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Your search for "*" yielded 529943 hits

Reaction Mechanisms and Dynamics in the Early Stage of High-κ Oxide Atomic Layer Deposition : Investigations by In Situ and Operando X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy

Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is an outstanding deposition technique to deposit highly conformal and uniform thin films with atomic precision. In particular, ALD of transition metal oxide layers from metal amido complexes and water finds its way in several technological fields, including green energy devices and in the semiconductor industry. These ALD reactions are believed to follow a reaction s

Public Support for the Euro and Trust in the ECB : The First Two Decades of the Common Currency

This contribution examines the evolution of public support for the euro since its introduction as a virtual currency in 1999, using a unique set of data not available for any other currency. We focus on the role of economic factors in determining the popularity of the euro. We find that a majority of citizens support the euro in each individual member country of the euro area (EA). The economic cr

A Local Atomic Mechanism for Monoclinic-Tetragonal Phase Boundary Creation in Li-Doped Na0.5K0.5NbO3Ferroelectric Solid Solution

ABO3 perovskites display a wide range of phase transitions, which are driven by A/B-site centered polyhedral distortions and/or BO6 octahedral tilting. Since heterogeneous substitutions at the A/B-site can locally alter both polyhedral distortions and/or tilting, they are often used to create phase boundary regions in solid solutions of ABO3, where the functional properties are highly enhanced. Ho

The Problems of Inflation Targeting Originate in the Monetary Theory of Knut Wicksell

The theoretical foundation of inflation targeting was laid out by the Swedish economist Knut Wicksell (1851-1926) in his groundbreaking treatise, Interest and Prices, published originally in German in 1898. Here he proposed price stability as the rule for monetary policy. Today, inflation targeting is considered the best-practice approach to monetary policy across the world. It has contributed to

App-based COVID-19 syndromic surveillance and prediction of hospital admissions in COVID Symptom Study Sweden

The app-based COVID Symptom Study was launched in Sweden in April 2020 to contribute to real-time COVID-19 surveillance. We enrolled 143,531 study participants (≥18 years) who contributed 10.6 million daily symptom reports between April 29, 2020 and February 10, 2021. Here, we include data from 19,161 self-reported PCR tests to create a symptom-based model to estimate the individual probability of

Translational research in drug discovery : Tiny steps before the giant leap

The recent years have witnessed science taking gigantic strides and achieving milestones in the areas which were previously rendered to be difficult. Advancements such as the culmination of the Human Genome Project and the successful use of gene therapy have shown how science can be used to alleviate human diseases and benefit society. While basic scientific knowledge is increasing at a remarkable

The ABCDE of supply chain visibility : A systematic literature review and framework

Supply chain visibility is a concept that is gaining increasing attention. Increasing levels of visibility in the supply chain is considered beneficial in many respects. A systematic literature review identified 47 empirical research papers from international scientific journals. Two main findings emerged from the content analysis. First, the perspectives provided in the extant literature can be g

My Malmö – Climate Visions for Transforming the Future : Policy report by LUCSUS and Malmö City

Sweden and Malmö are widely considered forerunners of climate change mitigation and adaptation, both internationally and by self-proclamation. Political will, available resources, and public knowledge are fairly high. National and local policies and regulations are in place, and a dominant majority of Swedes is well informed about climate change and the associated obligations, seeing climate chang

The brain attics : the strategic role of memory in single and multi-agent inquiry

M. B. Hintikka (1939–1987) and J. Hintikka (1929–2016) claimed that their reconstruction of the ‘Sherlock Holmes sense of deduction’ can “serve as an explication for the link between intelligence and memory” (1983, p. 159). The claim is vindicated, first for the single-agent case, where the reconstruction captures strategies for accessing the content of a distributed and associative memory; then,

Global distribution network design: exploration of facility location driven by tax considerations and related cross-country implications

Multinational corporations (MNCs) are moving not only their headquarters but also their logistics operations to low-tax jurisdictions to minimise the tax burden. However, the logistics andfiscal domains are guided by different principles. This study aims to explore the cross-country implications of locating facilities in low-tax jurisdictions to takeadvantage of tax arbitrage. A single case study

Pathological insight into 5-ht2b receptor activation in fibrosing interstitial lung diseases

Interstitial lung disease (ILD) encompasses a heterogeneous group of more than 200 con-ditions, of which primarily idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), idiopathic nonspecific interstitial pneumonia, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, ILD associated with autoimmune diseases and sarcoidosis may present a progressive fibrosing (PF) phenotype. Despite different aetiology and histopathological patterns, the

Contributions of de novo variants to systemic lupus erythematosus

By performing whole-genome sequencing in a Swedish cohort of 71 parent-offspring trios, in which the child in each family is affected by systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE, OMIM 152700), we investigated the contribution of de novo variants to risk of SLE. We found de novo single nucleotide variants (SNVs) to be significantly enriched in gene promoters in SLE patients compared with healthy controls

The Polish Case : Pedophilia, Polak-Katolik, and Theology of the Nation

A reflection on contemporary Polish-Catholic identity. It starts with ponderings on how a gluing-together of national and religious identity is evident in discourses about the most pressing challenge of the Catholic Church in Poland today: the child abuse scandals. The revelation of these crimes is bound up with the premieres in 2018 and 2019 of the movies Clergy and Tell No One. The reactions gen

High-Resolution X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of an IrO2(110) Film on Ir(100)

High-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and density functional theory (DFT) were used to characterize IrO2(110) films on Ir(100) with stoichiometric as well as OH-rich terminations. Core-level Ir 4f and O 1s peaks were identified for the undercoordinated Ir and O atoms and bridging and on-top OH groups at the IrO2(110) surfaces. Peak assignments were validated by comparison of the c

Amyloid-β peptide 37, 38 and 40 individually and cooperatively inhibit amyloid-β 42 aggregation

The pathology of Alzheimer's disease is connected to the aggregation of β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide, which in vivo exists as a number of length-variants. Truncations and extensions are found at both the N- and C-termini, relative to the most commonly studied 40- and 42-residue alloforms. Here, we investigate the aggregation of two physiologically abundant alloforms, Aβ37 and Aβ38, as pure peptides and

Orthographic-Perspective Epipolar Geometry

In this paper we consider the epipolar geometry between orthographic and perspective cameras. We generalize many of the classical results for the perspective essential matrix to this setting and derive novel minimal solvers, not only for the calibrated case, but also for partially calibrated and non-central camera setups. While orthographic cameras might seem exotic, they occur naturally in many a

On photovoice—Applications and reflections to an intensive care context

Background: In this paper, we share our experiences of using ‘photovoice’ methodology as a way to generate data in intensive care units concerning the place and space of care. We have adapted and modified ‘photovoice’ in researching people's lived experiences of ICU. Researching lived experiences in an intensive care context is challenging because of the complex nature of critical care. Aim: This

PhosPiR : an automated phosphoproteomic pipeline in R

Large-scale phosphoproteome profiling using mass spectrometry (MS) provides functional insight that is crucial for disease biology and drug discovery. However, extracting biological understanding from these data is an arduous task requiring multiple analysis platforms that are not adapted for automated high-dimensional data analysis. Here, we introduce an integrated pipeline that combines several