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Vilja eller tvång? En studie av polska, masuriska gymnasieelevers tankevärld

Masuriska gymnasieungdomar är jämgamla med det "nya" kapitalistiska Polen vilket inte hindrar att ungdomarna genom sin starka föräldraranknytning kan sägas ha en fot i det "gamla" systemet före 1989 och en fot i det "nya". Syftet är att analysera masuriska ungdomarnas interaktion med skola, familj respektive kyrka samt deras framtidsvisioner. Val av metoder och teorie

Education for Sustainability Developing a sustainable strategy for Zákolany School

The importance of formal education systems in relation to environmental and social problems has been increasingly emphasised in international agreements and conferences. Despite this fact, the process of implementation in schools is slow. One important aspect of Education for Sustainability (EFS) is the connection between schools and their local environment. This implies that the schools can expe

Teoretisk kunskap i en praktisk verklighet: en intervjustudie om socionomers och arbetsledares kunskapssyn i socialtjänstens arbete med barn och unga

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how social workers perceive the concept of knowledge within social services, particularly within children and youth services. Our goal is also to study the employer's expectations and demands on graduate social workers. The main questions we address in this thesis are; What knowledge is seen as useful by employers and graduate social workers working in

Korrelationsstudie mellan kognitiva funktioner, grad av psykiskt välbefinnande och grad av mindfulness

This study aims to investigate possible correlations between cognitive functions and self perceived psychological wellbeing, possible correlations between cognitive functions and degree of mindfulness and possible correlations between degree of mindfulness and self perceived psychological wellbeing. 18 patients diagnosed with ICD-10 taking part in a transdiagnostical cognitive behavioural group th

Miljonprogrammets Rosengård: den avbildade verkligheten

The purpose of this thesis is to cast light on the residential area Rosengård in Malmö which during the years between 1965 to 1975 was part of a programme known as "Miljonprogrammet", a project which was supposed to put an end to the housing shortages. The purpose of this thesis is also to investigate the social consequences in Rosengård, which arose as a result of Miljonprogrammet. Rose

A Study on the Environmental Policies of Waste Batteries in China

Following rapid economic growth and industrialization in China, environmental problems from waste batteries are rising as a consequence. There is an urgent environmental demand to establish a waste battery management system in China. With the purpose to contribute to the development of waste battery policy in China, this study presents the environmental problems from waste batteries in China and e


This study has a threefold aim: firstly, to define EU enlargement; secondly, to present an analytic model explaining EU enlargement; and thirdly, to apply this model on five countries which may become EU members in the future.

Personlighetens betydelse för prestation och gruppeffektivitet

Personlighetspsykologin har dominerats av forskning kring fem- faktor-modellen under framförallt 1980-90 talet. (Pervin, 1990). Det finns idag ett antal studier som sökt att beskriva individers prestation utifrån fem-faktor-modellen. Det finns dock inga entydiga resultat som indikerar att vissa specifika personlighetsfaktorer kan förklara en individs prestation. Föreliggande undersökning omfattade

Uppspolning och klittererosion längs Ystadkusten - Situation idag och framtida scenarier

Problemfomulering: Ystad, som är beläget längs Skånes sydkust, har länge varit utsatt för kusterosion. När det blåser över Östersjön genereras vågor som orsakar uppspolning och direkt erosion av klitterna på stranden. Ett av de mest utsatta områdena är Ystads Sandskog, beläget öster om Ystads centrum. Här karakteriseras strandprofilen av en relativt kort strand med klitter som skyddar den låglänta

Chinese Remainder Theorem

Chinese Remainder Theorem is used to solving problems in computing, coding and cryptography. In computing we can compute with shorter numbers instead of large numbers and this will make the computing-process faster and easier. In coding it can be used for error-searching and error-regulating. Cryptography means that we can send a coded message and that no one will be able to read it without the d

Global Consciousness - When Danish companies venture to India : An investigation into Corporate Social Responsibility implementation by Danish companies in India

The world is getting smaller - or bigger -some will argue. Not many geographical spots are untouched, and international brands are known all over the world. It has become easier, and increasingly attractive for Trans National Corporations from countries with strong economies to relocate, out source or establish new branches less wealthy countries in the East, often portrayed as beneficial to all p

Generating Motion Sequences for AIBO ERS-7

This thesis provides a useful open source system for generating motion sequences for the AIBO ERS-7 robot. For this purpose a virtual ERS-7 robot and a corresponding virtual environment have been implemented. All motions are simulated by means of a physics engine, and several useful features have been implemented, in order to allow development of motion sequences as well as exporting of them to th

Family values in Sloan Wilson's The man in the grey flannel suit

There were certain behaviours that were more or less correct during the 1950´s Cold War. Men had their fixed positions in society and women theirs. Men were the breadwinners and women were house makers. (McEnany, 52) Single men could easily become homosexuals or go to prostitutes and it was the women´s duty to tame those wild men. It was women´s obligation to make sure that their men were satisfie

Alexanderteknik - olika tankar om alexanderteknik och om metodens inverkan på sångrösten.

Title: Alexander Technique - Different thoughts on the Alexander Technique and its effect on the singing voice. Does singing lessons cause tension in the student? What should you as a teacher consider to avoid situations that cause tension? This examination is based on interviews. The persons who have been interviewed are singing students, singing teachers and teachers in the Alexander Technique.

Expressivt skrivande hos högstadieungdomar: en kvalitativ textanalys av relationsbeskrivningar och känslouttryck

This study aims to investigate expressive writing in young adolescents, based on the model constructed by J.W. Pennebaker. Qualitative analysis of written essays has been conducted, the main purpose being exploring descriptions of relationships and expressions of emotions. Further-more, the intention has also been to study eventual gender differences and their forms of expressions in the essays. T

Virtuellt musikaliskt lärande - Hur en gitarrlektion fungerar över Internet

Den här studien har genomförts för att undersöka hur en gitarrlektion fungerar över internet och hur den upplevs av dess användare. Undersökningen har genomförts genom att jag och två av mina gitarrelever har utforskat två olika gitarrhemsidor. Vi har tagit lektioner från dessa sidor. Där visas materialet genom video, ljud och med eller utan tabulatur. Därefter har mina elever intervjuats där de b

No title

The work has taken into consideration eight novels written by Russian writer Vladimir Sorokin during last 25 years to follow dynamics and evolution of his authorship in time with global changes in Russia.

Frihetskamp eller islamistisk terror? Tjetjenienkonflikten i efterdyningarna av 9/11

This thesis rests on the theory and methodology of discourse theory. By viewing social reality as constituted by discourses, meanings that are taken for granted can be challenged. The events of September 11th 2001 resulted in the American war on terror. This thesis explores the impact of 9/11 and the war on terror on the Russian image of the conflict in Chechnya. Discourse theory is applied to s

Representations - Practice - Spectatorship : A Study of Haptic Relations between Independent Cinema and Market-led Urbanization in contemporary China.

This text attempts to describe and analyze the haptic relations between non-official, i.e. independent, cinema and market-led urbanization in contemporary China. From the theoretical context of recent scholarship on Visual Culture and film history, it's argued that motion pictures and the Visual are in fact crucial to modernization. Using the theories of Henri Lefebvre and Michel de Certeau th