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Your search for "*" yielded 531636 hits

Three-dimensional spatial mapping of the human hematopoietic microenvironment in healthy and diseased bone marrow

The bone marrow hematopoietic microenvironment (HME) plays a pivotal role in regulating normal and diseased hematopoiesis. However, the spatial organization of the human HME has not been thoroughly investigated yet. Therefore, we developed a three-dimensional (3D) immunofluorescence model to analyze changes in the cellular architecture in control and diseased bone marrows (BMs). BM biopsies from p

How Global Shocks Affect Small-Scale Farmohlders: A Case Study of Access to and use of Fertiliser in Morogoro, Tanzania

The thesis is a qualitative case study on how global shocks, specifically COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine, affect small-scale farmholders, and their use of and access to, fertiliser. The study aims to explore how the global affects the local, and what factors may ameliorate or exacerbate farmholders’ situation. The study was conducted through fieldwork in rural Morogoro, Tanzania and data was coll

In the khidma (‘service’) of Ahl al-Bayt : Agency and social capital of religious statue art in Kuwait

In this chapter, I develop an ethnographic understanding of khidma (Arabic for serving), exploring the effect serving Ahl al-Bayt (Family of Prophet Mohammed) has on devotees with a particular focus on materiality. More specifically, I will trace the process of khidma through art and show how art is utilized in religious service, which highlights the centrality of materiality in contemporary Shii

Sustainability Assessment of Electronic Waste Remanufacturing: The Case of Laptop

Over the years, electronic waste accumulation has been on a steep rise, parallel with the technological evolution of electrical and electronic equipment. Companies have adopted circular economy approach to overcome the emerging waste issue in the last few decades, where goods can return to manufacturers or remanufacturers. They can be used after certain modifications or remanufacturing processes.

Development of a Structural Model for the Adoption of Industry 4.0 Enabled Sustainable Operations for Operational Excellence

In the current competitive scenario, SMEs need to adopt advanced technology in order to comprehend the dynamics of Industry 4.0 and the sustainable operations for operational excellence. The present study discusses the relationship between Industry 4.0 with sustainable operations and operational excellence. A research model is proposed and assessed through structural equation modelling (SEM). The

Comparison of hydrogeological properties based on DCIP, surface NMR and hydraulic tests

The success and the costs of infrastructure projects depends to a large extent on a reliable characterisation of the subsurface. Information about the groundwater is crucial to protect groundwater resources and to avoid stability problems. Usually, drillings followed by hydraulic tests are conducted which are reliable but expensive and only give punctual information. The use of the geophysical met

Re-irradiation in Paediatric Tumours of the Central Nervous System : National Guidelines from the Swedish Workgroup of Paediatric Radiotherapy

There is a lack of clinical protocols for re-irradiation in paediatric central nervous system (CNS) tumours. To fill this void, the Swedish Workgroup of Paediatric Radiotherapy (SBRTG) compiled national guidelines on re-irradiation in paediatric CNS tumours (diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, ependymoma, germinoma and medulloblastoma). These have been in clinical practice since 2019 in all paediatr

Risk Factors for Postoperative Complications Following Resection of Colorectal Liver Metastases and the Impact on Long-Term Survival : A Population-Based National Cohort Study

Background: Postoperative complications (POCs) following resection of colorectal liver metastases (CRLM) are common. The objective of this study was to evaluate risk factors for developing complications and their impact on survival considering prognostic factors of the primary tumor, metastatic pattern and treatment in a well-defined national cohort. Methods: Patients treated with resection for CR

Kompetensåterföring inom samverkansprojekt

Bakgrund: Samverkan: Samverkansprojekt blir allt mer och mer vanligt för större infrastrukturprojekt i Sverige. I ett samverkansprojekt samarbetar de olika aktörerna för att tillsammans arbeta fram till ett gemensamt mål och dessa projekt har flera fördelar, bland annat ökad transparens och ofta högre kvalitet. Ett sådant projekt är en tillfällig organisation som måste vara flexibel och anpassnin

Transforming into a learning organization? A study of challenges and conditions that leaders face when supporting the development of a learning organization

The concept of learning organizations is one of the most popular concepts within management research. There seems to be a continuous need for learning in organizations as it equips companies to survive rapid changes in the internal and external organizational environment as well as competition. Still, the idea is challenging to implement, and researchers as well as practitioners call for a need to

Energy-Efficient Fixed-Coefficient FIR Filters for Millimeter-Wave Radios

With the introduction of millimeter-wave antenna arrays in 5G base-stations and ever-increasing data volumes, the power consumption of the signal processing in digital radio systems has increased over the last decade. This, combined with increased cost and environmental awareness, has put focus on power optimization. This thesis investigates different aspects of optimizing one important component

Open finance – a retail perspective: Creating and capturing value while balancing the dilemma of data protection

The banking and financial services industry is experiencing a significant transformation driven by factors such as regulatory changes, customer demands, and the growing focus on data. This evolution has given rise to the concept of open finance, an extension of open banking that encompasses various financial sectors. Open finance aims to promote data sharing and access across the industry, with th

Millora 2.0: : Redovisning av resultat för 2018 –2022

[The project Millora 2.0: Results 2018–2022] Based on repeated yearly surveys of the vascular plant flora in 120 hectar plots in the province of Scania, southernmost Sweden, analysed in combination with speciesspecific traits and ecological indicator values (EIVs), changes in the flora and vegetation over the last four years are reported. Many of the changes observed, such as significant increasesBased on repeated yearly surveys of the vascular plant flora in 120 hectar plots in the province of Scania, southernmost Sweden, analysed in combination with speciesspecific traits and ecological indicator values (EIVs), changes in the flora and vegetation over the last four years are reported. Many of the changes observed, such as significant increases in lightdemanding, shortlived, pollinatorind

Role of mitochondria in early molecular diagnosis and prognosis of cancer

Background:Earlier clinical detection of cancer may improve survival as well as offer opportunities for less invasive treatment options. This thesis explores whether the mitochondria and its related genes in the nuclear genome can be used as novel methods for the diagnosis and prognosis of cancers.Aims and Methods:Paper I: To investigate if mitochondrial dysfunction (characterized by mtDNA copy nu

Parent perspectives on inclusive education for students with intellectual disability : A scoping review of the literature

The aim of this study was to collect and analyze research on inclusive education from the perspective of parents of students with intellectual disability (ID). The review examined characteristics and trends related to geographical origin of research, design, data collection, publication source and year, source of data, age of individuals with ID, and research focus. The initial database search pro