEA as a market leader in the home furnishing business, an efficient supply chain and proper management of inventory is of crucial importance in order to support their business idea of offering lowpriced products to the many people. Inventory management at IKEA is characterized by an ad

Överlämning av stora projekt

Arbetets syfte är att belysa hur en effektiv överlämning av stora projekt från entreprenad till drift och underhåll går till. Syftet är också att undersöka vilka nyckelfaktorer som skapar framgång och motgång i denna fas av projektet Frågeställning i studien är: Hur görs en effektiv överlämning av ett stort projekt? Vilka faktorer skapar framgång tillika motgång för projektets överlämning? Varför The purpose of the study is to illustrate how a efficient handover is done in mega project between the constructional and operational phases. Furthermore the purpose is the study what key factors lead to success and failure throughout the handover. The objective of the study is to answer the following questions: How is an efficient handover done? What factors lead to success and failure in mega pr

Mäns våld mot kvinnor - Utvecklingsstudie kring brottet ”Grov kvinnofridskränkning"

Våld mot kvinnor är ett könsbaserat hatbrott. Våldsutövandet sker mot dem just för att de är kvinnor. Mest förekommande är våldet från män de har eller haft en nära relation med. Våldet skapar fysiska och psykiska påfrestningar för utsatta kvinnor. Samhället behöver med gemensam kraft få ett slut på våldet. Kvinnorna i sin tur måste veta vilka skyddsåtgärder som finns att tillgå när de riskerar elViolence against women is a gender-based hate crime. The acts of violence are committed against women expressly because they are women. Most often they are hurt by men who are close to them. Violence and abuse cause terrible physical and emotional pain for the women. The society needs a wide strategy to combating the violens. Women have to know their rights and ability to get protection when they

Exploring Local Realities of Carbon Offsetting: Environmental Justice in a Ugandan Carbon Forestry Project

In the quest to find a ‘least cost solution’ for climate change mitigation that do not interfere with business-as-usual, carbon trading and PES schemes were introduced. PES schemes with carbon forestry projects are implemented in the Global South as a win-win-win tool for climate change mitigation and sustainable development. In this thesis, the Ugandan carbon forestry project Trees for Global Ben

Innovation in the Automotive Sector - Revealing and Comparing Innovative Performance of Major Car Manufacturers in the Years 2000 – 2015.

The automotive industry, a matured and vital global sector, is currently facing the biggest upheaval so far in the necessity to emancipate itself from fossil fuels. This moment before technical revolution is used for a detailed comparison of innovative performance of the sector in the last 15 years. With innovation being interpreted along the lines of technical progress in key variables, this thes

Requirements Engineering in Startups with Open Source Software Related Business Strategies

The role of startups in today’s economy grows increasingly more important while more and more companies engage in open source software (OSS) development. Both startups and open source projects are sources of, and rely on, innovation. As startups are typically very resource constrained and open source potentially offers low cost labour and innovation sources; the intersection of startups and OSS is