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Microstrip Antennas for 60 GHz Band Application

The next generation of mobile networks will exploit frequencies above 5 GHz and will use a wide available bandwidth for high speed data communication. At the time of writing this thesis work is ongoing to launch into the market a communication system operating between 25 GHz and 30 GHz. Following news about 40 GHz spectrum acquisition by telecommunication companies, it will be the next in turn. At

Art and Politics since 1950

En överblick över den samhällsengagerade konstren i Sverige från andra världskrigets slut till idag, avsedd för utbytesstudenter

Long-term survival and loss in expectancy of life in a population-based cohort of 7114 patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Survival has improved among patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) with the addition of anti-CD20 antibody therapy. We aimed to quantify trends and remaining loss in expectation of life (LEL) due to DLBCL at a national population-based level. Patients diagnosed with DLBCL 2000-2013 (N = 7114) were identified through the Swedish Lymphoma Registry and classified according to the age-adj

Chapter 24, The Netherlands

This chapter discusses the tax gap in the Netherlands, access to information needed by the Dutch tax administration, exchange of information between the tax administration of the Netherlands and of other countries, cooperation between the Dutch tax administration and other Dutch law enforcement agencies, cooperative compliance and risk management in the Netherlands, the way the collection of taxes

Not all those who wander are lost : A study of cancer cells by digital holographic imaging, fluorescence and a combination thereof

Cancer är den näst vanligaste dödsorsaken i världen idag och en tredjedel av Sveriges befolkning blir diagnosticerade med cancer under sin livstid. Av alla cancerfall i Sverige, så är prostatacancer den vanligaste och bröstcancer den näst vanligaste, medan hos enbart kvinnor så är bröstcancer den vanligaste med 29,2 % av cancerfallen. Överlevnaden efter en cancerdiagnos har i Sverige ökat sedan 70Cells are commonly used in research to evaluate toxicity and efficiency of drugs. However, to further increase the usefulness of cells as well as the understandings of effects of different interventions, new methods must constantly be developed and refined. Today, many assays use end-point analysis of large populations of cells, to evaluate the research question. However, there are many cases when

Mortality and cancer incidence among women with a high consumption of fatty fish contaminated with persistent organochlorine compounds

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to assess cancer incidence and cardiovascular mortality among women with a high dietary intake of fatty fish from the Baltic Sea (on the Swedish east coast), contaminated with persistent organochlorine compounds.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Cohorts of fishermen's wives from the Swedish east (1989 subjects) and west (6605 subjects) coasts were established. The mor

Assessment of hydrogen direct reduction for fossil-free steelmaking

Climate policy objectives require zero emissions across all sectors including steelmaking. The fundamental process changes needed for reaching this target are yet relatively unexplored. In this paper, we propose and assess a potential design for a fossil-free steelmaking process based on direct reduction of iron ore with hydrogen. We show that hydrogen direct reduction steelmaking needs 3.48 MWh o

Structure of apoptosis-linked protein ALG-2 : Insights into Ca2+-induced changes in penta-EF-hand proteins

Background: The Ca2+ binding apoptosis-linked gene-2 (ALG-2) protein acts as a proapoptotic factor in a variety of cell lines and is required either downstream or independently of caspases for apoptosis to occur. ALG-2 belongs to the penta-EF-hand (PEF) protein family and has two high-affinity and one low-affinity Ca2+ binding sites. Like other PEF proteins, its N terminus contains a Gly/Pro-rich

Electroweak phase transitions in multi-Higgs models : The case of Trinification-inspired THDSM

The rich vacuum structure of multi-Higgs extensions of the Standard Model (SM) may have interesting cosmological implications for the electroweak phase transition (EWPT). As an important example of such class of models, we consider a particularly simple low-energy SM-like limit of a recently proposed Grand-Unified Trinification model with the scalar sector composed of two Higgs doublets and a comp

Vitamin D in Graves Disease : Levels, Correlation with Laboratory and Clinical Parameters, and Genetics

Objective: The aim was to compare the vitamin D levels in patients with Graves disease (GD) with the general population and to correlate the vitamin D levels with laboratory and clinical parameters in GD. Moreover, we examined the genetic variation in genes involved in the vitamin D metabolism and their association with GD.Methods: The levels of vitamin D were compared in 292 patients with newly d

Heparin-binding protein targeted to mitochondrial compartments protects endothelial cells from apoptosis

Neutrophil-borne heparin-binding protein (HBP) is a multifunctional protein involved in the progression of inflammation. HBP is stored in neutrophil granules and released upon stimulation of the cells in proximity to endothelial cells. HBP affects endothelial cells in multiple ways; however, the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the interaction of HBP with these cells are unknown. Affin