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Var det bättre förr? : En jämförande studie mellan barns och ungdomars självkänsla år 2010 och 1981-1983

I media såväl som i mer forskningsbaserade sammanhang förs en debatt om huruvida barnen i Sverige mår sämre psykiskt idag. Denna studie närmade sig frågan utifrån aspekten självkänsla och utgick ifrån hypotesen att barns och ungdomars självkänsla hade försämrats år 2010 jämfört med år 1981-83. I studien deltog 235 pojkar och flickor från årskurs tre, fem och sju genom att fylla i självskattningsfThere is a debate going on in both media and research-based contexts concerning the mental health of children in Sweden and whether they feel worse today than they did before. This study examined this question with the aspect of self-esteem in focus and assumed that the self-esteem had declined in the year of 2010 compared to 1981-83. The participants were 235 boys and girls in third, fifth and se

Model-based Analysis of Individual Decision Making in the DNB Household Survey

Human financial decisions are known to deviate from ‘rational’, particularly under uncertainty and if time delays are involved. In the Nobel-winning prospect theory, Tversky and Kahneman showed that deviations from rational behavior were not only robust but also quite predictable, if considering average behavior in a population. They found that people consider gains and losses not in absolute term

MUSIC IS MY PASSION - En praktikbaserad studie av musikalisk kompetensutveckling

Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka frågan ”Hur kan en professionell identitet som musiker utvecklas genom musicerande och reflektion?” Arbetet grundas på en autoetnografisk studie av mig själv och mina reflektioner över min examenskonsert, mina egna tankar, samtal med mina förebilder och en intervju med min mamma Zuzika. Resultaten kopplas till relevant litteratur och egna erfarenheter inomThe purpose of this thesis was to examine the question "How can a professional identity as a musician be developed through musicianship and reflection?" My work is based on an auto-ethnographic study of myself and on my reflections in connextion with my graduation concert, my own thoughts, dialogues with my role models and an interview with my mother Zuzika. The results are linked to rel

Hotet från ovan. Konstfilmsinstitutionens inverkan på den svenska science fiction-filmen

Den svenska produktionen av Science fiction-film är för många okänd. Uppsatsen undersöker vilka svenska filmer som kan klassas som science fiction och hur den svenska konstfilmsinstitutionen inverkat på produktionen. Med utgångspunkt i svenska science fiction-entusiasters sammanställningar, analyseras innehållet kvantitaivt i de långfilmer som gjorts och graderas i en tregradig skala efter hur staThe production of Swedish science fiction is unknown for most people. The thesis studies which Swedish movies that can be classified as science fiction and how the Swedish art cinema institution has affected the production. The movies are analyzed and graded by how strong the science fiction influences are. The result eventuates in 29 Swedish science fiction movies, that strong influences are unco

Analyzing firm performance in a glass industry: a non-parametric frontier approach

A non-parametric data envelopment analysis (DEA) method is applied in this study in order for calculating the technical and scale efficiency of a glass factory by means of a production frontier, despite the common trend among contemporary literatures to use stochastic parametric methods and ‘estimate’ the frontier production function. The available aggregated structure of the firm data paved the w

Understanding Exchange Rates and the Euro

This paper investigates the exchange rate movements for EUR/USD, EUR/SEK and EUR/NOK using an OLS regression. Movements are tested against traditional and nontraditional explanatory variables for exchange rate movements. Traditional variables consists of current account, inflation, productivity and interest rate differentials while the nontraditional are equity returns and risk appetite. Results i


The precise valuation and correct assessment of the value of imported goods should be preceded by determining the value of imported goods for Customs purposes. The provisions regulating the Customs valuation are overlapped and complicated; the reason which prompted the Author, through this paper, to eliminate this overlaps and simplify the complexity, using a new approach represented by reclassify

Ursprungsbefolkningens mobilisering i Latinamerika : En komparativ studie över Bolivia och Peru

Det går en mobiliseringsvåg över Latinamerika där ursprungsbefolkningar kräver att deras rättigheter respekteras och att de ska få fortsätta utöva sin kultur. Bolivia är det ledande exemplet på detta, där en växande indianrörelse har lett fram till att landet idag har en president från ursprungsbefolkningen. Trots att det finns många liknande historiska, demografiska och kulturella förutsättningar

"Ger man sig in i leken får man leken tåla" - En kvalitativ studie om hur sociala medier förändrat sättet att arbete med PR

De sociala medierna får allt större utrymme i dag och vi har genomgått ett paradigmskifte mot PR 2.0 som lett till att företag och PR-aktörer måste anpassa sig efter detta nya kommunikationsklimat. Relationen mellan PR-företag och intressenter har utvecklats mot en mer symmetriskt inriktad kommunikation som främjar dialog och ömsesidiga relationer. Genom att utföra kvalitativa intervjuer med nio u

Understanding customer values and service needs within the truck industry

Tutors: Stefan U Klingberg, Director Strategic Planning, Scania CV AB Ulf Paulsson, Ph.D in Engineering, Department of Business Administration Malin Olander Roese, Department of Design Sciences, LTH Issue of study: Services dominate the economy of today why it becomes essential for companies to add value through services. Still many companies fail to do so. The main reason is existing knowledge

Climate Change and the Law of the Sea Convention

This thesis analyzes climate change from an international law perspective and seeks to demonstrate how the provisions pertaining to the protection and preservation of the marine environment embodied in the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention (“UNCLOS”), coupled with those relating to the compulsory settlement of disputes, can be of use in tackling the climate crisis. We begin by presenting th

Noise or Systematic Misreporting of National Accounts?

In the NBER Working paper ”Measuring Economic Growth From Outer Space” it is suggested that 29 countries have reported GDP that differs from “true” GDP. In this bachelor’s thesis these countries are examined and a common denominator for them is sought after. None is found, but other interesting discoveries are uncovered hinting that the discrepancy from “true” GDP is not just noise. A connection i

Creating Change? – Understandings among the Smart Civil Society Organizations Initiative

Facing interdependent, systemic problems such as resource depletion and climate change, recent civil society organizations’ (CSOs) strategies seem to address only parts of the current challenges the world faces. Different and partly new modes of learning, organization and innovation are emerging on the agenda of several CSOs operating in the field of sustainability. The linkages in between the CSO


In, the Balinese Village of Buahan Kaja, BPTP (Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology), a sector of the Indonesian concerned with research and technology, has implemented a program (Pri Mitani) which aims to (a) aid farmers in the conversion from conventional chemical based methods to organic, sustainable systems, (b) help farmers produce better quality produce that can be competitive on

Defection in the European Union. An Explanation for EU Treaty Opt-Outs

This paper develops a theoretical approach towards understanding treaty opt-outs from EU common policies by drawing on Putnam’s Two-Level Games theory. In doing so, the paper first presents treaty opt-outs as defections from negotiations by looking at previous research regarding opt-outs. Then, the paper goes on to concentrate on different European integration theories in order to explain their sh