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The future distribution of wetland birds breeding in Europe validated against observed changes in distribution

Wetland bird species have been declining in population size worldwide as climate warming and land-use change affect their suitable habitats. We used species distribution models (SDMs) to predict changes in range dynamics for 64 non-passerine wetland birds breeding in Europe, including range size, position of centroid, and margins. We fitted the SDMs with data collected for the first European Breed

Global citizenship education-Assessing the unassessable?

This chapter explores the role of assessment in global citizenship education (GCE). We will consider what can be assessed, and how teachers can design and manage appropriate assignment tasks in relation to normative assessment practices. The ways in which assessment might inform curriculum, behaviours, and engagement with GCE are considered in relation to institutional practices. The role of the a

Interventions for the management of transient tachypnoea of the newborn - an overview of systematic reviews

Background: Transient tachypnoea of the newborn (TTN) is characterised by tachypnoea and signs of respiratory distress. It is caused by delayed clearance of lung fluid at birth. TTN typically appears within the first two hours of life in term and late preterm newborns. Although it is usually a self-limited condition, admission to a neonatal unit is frequently required for monitoring, the provision

Mary Wollstonecraft och revolutionen

Kort efter att hon bevittnat den franska revolutionens fasor i Paris reste den engelska filosofen och feministen Mary Wollstonecraft till ett sömnigt Skandinavien. Kontrasterna kunde inte ha varit större. Ändå var det just i Sverige som hennes sista, stora politiska fråga väcktes: Hur förändrar man ett samhälle? Lena Halldenius följer Wollstonecraft på hennes sista filosofiska resa.Bildningsboxen

Unified Approach to Characteristic Modes

An algebraic link between transition matrix and impedance matrix is utilized in this work to unify characteristic mode decomposition originally proposed by Garbacz with a framework proposed later on by Harrington and Mautz. The resulting formulation is unique to all method of moments formulations, valid for all linear and lossless materials, and has many favorable properties. The unified prescript

The causal effect of education and cognitive performance on risk for suicide attempt : A combined instrumental variable and co-relative approach in a Swedish national cohort

Background: The aim of this study was to clarify the possible causal associations between education phenotypes and non-fatal suicide attempts. In particular, we evaluated the roles of academic achievement (school grades), cognitive performance (IQ), and educational attainment (education level). Methods: Based on longitudinal Swedish registry data, we included 2,335,763 individuals (48.7% female) w

Can differential fatty acid composition help migrating birds to limit oxidative lipid damage?

During migratory endurance flights, which are energetically very demanding, migrants have to deal with prolonged elevated generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). To limit the damaging actions that ROS have on lipids and proteins, migrating birds are known to upregulate their antioxidant defence system. However, there may be additional ways to limit oxidative damage incurred from flying. Migra

The Difference in Subjective Experience Related to Acoustic Treatments in an Ordinary Public Room : A Case Study

In ordinary public rooms absorbent ceilings are normally used. However, reflective material such as diffusers can also be useful to improve the acoustic performance for this type of environment. In this study, different combinations of absorbers and diffusers have been used. The study investigates whether a test group of 29 people perceived sound in an ordinary room differently depending on the ty

5-Year Outcomes of PCI Guided by Measurement of Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio Versus Fractional Flow Reserve

Background: Instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR) is a coronary physiology index used to assess the severity of coronary artery stenosis to guide revascularization. iFR has previously demonstrated noninferior short-term outcome compared to fractional flow reserve (FFR), but data on longer-term outcome have been lacking. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the prespecified 5-year

Multiple mechanisms of minor moraine formation in the Schwarzensteinkees foreland, Austria

This paper presents a detailed sedimentologic data set of minor moraines (heights ≤2.0 m, widths ≤14 m, lengths ≤108 m) that formed beginning near the end of the Little Ice Age by Schwarzensteinkees, a valley glacier in Austria. Sorted sediment and stratified diamict dominate five exposures, and compact massive diamict exists in one exposure. This sediment is interpreted as proglacial outwash and

Maximum Radiation Efficiency of Implanted Antennas Employing a Novel Hybrid Method

A hybrid combining T-matrix method and electric field integral equation is used to formulate fundamental bounds on radiation efficiency of an implanted antenna. Resulting quadratic optimization problem is solved using a dual formulation. The results present the versatility of the described computational scheme and show the optimal current densities that are the least impaired by dissipation in the

Imputing Longitudinal Growth Data in International Pediatric Studies : Does CDC Reference Suffice?

This study investigates a missing value imputation approach for longitudinal growth data in pediatric studies from multiple countries. We analyzed a combined cohort from five natural history studies of type 1 diabetes (T1D) in the US and EU with longitudinal growth measurements for 23,201 subjects. We developed a multiple imputation methodology using LMS parameters of CDC reference data. We measur

Metformin enhances LDL-cholesterol uptake by suppressing the expression of the pro-protein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) in liver cells

Purpose: Metformin (MF) intake associates with reduced levels of circulating low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C). This has been attributed to the activation of AMPK, which differentially regulates the expression of multiple genes involved in cholesterol synthesis and trafficking. However, the exact mechanism underlying the LDL-C lowering effect of MF remains ambiguous. Methods: MF-treated

The diagnostic utility of DNA copy number analysis of core needle biopsies from soft tissue and bone tumors

Morphologic and immunohistochemical analysis of preoperative core needle biopsies (CNB) is important in the management of patients with soft tissue and bone tumors (STBTs). Most SBTB subtypes have more or less extensive DNA copy number aberrations (CNA), potentially providing useful diagnostic information. To evaluate the technical feasibility of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array analysis

Organizational resilience and internal branding: investigating the effects triggered by self-service technology

The majority of studies on internal brand equity examine its various dimensions and relationships between them. While prior research specifies organizational practices relevant for successful internal branding, the insights about the impact of essential organizational factors on internal brand equity are still limited. This study focuses on organizational resilience that is vital for the existenceThe majority of studies on internal brand equity examine its various dimensions and relationships between them. While prior research specifes organizational practices relevant for successful internal branding, the insights about the impact of essential organizational factors on internal brand equity are still limited. This study focuses on organizational resilience that is vital for the existence

Gender Bias in Academia

Gender, being an identity contingency as coined by Claude M. Steele in his book Whistling Vivaldi, is not self-chosen, is virtually impossible to escape, and comes with expectations, prejudice and – most importantly – uneven pre-conditions for our choices in life. Gender inequality is a wide-spread problem, causing much harm on theindividual and societal levels, and the academic world is no exempt

Antenna Designs for a Milimeter Wave Massive MIMO Testbed with Hybrid Beamforming

Massive multiple-input multiple-out (MIMO) technology and mm wave are important technologies in 5G/6G to enhance the spectrum efficiency and system capacity. However, it has a lot of challenges in mm wave range, such as high hardware cost and power consumption in such systems. Hybrid beamforming is an interesting solution with less number of RF transvers than antennas. In this paper, we will prese