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Investigation of mixing time and relative concentration effects in adhesive mixtures for drug inhalation

Laktos – astmamedicinens bästa vän? Att leverera medicin till lungan är en krånglig process då en stor del av den verksamma substansen riskerar att fastna i svalget. Ny forskning har dock gett bredare förståelse för hur små partiklar av laktos kan användas till att öka effektiviteten hos inhalerbara läkemedel. Vid behandling av sjukdomar som drabbar luftvägarna, så som astma, finns det olika sätA common approach to treat respiratory diseases is with adhesive powder mixtures. These are dispersed into an aerosol upon inhalation. It has been found that the performance of such mixtures can be improved by adding fine particle lactose, but exactly why is yet to be established. Several theories have been proposed by previous studies, but the fundamental mechanism is still unknown. This study w

Non-invasive Spectroscopic Studies of Wood - Recent and Archeological

Varför är löven på våra träd gröna? Varför är blodet i våra vener rött? Alla dessa frågor kan besvaras genom att studera hur ljus växelverkar med atomer och molekyler. Atomer och molekyler absorberar ljus. Beroende på sammansättningen av atomer och molekyler så är det mer troligt att de absorberar ljus av vissa färger eller våglängder. Då atmosfären är uppbyggd av en viss sammansättning av molekThis thesis presents non-invasive spectroscopic studies of wood samples. Wood from both recent samples and archeological samples from the warships Vasa and Riksäpplet are studied. The samples are studied with an optical technique called GASMAS (GAs in Scattering Media Absorption Spectroscopy). The difference in absorption signals with regard to the orientation and number of annual rings in the woo

Parametric study of density down-ramp injection in laser wakefield acceleration

In laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA) a high intensity laser pulse is used to excite a plasma density wave with an associated electric field. This electric field can be used to accelerate electrons. However, to be accelerated the electrons first of all need to enter the plasma wave. This process is called injection. In this thesis a scheme for injecting electrons into a laser wakefield accelerato

Understanding the Periphery: An analysis of the shared experiences of outsiders in the use and non-use of systems and platforms

The existence of systems has been essential in bringing order and providing benefits and security for people throughout the course of history. However there are cases wherein people have difficulties in adopting or conforming to systems. The aim of this study is to understand how systems that intend to be open encounter the paradox of excluding people in the process. The Public Transportation Age

Hideaway in a working scene

My allotment got me thinking about what wonders nature does to man and our current stressful world we live in. How does the work environment look today and how can we arrange the office to find inspiration and an appetite for knowledge? This led me into the project ”The Working Scene”, the study of the working environments and how we can approve on the office. We are all in some way part of a glo

The survival of an island: A study on landownership and depopulation on the islands Mykines and Skúgvoy

Urbanisation is an ongoing trend all over the world, and these same trends occur in the Faroe Islands as well. Some of the small peripheral islands are now believed to be on the verge of becoming unpopulated. This study investigates the role of landownership in depopulation on the outer islands in the Faroe Islands. The study looks at two islands in particular and investigates trends in land owner

Barnen från S:t Jakob: tolkning av socioekonomisk kontext utifrån en osteologisk analys av S:t Jakob i Lund

S:t Jacobs church and burial site from medieval Lund was excavated in 1983. There has until now not been any osteological study and there is nearly no information about the church. To gain more information about the church and the burials, an osteological study has now been made. The analysis is based on aging and sexing the skeletons to enable a socio-economic discussion. 93 out of 320 excavated

Behind the Scenes of the Plastic Bag Ban in Rwanda: Connections to Culture, Power and Sustainability

If Rwanda was in the spotlight of the international media for over 20 years due to the 1994 genocide, today it is mostly owing to its economic resurgence and its development projects, such as Vision 2020. One of its achievements is the prohibition, since 2008, of the production, importation, use and sale of polythene bags on a national scale. This thesis explores the connections to culture, power

Heterotopic Happenings: Invoking the Radical Imagination and Inspiring New Human-Ecological Norms through British Climate Change Performance. A comparative case study of 2071 and And While London Burns

We are at what appears to be an impasse. Almost everyone across the world – and certainly in the west – has heard of climate change and knows at least a bit about what it means. Yet dominant norms, values and behaviours in the human-ecological relationship still persist, despite the fact that many of these are agreed to be the very source of the problem. Finding a way – or more accurately, ways –

Epistemological Disobedience in a Tasty World: An Auto-Ethnography on Food as an Instrument of Dissent Against Western Epistemology

This thesis is a journey of dissent, an exploration of the counter-movements against the business-as-usual illustrated by the means of food. It relates my intense odyssey as student dealing with her own research process while diving into the fabulous tasty realm of food resistance. I aim through my words to demonstrate the significant potential of food as an instrument of dissent, of resistance ag

Engendering Food Sovereignty: Feminist Post-Development and Gendered Discourses in the Food Sovereignty Movement

The food sovereignty movement (FSM) calls for transformative change towards equality in power over food systems and social relations, including gender relations. The purpose of this feminist critical discourse analysis (FCDA) was to gain insights into the gendered discourses of the FSM at the international level and discursive repertoires on gender and food sovereignty at the grassroots level in T

Women’s Pathways into Parliament: The Case of Indonesia

The purpose of this thesis was to examine women’s pathways into the Indonesian national parliament. Pathways constitute of both barriers and enablers, which were identified and discussed in the case of women’s access to the Indonesian parliament. This was examined by answering the research question: “What do female MPs’ narratives tell us about pathways into the Indonesian national parliament?”, u

Modelling Large Claims in Property and Home Insurance - Extreme Value Analysis

It is of paramount interest for insurance companies to have an estimate of the probability of being exposed to extremely large claims that could render them directly insolvent or decrease the size of their regulatory capital to the point of non-viability. The difficulty with finding such an estimate is that extreme events are by definition rare and therefore difficult to model. This study approach

Hur kan det förklaras att fred uppstod 2007 i Nordirlandskonflikten?

The puzzle is long lasting conflicts. The conflict in Northern Ireland lasted from 1968 until 2007. Although there appeared to be a religious conflict between Catholics and Protestants it was a much more complex situation. My hypothesis is that Northern Ireland had a structural inequality that hindered the peace process. My aim is to test the Copenhagen school theory of social security with Northe

Towards a brighter future for institutionalised children? A case study of de-institutionalisation of childcare in Kyrgyzstan.

Institutional care for children, so called orphanages, are still the most common type of alternative care for children deprived of parental care in Kyrgyzstan. The number of children who enter residential care in Kyrgyzstan has increased in recent years – this despite international attention of the need to move away from institutional childcare towards a range of family-based services. Moreover, t

Nuts for Education

The purpose of this study was to add to the understanding of how context specific factors may lead to challenges for parents to make investments in their children's education. This was done by conducting a case study in the rural village of Kyzyl Unkur, Kyrgyzstan. Semi structured interviews were used in order to explored challenges faced by parents. The main challenges found were: family farm

Påverkar ångerrätten i lag om distansavtal och avtal utanför affärslokaler den skattemässiga bedömningen av pensionsförsäkringsavtal?

En stor andel av vuxna svenskar planerar under sitt yrkesamma liv för sin ekonomi när de slutar arbeta genom att pensionsspara. Även lagstiftaren anser det vara viktigt att det planeras för framtiden och lämnar skattekredit till dem som väljer att pensionsspara genom pensionsförsäkring eller individuellt pensionssparande. Då man pensionssparar just för att få en bättre ekonomisk situation på ålderA large proportion of Swedish adults plan for their economy while working by saving for the retirement. The legislator also establishes the importance of planning for the future by granting a tax credit for those who choose to save for the retirement in certain products defined by law. The legal protection of capital savings when saving for a better financial situation when you reach retirement is