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Your search for "*" yielded 529197 hits

Functional relation between corticonuclear input and movements evoked on microstimulation in cerebellar nucleus interpositus anterior in the cat

The functional relation between receptive fields of climbing fibres projecting to the C1, C3 and Y zones and forelimb movements controlled by nucleus interpositus anterior via the rubrospinal tract were studied in cats decerebrated at the pre-collicular level. Microelectrode tracks were made through the caudal half of nucleus interpositus anterior. This part of the nucleus receives its cerebellar

Analytical approach for the Lucas-Washburn equation

Porous media can be characterized by studying the kinetics of liquid rise within the pore spaces. Although porous media generally have a complex structure, they can be modeled as a single, vertical capillary or as an assembly of such capillaries. The main difficulties lie in separately estimating the effective mean radius of the capillaries and the contact angle between the liquid and the pore. In

Interventions to prevent obesity in children and adolescents: a systematic literature review.

Objective: Preventive measures to contain the epidemic of obesity have become a major focus of attention. This report reviews the scientific evidence for medical interventions aimed at preventing obesity during childhood and adolescence. Design: A systematic literature review involving selection of primary research and other systematic reviews. Articles published until 2004 were added to an earlie

Sub-barrier Coulomb excitation of Sn-110 and its implications for the Sn-100 shell closure

The first excited 2(+) state of the unstable isotope Sn-110 has been studied in safe Coulomb excitation at 2.82 MeV/u using the MINIBALL array at the REX-ISOLDE post accelerator at CERN. This is the first measurement of the reduced transition probability of this state using this method for a neutron deficient Sn isotope. The strength of the approach lies in the excellent peak-to-background ratio t

Toxic potential of five freshwater Phormidium species (Cyanoprokaryota)

Among the Cyanoprokaryota (blue-green algae), the genus Phormidium has thus far rarely been studied with respect to toxin production and potentially resulting human and environmental health effects. We here show that five previously unexplored freshwater species of this genus (Ph. bijugatum, Ph. molle, Ph. papyraceum, Ph. uncinatum, Ph. autumnale) are indeed capable of producing bioactive compound

Mouse mammary tumor virus-like gene sequences in breast tumors of Australian and Vietnamese women

PURPOSE: There is considerable evidence that the presence of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)-like gene sequences in human breast cancer is highly associated with human breast carcinoma. Previous studies have found MMTV-like gene sequences in 38% of breast cancer tissue from United States women. The prevalence of these sequences in Australian and Vietnamese women has never been reported. EXPERIMEN

Jun N-terminal protein kinase enhances middle ear mucosal proliferation during bacterial otitis media

Mucosal hyperplasia is a characteristic component of otitis media. The present study investigated the participation of signaling via the Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK) mitogen-activated protein kinase in middle ear mucosal hyperplasia in animal models of bacterial otitis media. Otitis media was induced by the inoculation of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae into the middle ear cavity. Wester

Iodixanol 320 results in better renal tolerance and radiodensity than do gadolinium-based contrast media: Arteriography in ischemic porcine kidneys

Purpose: To prospectively compare nephrotoxicity and radiodensity of plasma hyperosmotic gadolinium chelates (attenuation-osmotic ratio of 1: 1) with those of plasma iso-osmotic iodine-based contrast media (attenuation-osmotic ratio of 3: 1 or 6: 1) after renal arteriography in ischemic porcine kidneys. Materials and Methods: The local animal care committee approved this study. The following contr

Data fitting and image fine-tuning approach to solve the inverse problem in fluorescence molecular imaging

One of the most challenging problems in medical imaging is to ``see{''} a tumour embedded into tissue, which is a turbid medium, by using fluorescent probes for tumour labeling. This problem, despite the efforts made during the last years, has not been fully encountered yet, due to the non-linear nature of the inverse problem and the convergence failures of many optimization techniques. This paper

International Relations and World History

Book reviews: Buzan, Barry and Richard Little, International Systems in World History: Remaking the Study of International Relations (reviewed by Martin Hall); Denemark, Robert A., Jonathan Friedman, Barry K. Gills and George Modelski (eds.), World System History: The Social Science of Long Term Change (reviewed by Martin Hall); Hobden Stephen and John Hobson(eds.), Historical Sociology of Interna

Algebraic curves for commuting elements in the q-deformed Heisenberg algebra

In this paper we extend the eliminant construction of Burchnall and Chaundy for commuting differential operators in the Heisenberg algebra to the q-deformed Heisenberg algebra and show that it again provides annihilating curves for commuting elements, provided q satisfies a natural condition. As a side result we obtain estimates on the dimensions of the eigenspaces of elements of this algebra in i

Identifying critical components in technical infrastructure networks

A new method for identifying and ranking critical components and sets of components in technical infrastructures is presented. The criticality of a component or a set of components is defined as the vulnerability of the system to failure in a specific component, or set of components. The identification of critical components is increasingly difficult when considering multiple simultaneous failures

Antibody responses to borrelia IR6 peptide variants and the C6 peptide in Swedish patients with erythema migrans

The aim of this study was to evaluate the antibody responses to different VIsE protein IR6 peptide variants and the synthetic C6 peptide in acute and convalescent (2-3 and 6 months) serum samples from Swedish patients with clinical erythema migrans (EM). Serum samples were prospectively collected from 148 patients with EM and compared to serum samples obtained from 200 healthy blood donors. The Ig

Capture of bacterial endotoxins using a supermacroporous monolithic matrix with immobilized polyethyleneimine, lysozyme or polymyxin B

Bacterial endotoxins (BEs) are integrated part of Escherichia coli, a microorganism widely used for the production of recombinant proteins. BEs should be eliminated in the course of down stream processing of target protein produced by these bacteria. Supermacroporous monolith (continuous bed) columns, so called cryogel columns, with immobilized polyethyleneimine (PEI), polymyxin B (PMB) and lysozy

Heterocyclic amines in some Swedish cooked foods industrially prepared or from fast food outlets and restaurants

Accurate assessment of human intake of mutagenic/carcinogenic heterocyclic ainines (HAs) is necessary for epidemiological studies and future risk assessment. Using questionnaires, the frequency of consumption of specific dishes can be obtained at an individual level and linked to analyzed concentrations of different compounds in corresponding dishes. Some typical Swedish cooked meat dishes, hambur

Fragmentation of proteins in cartilage treated with IL-1. Specific cleavage of type IX collagen by MMP-13 releases the NC4 domain.

Degradation of bovine nasal cartilage induced by interleukin-1 (IL-1) was used to study catabolic events in the tissue over 16 days. Culture medium was fractionated by two-dimensional electrophoresis (isoelectric focusing and SDS-PAGE). Identification of components by peptide mass fingerprinting revealed released fragments representing the NC4 domain of the type IX collagen {alpha}1 chain at days

The amyloid precursor protein(APP)of Alzheimer's disease and its paralog APLP2 modulate the Cu/Zn-NO-catalyzed degradation of glypican-1 heparan sulfate In vivo.

Processing of the recycling proteoglycan glypican-1 involves the release of its heparan sulfate chains by copper ion- and nitric oxide-catalyzed ascorbate-triggered autodegradation. The Alzheimer disease amyloid precursor protein (APP) and its paralogue, the amyloid precursor-like protein 2 (APLP2), contain copper ion-, zinc ion-, and heparan sulfate-binding domains. We have investigated the possi