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Your search for "*" yielded 529358 hits

The role of the meniscus in osteoarthritis genesis.

The menisci play a critical protective role for the knee joint through shock absorption and load distribution. Currently, the consensus in surgical treatment of meniscal tears is to preserve as much functional meniscal tissue as possible. The health professional is challenged to choose the best treatment, both in the short- and in the long-term. A degenerative lesion in the middle-aged or older pa

Determination of radiative lifetimes of neutral sulphur by time-resolved three-photon VUV laser spectroscopy

Radiative lifetimes of the highly exited states 3p(3)8s S-3(1)0 and 3p(3)6d D-3(1,2,3)0 of neutral sulphur have been measured using time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence. The sulphur atoms were generated in a laser-produced plasma. The investigated states were populated through a two-step process involving a two-photon excitation to the lowest excited tripler state of even parity 3p(4) P-3(0,1,

Water diffusion and free volume in hydrophilic polymers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid vattenabsorption i en polymer antas vattenmolekylerna röra sig genom polymeren via små kaviteter, som inte upptas av polymermolekylerna och dess termiska vibrationer. Den ej upptagna volymen, som de små kaviteterna representerar kallas fri volym. Storleken på kaviteterna liksom andra egenskaper hos polymeren såsom andelen kristallin fas ändras kontinuerligt i takt mDuring moisture uptake in polymers, the diffusion of the water molecules is believed to occur via unoccupied voids. These voids are called free volume cavities and their sizes are continuously altered when the moisture content in the polymer is enhanced. Not only the free volume cavity sizes, but also other polymer properties such as the degree of crystallinity, are changed as a consequence of moi

Towards a High Quality Real-Time Graphics Pipeline

Popular Abstract in Swedish Datorgrafik handlar om att övertyga betraktaren. En huvuduppgift är att generera verklighetstrogna bilder utifrån tredimensionella modeller. Med hjälp av datorer simuleras hur dessa modeller interagerar med ljus. Betraktaren skall helst inte reflektera över om bilden han ser är ett fotografi eller en helt och hållet genererad bild. I denna avhandling presenteras algoritModern graphics hardware pipelines create photorealistic images with high geometric complexity in real time. The quality is constantly improving and advanced techniques from feature film visual effects, such as high dynamic range images and support for higher-order surface primitives, have recently been adopted. Visual effect techniques have large computational costs and significant memory bandwid

Improved survival rate for women with interval breast cancer - results from the breast cancer screening programme in Malmo, Sweden 1976-1999

OBJECTIVE: Breast cancers detected between screening examinations can influence the sensitivity of a screening programme. Studies of the prognosis of these so-called interval breast cancers show diverging results. We investigated the course of interval breast cancer over time in the Malmo Mammographic Screening Trial (MMST) 1976-86 and the Malmo Mammographic Service Screening Programme (MMSSP) 199

Microwave CMOS LNAs and VCOs - Using Passives On-Chip, Above Chip, and Off-Chip

The performance of LNAs and VCOs is of large importance to the complete wireless communications system. To achieve sufficient performance in microwave applications, LNAs and VCOs have therefore up to now mostly been manufactured in advanced and expensive semiconductor technologies. In this thesis it is shown, however, that by using a standard CMOS technology, combined with different packaging and

Dispersion relations for extinction of acoustic and electromagnetic waves

This thesis deals with physical limitations on scattering and absorption of acoustic and electromagnetic waves. A general dispersion relation for the extinction cross section of such waves is derived from the holomorphic properties of the scattering amplitude in the forward direction. The result states that for a given volume, there is only a limited amount of scattering and absorption available i

The effects of high frequency subthalamic stimulation on balance performance and fear of falling in patients with Parkinson's disease.

BACKGROUND: Balance impairment is one of the most distressing symptoms in Parkinson's disease (PD) even with pharmacological treatment (levodopa). A complementary treatment is high frequency stimulation in the subthalamic nucleus (STN). Whether STN stimulation improves postural control is under debate. The aim of this study was to explore the effects of STN stimulation alone on balance performance

Kallikrein-related peptidases.

Kallikrein 1 (KLK1), a key component of the kallikrein-kinin system, originates from a locus on the long arm of chromosome 19 that contains several related serine endopeptidases. The biological role of these kallikrein-related peptidases is not clear, but emerging evidence suggests that they might be important in several physiological systems, e.g., in male reproduction, skin homeostasis, tooth en

Mind in Action: Action Representation and the Perception of Biological Motion

The ability to understand and communicate about the actions of others is a fundamental aspect of our daily activity. How can we talk about what others are doing? What qualities do different actions have such that they cause us to see them as being different or similar? What is the connection between what we see and the development of concepts and words or expressions for the things that we see? To