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Hållbarhetsbetyget ESG - är spelreglerna desamma för alla?

The growing expansion of importance amid financial stakeholders regarding sustainability has led to an extended demand and need of reliable reporting amongst sustainability metrics. Previous research and information about ESG reporting and how ESG ratings are calculated are flawed. This thesis investigates if there are differences between how ESG ratings are assessed between companies producing da

The Wisdom in Teeth : Neuronal Differentiation of Dental Pulp Cells

Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) are found in almost all postnatal organs. Under appropriate environmental cues, multipotency enables MSCs to serve as progenitors for several lineage-specific, differentiated cell types. In vitro expansion and differentiation of MSCs give the opportunity to obtain hardly available somatic cells, such as neurons. The neurogenic potential of MSCs makes them a pr

Ursäkta, får man lov att marknadsföra på detta viset? : en retorisk analys och kritisk diskursanalys av framställningen av vitt nikotinsnus av varumärket Volt i podcasten “Ursäkta”

Denna uppsats “Ursäkta, får man lov att marknadsföra på detta viset? En retorisk analys och kritisk diskursanalys av framställningen av det vita snuset Volt i podcasten ‘Ursäkta’” är skriven av Emma Almers och Klara Bergholtz, studenter vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier vid Lunds Universitet, inom ämnesområdet Medie- och Kommunikationsvetenskap. Uppsatsen redovisar hur vitt nikotins

Contradicting Ideals : Islam on Swedish Public Service Radio

Cultural and religious diversity are contested topics in Swedish publicdebate. This chapter analyses how theradio programmeMänniskor och tro(Peo-ple and belief)enables and structuresthe actors and issues that become heard inthis debate, particularlywith regardtoIslam and Muslims. The programme aimsto present an alternative to the dominantnegative media discourses by equallyrepresenting Christianit

Polarised random k-SAT

In this paper we study a variation of the random k-SAT problem, called polarized random k-SAT. In this model there is a polarization parameter p, and in half of the clauses each variable occurs negated with probability p and pure otherwise, while in the other half the probabilities are interchanged. For p=1/2 we get the classical random k-SAT model, and at the other extreme we have the fully polar


It has often been said that for an island community to maintain its habitability and even its “raison d’etre”, it must actively engage in preserving some few, but vital social functions; these function, such as local schools, grocery stores, or a community health center, were once naturally given but are today facing great challenges due to a changing economic basis. While a lot of social function

Polyoxometalates as Effective Nano-inhibitors of Amyloid Aggregation of Pro-inflammatory S100A9 Protein Involved in Neurodegenerative Diseases

Pro-inflammatory and amyloidogenic S100A9 protein is central to the amyloid-neuroinflammatory cascade in neurodegenerative diseases. Polyoxometalates (POMs) constitute a diverse group of nanomaterials, which showed potency in amyloid inhibition. Here, we have demonstrated that two selected nanosized niobium POMs, Nb10 and TiNb9, can act as potent inhibitors of S100A9 amyloid assembly. Kinetics ana

Human rights of minors and future generations: Global trends and EU environmental law particularities

A growing global wave of climate change litigation is led by minors, relying on their human rights, as well as those of future generations against governments and their failure to take action on climate change. Such litigation is emerging also before the Court of Justice of the European Union, where the ambitiousness of the EU’s climate change policies, embodied in the 2030 Climate and Energy Poli

Environmental Protection through the Prism of Enlargement: Time for Reflection

In the wake of crises and “enlargement fatigue”, EU politics deprioritized enlargement. Recently, however, the Commission motioned a reinvigorated enlargement prospect for the Western Balkans, identifying Serbia and Montenegro as the front runners. This paper advises that in going forward, the EU should also look back at its five decades of enlargement. The article focuses on environmental protect

New species of Polysphondylium from Madagascar

Two series of samples collected for isolation of dictyostelid cellular slime molds (dictyostelids) in Madagascar yielded a relatively large number of isolates of Polysphondylium. Most of these turned out to be species new to science that show varying degrees of clustering from unclustered to coremiform as well as an ability to migrate. Migratory ability (phototaxis) is a common feature of species

Adequate Legal Protection and Good Administration in EU Asylum Procedures: H.N. and beyond

The current European situation is marked by an ongoing migration crisis. On a daily basis we are informed of the ever-increasing number of migrants trying to reach Europe’s border – too often with fatal results. The European Court ofJustice, once described as “tucked away in the fairyland Duchy ofLuxembourg”, is today faced with difficult legal questions concerning EU asylum law – the present case