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The fragile X‐chromosome : an evaluation of the results in a routine cytogenetic laboratory in the period 1981–1986

We report on the cytogenetic studies, performed in a routine cytogenetic laboratory between 1981 and 1986, on 428 subjects: 291 probands with non‐specific mental retardation, 101 first‐degree relatives of fra(X) positive patients and 36 non‐retarded patients, referred for other reasons. As a rule 50 cells, cultured in folate‐deficient medium were analysed. The results are compared with data collec

I rättsstatens sprickor : En vänbok till Janne Flyghed

Det här är en vänbok till, av och om Janne Flyghed, professor i kriminologi vid Stockholms universitet. Vi har samlat ett urval av hans texter, tematiserade efter forskningsområde och med introduktioner av bokens redaktörer. Att det är en vänbok i bokstavlig mening understryks av bokens inledande och avlutande kapitel, skrivna av Jannes barn respektive vännen och författaren Björn Larsso

Temporary contracts and the dynamics of job turnover

We report results indicating that job turnover is not countercyclical in general but rather reflects the inability of smooth labor adjustment through the use of temporary employment contracts. Service establishments with a high share of temporary employment exhibit acyclical job reallocation, while only permanent jobs within manufacturing are found to be countercyclical.

A pendulum RIG study on airborne transmission and migration of particles from artificial football turf

Artificial football turf is today an increasingly common playing surface for athletics and kids. Its environmental impact is much debated, which is ranked as the second most common source of micro-plastic migration into nature. There are also concerns regarding the spread of inhalable airborne particles, originating from the wear between the football shoe-artificial turf contact. In this study a B

Just or Unjust : Assessment of rainfall-related flood damage in a Swedish context

Climate change has led to an increase in heavy summer rainfalls, and climate projections for Sweden indicate that there will be more sudden rainfall in the future. While the exact locations and time for this rainfall are unknown, it is known that there will be damages to buildings, cars, and people when the rainfall occurs. It is thus important to evaluate past events to understand the resulting fClimate change has led to an increase in heavy summer rainfalls, and climate projections for Sweden indicate that there will be more sudden rainfall in the future. While the exact locations and time for this rainfall are unknown, it is known that there will be damages to buildings, cars, and people when the rainfall occurs. It is thus important to evaluate past events to understand the resulting f

Test Optimization for Core-based System-on-Chip

The semiconductor technology has enabled the fabrication of integrated circuits (ICs), which may include billions of transistors and can contain all necessary electronic circuitry for a complete system, so-called System-on-Chip (SOC). In order to handle design complexity and to meet short time-to-market requirements, it is increasingly common to make use of a modular design approach where an SOC i

Hypothalamic dysfunction revealed by magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging in childhood leukemia survivors treated with cranial radiotherapy but not in craniopharyngeoma survivors

Background: Metabolic complications with obesity are frequent in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) survivors treated with cranial radiotherapy (CRT). Childhood onset Craniopharyngioma (CP) survivors without hypothalamic (HT) involvement are spared gross obesity. Magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) provides information of microstructure function of the brain and quantified

A lower bound on the probability of deception in multiple authentication

New bounds are derived for the probabilities of successful attack on multiple authentication schemes by removing the frequently assumed 'freshness' constraint on the source states. We prove that the overall probability of successful deception, PD(L), for a sequences of L uses of the authentication channel, is bounded from below by max(k/v, 1/√b). We also show that if PD{L) = 1/√b, then the key ent


Summary form only given. The windmill technique is an attractive alternative to the Lempel-Eastman technique for fast m-sequence generation. The author has generalized the class of linear recurrence relations for which the windmill technique results in an m-sequence generator. A converse to a set of known necessary conditions has been obtained.

The TECO theory and lawful dependency in successive episodic memory tests

A large number of experiments in successive tests of episodic memory have focused on an experimental paradigm called recognition failure of recallable words. In this paradigm, a cued recall test follows a recognition test. Large amounts of data have revealed a lawful moderate dependence between recognition and cued recall. TECO (Sikström, 1996b), a general connectionist theory of memory, has been

A multi-scale approach for predicting the fire response of building barriers

Building barriers are compartmentation elements in buildings that limit the passage of fire and smoke to adjacent spaces. They are key elements in the overall response of a building in a fire. The adequate fire response of building barriers is usually assessed by the fulfilment of standardized resistance to fire tests. However, building fire barriers might be exposed to very different fire scenari

Two Quests for Unity : John Dewey, R. G. Collingwood, and the Persistence of Idealism

Efter att ha dominerat angloamerikansk filosofi under 1800-talets sista decennier kom idealismen att förlora sin ställning efter sekelskiftet, då övergången från viktorianska till modernistiska ideal, snabba sociala förändringar, ökad sekularisering och naturvetenskapens dominans tycktes kräva nytt filosofiskt tänkande. Vid andra världskrigets utbrott var idealismen utdöd och ersatt av den analytiAfter having dominated philosophical thought in Britain and the United States during the end of the nineteenth century, idealism was in steady decline by the outbreak of World War I. Its ideas and ideals seemed unsuited to face the transition from Victorianism to modernism and the rapid social changes of the post-war era. Its Anglo-American proponents—who were often liberals—were accused of indire

Nordic Romanticism : Translation, Transmission, Transformation

Nordic Romanticism: Translation, Transmission, Transformation is an edited collection exploring the varied and complex interactions between national romanticisms in Britain, Denmark, Germany, Norway and Sweden. The collection considers both the reception and influence of Nordic romanticism in Britain and Germany and also the reciprocal impact of British and German romanticism in the Nordic countri

Nonlinear Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles : Systems With an Attitude

This thesis deals with the general problem of controlling rigid-body systems through space, with a special focus on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Several promising UAV control algorithms have been developed over the past decades, enabling truly astounding feats of agility when combined with modern sensing technologies. However, these control algorithms typically come without global stability gu

Trusted computing for infrastructure

The Networked Society is built on a complex and intricate infrastructure that brings distributed services, data processing and communication together, combining them into an innovative and more meaningful set of services for people, business and society. Trusted computing technologies will play a crucial role in meeting the security expectations of users, regulators and infrastructure owners. User

Some notes on the context mapping function in lossless data compression

One of the major challenges when applying (serial) universal source coding to 2-dimensional data, e.g., images, is to determine suitable context data. For this reason the concept of Context Mapping Function (CMF) has been introduced. In this paper we discuss the foundation for CMFs as well an off-line construction method via a combinatorial optimization method.

Developing a methodology to balance benefit-sharing : application in the context of biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction

The effectiveness and success of benefit-sharing measures to date, particularly in contributing towards the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, has been questionable. This is likely related to the degree of beneficial impacts versus burden on the users and regulatory authorities in terms of administrative complexities. It is, therefore, timely to reconsider which forms of benefit-sharin