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The Effect of Consumer Values on Engagement and Behavioral Intent : Moderating Role of Age
The rise of online brand communities has transformed consumer/brand interactions, thus affecting consumer engagement and its nomological network. However, scholarly understanding regarding the effect of consumer values on their online engagement remains tenuous. Addressing this gap, we conceptualize a model that attempts to understand the relative effect of consumers’ values (terminal and instrume
Numerical simulation of flow past a square cylinder
2D and 3D unsteady flow past a rigid prism of a squarecross-section with one side facing the oncoming flow is numerically simulated for Reynolds numbers between 200 to 500. An incompressible code is used employing an implicit fractional step method finite-volume with second-order accuracy in space and time. For 2D flow, it is found that, for Re >300, the time-mean flow patterns are not perfectly s
CSR communication and the use of recycled synthetic fibres in the fashion industry: A content analysis study of two Swedish fashion brands
Fast och slow fashion, skillnader och likheter i användningen av återvunnen syntetisk fiber. Modeindustrin är bland de industrier som bidrar till de största miljömässiga problemen vad gäller utsläpp av växthusgaser, kemikalie- och vattenanvändning samt ohållbara avfall. Nu står de inför en förändring i att bli en mer hållbar industri, pådriven både från statligt håll samt från konsumenters håll.The fashion industry is one of the largest contributors to environmental issues and has a significant part of plastic production due to the use of synthetic fibres. Much scientific research indicates that the fast fashion model is a significant part of using synthetic fibres; however, slow fashion brands are also using the fibres. Communicating products' sustainable footprint has become an ess
Stakeholder engagement and business model innovation value
Despite important strides made in the business model literature, substantially less is known regarding its constituent sub-concept of business model innovation (BMI). In particular, the role and dynamics of different stakeholders’ BMI-related engagement remain nebulous, as therefore explored in this paper. Moreover, though business models are recognized to house firm-based value propositions, the
En diskursanalys över när Ryssland blev uteslutna ur kvalet till fotbolls-VM i Qatar 2022
This report's main interest is in the decision to exclude Russia from participating in the qualifying to the 2022 football World Cup in Qatar. This topic is important because the action that led to the exclusion was Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This was an action in the international- and political relations of the world and it has little to do with sports and the World Cup in football. W
Anhörigmigranters rättsliga skydd i tid och rum : En studie av skydd från våld i förhållande till vistelserätt i Sverige
This doctoral dissertation in public law maps and analyses protection from domestic violence for family migrants in relation to family migrants' right of stay in Sweden from 2000-2022.The thesis covers legal protection from domestic violence in three cases: a denied right of stay before immigration takes place if it can be assumed that the person applying for a residence permit based on family tie
Impact of Central Nodes in Information Propagation over Graphs
Många system kan representeras som grafer, alltifrån neurala nätverk och transportnätverk till något så vardagligt som våra umgängeskretsar. Om exempelvis Andrea är vän med Jona- than, så kan vi rita ut Andrea och Jonathan som var sin prick på ett paper och låta deras vän- skap representeras av en linje. På samma sätt kan vi enkelt lägga till fler personer (prickar) och rita fler linjer till alla There are many systems which can be represented as graphs, to say the least the networks in which we communicate with each other. Thorough understanding of graph structures enables better predictions of the dynamics in real life networks, such as the spreading of a disease in a community or failure propagation in a system. This thesis investigates information propagation over connected undirected
“Programming is Not That Hard!”. When a Science Center Visit Increases Young Women’s Programming Ability Beliefs
To increase engagement with science and technology, young people around the world are encouraged to attend activities at science centers. But how effective are these activities? Since women have weaker ability beliefs and interest in technology than men, it is especially important to learn how science center visits affect them. In this study, we tested if programming exercises offered to middle sc
Parent-of-origin effects on gene expression in trios with type 2 diabetic offspring
PPP1R1A, a novel target of MAFA, modulates GLP-1 amplification of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion
Gluten-free diet adherence in children with screening-detected celiac disease using a prospective birth cohort study
Background Celiac disease has an increasing incidence worldwide and is treated with lifelong adherence to a gluten-free diet. We aimed to describe gluten-free diet adherence rates in children with screening-identified celiac disease, determine adherence-related factors, and compare adherence to food records in a multinational prospective birth cohort study. Methods Children in The Environmental De
Preoperative upper tract invasive diagnostic modalities are associated with intravesical recurrence following surgery for upper tract urothelial carcinoma : A population-based study
Background Intravesical recurrence (IVR) after surgery for upper tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC) is a clinical problem. We investigated if preoperative invasive diagnostic modalities (IDM) such as antegrade/retrograde uretero-pyelography and/or selective urine cytology/barbotage, and URS with or without concomitant biopsy are associated with IVR after radical surgery for UTUC. Risk of death from
Single-cell analysis of myeloid cells in HPV+ tonsillar cancer
The incidence of human papillomavirus-positive (HPV+) tonsillar cancer has been sharply rising during the last decades. Myeloid cells represent an appropriate therapeutic target due to their proximity to virus-infected tumor cells, and their ability to orchestrate antigen-specific immunity, within the tonsil. However, the interrelationship of steady-state and inflammatory myeloid cell subsets, and
Health-related quality of life and long-term symptoms among patients with non-severe covid-19–a prospective cohort study
Background: The vast majority of covid-19 patients experience non-severe disease. Nonetheless, long-term symptoms may be common and the impact on quality of life is uncertain. This study aims to examine these aspects in a prospective, longitudinal cohort. Methods: Non-hospitalised patients with PCR-confirmed covid-19 were prospectively invited to self-report assessments of background data, symptom
Revised Swedish guidelines on intravenous iodine contrast medium-induced acute kidney injury 2022 : A summary
The Swedish Society of Uroradiology has revised their computed tomography (CT) guidelines regarding iodine contrast media-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI). They are more cautious compared to the European Society of Urogenital Radiology and the American College of Radiology since the actual risk of CI-AKI remains uncertain in patients with moderate to severe kidney damage due to a lack of prosp
A place in between places
Skellefteå is calibrating its position in multiple overlapping maps, sometimes located in the centre and sometimes in the periphery (if those are even relevant). It is a place in between places. A geographical periphery of Europe that becomes one of the centres of production of one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The favourable policies to facilitate multimillionaire investments i
Mild hypothermia attenuates ischemia/reperfusion injury - insights from serial non-invasive pressure-volume loops
BACKGROUND: Mild hypothermia, 32-35°C, reduces infarct size in experimental studies, potentially mediating reperfusion injuries, but human trials have been ambiguous. To elucidate the cardioprotective mechanisms of mild hypothermia, we analyzed cardiac performance in a porcine model of ischemia/reperfusion, with serial cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging throughout one week using non-i
Madagascar’s extraordinary biodiversity : Threats and opportunities
Madagascar’s unique biota is heavily affected by human activity and is under intense threat. Here, we review the current state of knowledge on the conservation status of Madagascar’s terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity by presenting data and analyses on documented and predicted species-level conservation statuses, the most prevalent and relevant threats, ex situ collections and programs, and t
Inkomster och polarisering på Skåne och Blekinges landsbygd och invandrartäta områden
Skillnaderna i förutsättningar och möjligheter mellan olika delar av landet harökat (SOU, 2017:1). Framförallt tycks utvecklingen på landsbygden och stadensinvandrartäta områden gå i fel riktning. För både landsbygden och deinvandrartäta områdena riskerar ett växande kulturellt och ekonomisk gapgentemot majoritetssamhället göda splittring och politisk polariseringen.Polariseringen i Sverige är for