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Should Tinnitus Patients with Subclinical Hearing Impairment Be Offered Hearing Aids? A Comparison of Tinnitus Mitigation Following 3 Months Hearing Aid Use in Individuals with and without Clinical Hearing Impairment

There is a consensus among tinnitus experts to not recommend hearing aids for tinnitus patients with subclinical hearing impairment. However, this notion is arbitrary, as no previous study has compared the treatment effect of hearing aids on tinnitus distress in patients with and without clinical hearing impairment. In this article, we investigate whether tinnitus patients with clinical and subcli

Heritage as Landscape Manicure – Questioning Idealized Historical Landscapes as a Model for Sustainability. The Example of Toarp Ecovillage in Sweden

When the ecovillage of Toarp was established in the peri-urban landscape of Malmö, Sweden, it was designed with inspiration from the historical regional landscape and its settlement forms. In the launching of the area the past was mirrored as more sustainable than the present. As demonstrated, the historical references in the planned and produced Toarp landscape are however made selectively and ra

Brownification in a small stream originating from a peatland - A case study from Ryds Å in south Sweden

Brunifiering syftar till en process där vattnet blir brunare på grund av ökade halter av naturligt organiskt material och järn, vilket innebär utmaningar för miljön och människor. Sjön Bolmen i södra Sverige har problem med brunare vatten. Eftersom sjön är dricksvattentäkt till 600 000 människor är det av stort intresse att hitta orsaker till brunifieringen. Ryds Å är ett vattendrag i anslutning tBrownification refers to a process where the water turns browner due to increased levels of natural organic matter and iron, which poses environmental and human prosperity challenges. Lake Bolmen in south Sweden has issues with increasing water colour. Since the lake is water supply for 600,000 people, it is of great interest to find possible causes of the increased colour. Ryds Å is a stream orig

Were the most important election pledges fulfilled? An empirical investigation of the Swedish government’s pledge fulfillment after the 2014 parliamentary election

This thesis provides an account of the pledge-making and eventual pledge fulfilment of the Swedish government of 2014, which consisted of the Social Democratic Party and the Green Party. It is grounded in the theoretical approaches of the mandate model of representation and promissory representation. It explores whether the pledges these two parties made within issue areas that their voters identi

Beständigheten hos brandimpregnerat trä

This report explores the properties of fire-retardant treated wood. This report has investigated the permanence for this material as well as seeing if the process of accelerated aging, which are used to determine the life span of the material, can be comparable to natural aging. The methods used for this report have been a literature and interview study in addition to practical experiments. After

The right face at the wrong place : How motor intentions can override outcome monitoring

The concept of intentions is often taken for granted in the cognitive and neural sciences, and comparing outcomes with internal goals is seen as critical for our sense of agency. We created an experiment where participants decided which face they preferred, and we either created outcome errors by covertly switching the position of the chosen face or induced motor errors by deviating the mouse curs

Insight into jet-regeneration composite cooling technology employed in scramjet : Significance of relative positions of two jet holes

Due to the further increase in hypersonic vehicle speed, the scramjet faces supersonic combustion and aerodynamic heating, and the conventional single cooling method like regenerative cooling has been unable to meet the heat dissipation requirements of scramjet. The composite cooling system has become the hotspot of recent research. Jet cooling has a good cooling effect at high heat flux, so the j

An operator theoretic approach to the Riemann Hypothesis

In 2023 an operator theoretic approach to the Prime Number Theorem was introduced by Olsen. In this thesis this approach is examined and applied to give a new, operator theoretic, proof of a different version of the Prime Number Theorem and of the Prime Number Theorem for arithmetic progressions. This approach is then expanded and rearranged to focus on the approximation error in the Prime Number

Study of the smoke toxicity characteristics in an inclined tunnel

Fire smoke is one of the most important factors causing casualties, but also has the potential to bring some harm to the surrounding environment. In this work, the longitudinal temperature profile and the pollutant toxicity of a ceiling jet induced by a wall-attached fire with different tunnel slopes, were numerically and experimentally investigated by using a 1:8 reduced-scale inclined tunnel. Th

Pennan mot pistolen: En kritisk studie av brottet involverande av en underårig i brottslig verksamhet

Från och med den 1 juni 2023 är det straffbelagt att involvera en underårig i brottslig verksamhet genom 16 kap. 5 a § brottsbalken. Kriminaliseringen vidtas enligt propositionen Skärpta straff för brott i kriminella nätverk i syfte att skydda samhället från att underåriga involveras i kriminella nätverk samt att markera allvaret i detta. När en ny straffrättslig reglering utarbetas finns det föFrom 1th of June this year, it is punishable to involve a minor in crime, according to Chapter 16, Section 5 a of the Swedish Penal Code. The government enacted the criminalization with the aim of protecting society from minors being involved in criminal networks and emphasizing the seriousness of this issue. When a penal provision is composed, there are several factors that the legislator shoul

Hyresundantaget i 3:19 LOU - Hur ser tillämplighetsområdet ut i förhållande till entreprenadarbeten enligt rättslig praxis?

Uppsatsen fokuserar på de tidigare aspekterna av kvalificeringen av kontrakt inom EU-rätten, särskilt beträffande tjänstekontrakt och byggentreprenadkontrakt som tidigare reglerades i separata direktiv. Dessa kvalificeringar var väsentliga för att fastställa vilket specifikt direktiv som skulle tillämpas på ett givet kontrakt. I den svenska praxisen har fokus inte enbart legat på att avgöra om ettThe essay focuses on the previous aspects of the qualification of contracts within EU law, particularly regarding service contracts and construction contracts that were previously regulated in separate directives. These qualifications were crucial to determine which specific directive would apply to a given contract. In Swedish practice, the focus has not only been on determining whether a contrac

Psykologiska riskfaktorer relaterade till suicidförsök hos överskuldsatta individer i Sverige

Överskuldsättning är ett växande samhällsproblem men kopplingen till suicidförsök är inte välbeforskad. Föreliggande tvärsnittsstudie syftade till att undersöka psykologiska faktorer som är relaterade till suicidförsök hos överskuldsatta individer i Sverige. Deltagarna bestod av 641 överskuldsatta individer, inklusionskriterierna var att deltagarna skulle vara skuldsatta och varit föremål för inkaOver-indebtedness is a growing societal issue, however, the connection to suicidal behaviour is not well-researched. This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate psychological factors that are related to suicide attempts among 641 over-indebted individuals in Sweden. Inclusion criteria were being indebted and having been subject to debt collection measures and/or seizure orders by the Swedish E

Autonomi, socialt stöd och work-life balance relation till arbetstillfredsställelse

Medarbetarnas trivsel på arbetsplatsen har en direkt koppling till både arbetsmiljöns och organisationens utveckling. En ogynnsam arbetssituation kan leda till en ohälsosam arbetsmiljö med resultat som hög frånvaro samtidigt som en gynnsam arbetssituation där medarbetare upplever en hög arbetstillfredsställelse visat sig minska frånvaron i arbetet. En organisations framgång är därmed starkt beroenThe well-being of the employees in the workplace directly correlates with the development of both the work environment and the organization as a whole. An unfavorable work situation can lead to an unhealthy working environment, resulting in high absenteeism, whereas a favorable work situation where employees experience high job satisfaction has been shown to reduce absenteeism. Therefore, the succ

The ABC of happiness : Validation of the tridimensional model of subjective well-being (affect, cognition, and behavior) using Bifactor Polytomous Multidimensional Item Response Theory

Background: Happiness is often conceptualized as subjective well-being, which comprises people's evaluations of emotional experiences (i.e., the affective dimension: positive and negative feelings and emotions) and judgements of a self-imposed ideal (i.e., the cognitive dimension: life satisfaction). Recent research has established these two dimensions as primary parts of a higher order factor. Ho