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Göteborg 1713 : en visuell mikrohistoria

Under början av 1700-talet förändrades Göteborg. Stadens invånare, tomter och bebyggelse kom i allt större utsträckning att bevaras inom en tidigmodern struktur. Göteborg 1713 – en visuell mikrohistoria är en bok som handlar om stadens invånare och deras möjligheter att själva definiera sin omgivning under århundradets inledande decennier. Staden i boken är en plats i förändring som i skuggan av s

The effects of station density in geostatistical prediction of air temperatures in Sweden : A comparison of two interpolation techniques

High fidelity gridded temperature datasets are difficult to obtain for areas with sparse coverage of meteorological stations given that sparsity of stations is known to introduce uncertainty in the interpolation of climatic variables generally. Inspired by their potential for optimal results especially for small sample datasets, we assessed and compared the accuracy of interpolation results of Emp

The Best Interests of the Child Principle in Swedish Asylum Cases : The Marginalization of Children’s Rights

This article is based on a two-year research project, ‘The Best Interests of the Child – From Words to Deeds’. The aim of the article is to present and highlight findings on the discrepancy between the policy of the ‘best interests’ principle and its implementation in the asylum application procedures at the Swedish Migration Board. There is a clear ambition to implement the principle of the best

Multi-scale dynamics for a lean-burn spark ignition natural gas engine under low load conditions

This work investigates the multi-scale dynamics of the combustion system in a lean-burn spark ignition natural gas engine using different gas injection timings (GIT). The in-cylinder pressure time series are measured, and the indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) time series are calculated. The influence of GIT on the combustion system is investigated through wavelet analysis, multi-resolution

Crafting counter frames : Shell's corporate strategies in the Nigeria campaign, 1995–1998

In this article we analyse the actions of Royal Dutch/Shell (since 2021, Shell) considering the campaign against them and their operations in Nigeria in the mid-1990s. Using the concept counter-frames we analyse Shell's internal documentation of the campaign to understand how a multinational extractive industry engaged in disputes of legitimacy and against critiques of their operations. Focusing o

När barnen övertar ansvaret: En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares syn på ansvar i familjer där föräldrarna har narkotikamissbruk

In families where parents abuse narcotics, children can be prone to in some aspects taking on their parent's responsibilities. The aim of this study is to explore social workers’ perceptions and experiences of how responsibilities can shift from parents to children in families where the parents abuse narcotics. A qualitative method consisting of semi-structured interviews with six social worke

Characterization of high Arabinoxylan oat lines identified from a mutagenized oat population

Oat (Avena sativa) is a nutritionally important cereal crop that is rich in health-promoting dietary fibers, favorable proteins and polar lipids. In this work, ca. 500 random lines of a mutagenized oat population of high genetic variation were screened for arabinoxylan (AX) content. This identified lines with up to 60% higher AX levels in flour from whole seed and up to 100% higher in flour from d

Healthcare utilization and psychiatric morbidity in violent offenders : findings from a prospective cohort study

Purpose: Although persistent offenders with histories of imprisonment and violence have disproportionate high rates of psychiatric disorders, little is known of their psychiatric healthcare utilization (HCU) and HCU-associated factors. This study aimed to explore psychiatric HCU, psychiatric morbidity, and psychotropic prescription drugs in violent offenders with a history of incarceration. Method

“Pushed out in limbo – The every-day decision-making about ‘practical impediments to enforcement’ in the Swedish management of return migration”

This article presents a study of the contradiction between the rhetoric of return, stressing that rejected asylum seekers should leave the country, and the reality of how migrants end up as legally stranded, in Sweden. Through a qualitative analysis of; 25 decisions by the Swedish Migration Agency, an internal quality report about the legal application, and the documentation in two complete indivi

The young HD 73583 (TOI-560) planetary system : two 10-M mini-Neptunes transiting a 500-Myr-old, bright, and active K dwarf

We present the discovery and characterization of two transiting planets observed by TESS in the light curves of the young and bright (V = 9.67) star HD73583 (TOI-560). We perform an intensive spectroscopic and photometric space- and ground-based follow-up in order to confirm and characterize the system. We found that HD73583 is a young (∼500 Myr) active star with a rotational period of 12.08 ± 0.1

Cataract surgery in patients with uveitis : Data from the Swedish National Cataract Register

Purpose: To investigate the surgical and pharmacological management and outcomes of patients with cataract and concurrent uveitis. Methods: Data from the Swedish National Cataract Register, 2018–2019, were collected and analysed. Uveitic eyes were identified and eyes without uveitis were used as controls. Generalized estimating equations were used to adjust for intra-individual correlation. Result

Is there evidence for a relationship between cognitive impairment and fatigue after acquired brain injury : a systematic review and meta-analysis

Purpose: Fatigue is a major symptom of ABI. Greater fatigue is associated with cognitive impairment. Our aim was to systematically review, describe and analyse the literature on the extent of this relationship. Methods: Five databases were searched from inception. Studies were included where: participants had a defined clinical diagnosis of ABI which included TBI, stroke or subarachnoid haemorrhag

Conceptualizing social resilience in the context of migrants’ lived experiences

The current concept of social resilience, which developed from the classic definition of resilience, neglects social resilience as a social phenomenon including social experiences and practices in the face of change and adversity. I argue that framing social resilience as a capacity or ability undermines its characteristics as a complex and contextualized social phenomenon that contributes to adap

Guidelines for DC preparation and flow cytometry analysis of mouse nonlymphoid tissues

This article is part of the Dendritic Cell Guidelines article series, which provides a collection of state-of-the-art protocols for the preparation, phenotype analysis by flow cytometry, generation, fluorescence microscopy and functional characterization of mouse and human dendritic cells (DC) from lymphoid organs and various nonlymphoid tissues. DC are sentinels of the immune system present in al

Red-emissive nanocrystals of Cs4Mnx Cd1-xSb2Cl12 layered perovskites

Layered double perovskites are currently being investigated as emerging halide-based materials for optoelectronic applications. Herein, we present the synthesis of Cs4MnxCd1−xSb2Cl12 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) nanocrystals (NCs). X-ray powder diffraction evidences the retention of the same crystal structure for all the inspected compositions; transmission electron microscopy revealed monodisperse particles

Utmaningar i arbetet på SiS – En kvalitativ studie om vilka utmaningar tidigare personal stod inför i sitt arbete på SiS särskilda ungdomshem och hur de hanterade utmaningarna.

The purpose of this study is to distinguish and understand the challenges of working within Swedens' National Board of Institutional Cares juvenile institutions and how the treatment assistants handle these challenges. Treatment assistants who work at SiS (Statens institutionsstyrelse) juvenile institutions are their shifts locked in with juveniles who have a wide range of norm-breaking behavi

Worries and Psychological Well-Being in Potential Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donors Before Donation—A Swedish National Study

Background: The physical risks involved in donating hematopoietic stem cells have been thoroughly studied, but little is known about the psychological risks potential donors might face before donation. The aim of this study was to describe potential the pre-donation worries and psychological well-being of hematopoietic stem cell donors and investigate possible associations between donor characteri