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Your search for "*" yielded 535043 hits

Anti-gender politics in Finland and Romania

This study examines the articulation of anti-gender politics in the parliamentary debates centred on two citizens’ initiatives in Finland and Romania. Although different in their endeavours (in Finland, supporting equal marriage rights; in Romania, attempting to legislate pre-emptively against them), these citizens’ initiatives resulted in significant defeats for the wider anti-gender campaigns in

De eviga barnen?

The purpose of this study was to get a better understanding of why professionals in social work or field work don’t work with questions regarding sexual health for people with an intellectual disability. We hope that this study could provide more knowledge on how professionals guide or don’t guide individuals with an intellectual disability in their sexual health and open up the discussion on the

Formability Evaluation

This project investigates the possibility of using material thickness measurements of pressed stainless steel (316L) and titanium (grade 1) sheet metal to evaluate material formabil- ity. The ultimate goal of this project is to replace the current subjective visual material formability evaluation with an objective method. This project attempts to build relation- ships between material surface defe

Chefers attityder mot äldre anställda: en explorativ studie i det privata näringslivet

I takt med att den förväntade livslängden ökar ställs nya krav på arbetsmarknaden. För få personer ska försörja vår äldre befolkning och för att lösa detta måste vi arbeta till en högre ålder. Chefer har en avgörande roll och därför har denna studie syftat till att undersöka chefers attityder mot sina äldre arbetstagare, samt hur de ser på möjligheter till ett förlängt arbetsliv. Syftet var även aAs life expectancy increases, new demands are placed on the labor market. There are too few people to support our aging population, and to address this issue, we need to work until an older age. Managers play a crucial role, which is why this study aimed to examine managers' attitudes toward their older employees and their views on opportunities for extended working lives. The aim was also to

Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence: A study on sources of international business and human rights law, and stakeholder engagement in the context of the EU’s sustainability due diligence directive

Europeiska rådets förslag till ett direktiv om tillbörlig aktsamhet för företag i fråga om hållbarhet (”Förslaget”) syftar till att införa skyldigheter för vissa företag (”Företag/Företaget”) relaterat till hållbarhet. Ett av skälen till Förslaget var framväxten av globala värdekedjor, som tenderar att ge upphov till kränkningar av mänskliga rättigheter. Förlagan till Förslaget var Förenta nationeThe European Council’s proposal for a corporate sustainability due diligence directive (the “Proposal”) aims to introduce obligations and respon-sibilities for some companies (“Company/Companies”) related to sustainability matters. Part of the reasons for the Proposal was the emergence of global value chains, which are prone to contain human rights violations. The model for the Proposal was the Un

Sustainable Entrepreneurship - A qualitative study on the internal and external factors influencing founders when shaping their sustainable new venture

The field of entrepreneurship is widely regarded as a primary catalyst for addressing fundamental environmental and social issues. This study investigates the internal motivations of entrepreneurs leading to sustainable venture creation and highlights the external influences on the business model and its innovation. Based on in-depth interviews with founders of sustainable ventures, the research s

The TikTok trial : negotiating believability through engagement with the Depp v. Heard trial

After the #MeToo movement in 2017, a widespread feeling that women’s rights have gone too far has emerged in Western patriarchal societies. In this context, women’s believability is (again) heavily contested, mainly through social media. The present study critically examines how Gen Z women negotiate believability through their engagement with TikToks about the Depp v. Heard trial. This defamation

Hur främjas skapandet av sociala nyttor i campus utemiljöer?

Behovet av att skapa hållbara och flexibla byggnader har vuxit under de senaste åren, inte minst för att möta högt uppsatta klimatmål. Utrymmena mellan byggnaderna, med andra ord utemiljöer, har regelbundet prioriterats sekundärt och anpassats i stor utsträckning efter det bebyggda behovet. Utemiljöer i urban kontext innehåller ofta mer eller mindre kollektiva varor, som är icke-exkluderbara och iThe need for sustainable and flexible buildings has grown in recent years in order to meet climate goals. However, outdoor environments have often been overlooked and is often strongly controlled by the built environment. These spaces hold significant social and ecological benefits but pose challenges for real estate companies as they lack direct financial returns. Well-designed outdoor environme

När relationen står på spel - Att vara vårdnadshavare till ett barn med problematiskt dataspelande

In this study, twelve guardians of eleven different children with problematic gaming behaviour were interviewed and provided their view of the relationship with the child and their perceived need for support. The guardians were asked to describe the relationship with the child with problematic gaming based on the aspects of transparency, rules/limits, and socialising. The empirical data has been a

Förekommer det skillnader mellan juristers och gemene mans moraliska ståndpunkter?

Syftet med studien var att undersöka om juristers moraliska uppfattning skiljer sig från gemene mans moraliska uppfattning. Den teoretiska bakgrunden om moral utgick från Haidts “Moral Foundations theory”, i enlighet med denna teori utgick studien från att det finns fem olika moraliska principer som utgör den moraliska kompassen. Centralt för studiens teoretiska bakgrund om beslutsfattande och inlThe purpose of the study was to explore whether or not there are any differences between attorneys and the average citizen's moral notions. The theoretical background mainly focused on Haidt’s Moral foundations theory, in accordance with this theory the study adhered to the five moral foundations that constitute the moral compass. A main part of the theoretical background was also the theory o

Coordinate Descent for SLOPE

The lasso is the most famous sparse regression and feature selection method. One reason for its popularity is the speed at which the underlying optimization problem can be solved. Sorted L-One Penalized Estimation (SLOPE) is a generalization of the lasso with appealing statistical properties. In spite of this, the method has not yet reached widespread interest. A major reason for this is that curr

Öresundsmetron - Analys av effekter på kapacitet och restider mellan Malmö och Köpenhamn.

Öresundspåren över Öresund utsätts för en allt högre utmaning i takt med att tågtrafiken på spåren ökar. Då befolkningen i Malmö och Köpenhamn ökar, ökar även antal resor och efterfrågan på resmöjligheter. Enligt en rapport från Öresundssmetro hemsida från 2019 har antalet pendlare mellan Malmö och Köpenhamn ökat kraftigt sedan Öresundsbron invigdes 2000. Mellan 2000 och 2018 ökade antalet pendlarThe Øresund tracks across the Øresund are facing an increasingly higher challenge as train traffic on the tracks continues to grow. As the population in Malmö and Copenhagen increases, the number of trips and demand for travel opportunities also grows. According to a report from the Øresund Metro website from 2019, the number of commuters between Malmö and Copenhagen has increased significantly si

Building intimate relations : queer male fan engagement with representation in the camp podcast 'My Dad Wrote a Porno'

This thesis investigates the unique queer male engagement with the podcast My Dad Wrote a Porno and its source material, the erotic novella Belinda Blinked. While gay or bisexual males are never present in the fictional story in the book series, queer male fans are amongst the most outspoken in online communities dedicated to the show. The matter of representation of queer males in media is a curr

Tills alla döms? - En utredande och analyserande studie av så kallade plausibla alternativförklaringar i den gängkriminella miljön

De senaste åren har den svenska juridiken satts under press då gängkriminaliteten i landet blomstrar. Inom det svenska rättssystemet är det särskilt bevisvärderingen som har varit en aspekt som föranlett debatter om huruvida svenska domstolar gör fullgoda värderingar. Av särskilt intresse inom bevisvärderingen är de alternativför- klaringar som presenteras i rätten och därigenom inverkar på domsluIn recent years, Swedish jurisprudence has been subject to ominous pressure parallel to the flourishing of as gang crime. Within the Swedish legal system, the evaluation of evidence has been a particular aspect that has sparked debates on whether Swedish courts make adequate assessments in such cases. Particularly, the evaluation of al- ternative explanations presented in court is of specific inte

"Enough is Enough!" : political engagement on Twitter in the case of Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul convention

This research analyzes the political engagement of Turkish citizens on Twitter, in which underrepresented groups and individuals search for democratic public space to mobilize against injustice. With this in mind, the study focuses on the civic engagement of Turkish citizens on Twitter with the hashtag #istanbulsözleşmesiyaşatır, which translates to‘istanbulconventionsaveslives’. The hashtag is a