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Your search for "*" yielded 528299 hits

Glutamine metabolism regulates endothelial to hematopoietic transition and hematopoietic lineage specification

During hematopoietic development, definitive hematopoietic cells are derived from hemogenic endothelial (HE) cells through a process known as endothelial to hematopoietic transition (EHT). During EHT, transitioning cells proliferate and undergo progressive changes in gene expression culminating in the new cell identity with corresponding changes in function, phenotype and morphology. However, the

Oncogenic translation directs spliceosome dynamics revealing an integral role for SF3A3 in breast cancer

Splicing is a central RNA-based process commonly altered in human cancers; however, how spliceosomal components are co-opted during tumorigenesis remains poorly defined. Here we unravel the core splice factor SF3A3 at the nexus of a translation-based program that rewires splicing during malignant transformation. Upon MYC hyperactivation, SF3A3 levels are modulated translationally through an RNA st

Liver resection and ablation for squamous cell carcinoma liver metastases

BACKGROUND: Limited evidence exists to guide the management of patients with liver metastases from squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). The aim of this retrospective multicentre cohort study was to describe patterns of disease recurrence after liver resection/ablation for SCC liver metastases and factors associated with recurrence-free survival (RFS) and overall survival (OS). METHOD: Members of the Eur

Efficacy of mepolizumab in usual clinical practice and characteristics of responders : Mepolizumab in usual clinical practice

Background: Severe eosinophilic asthma is a high-burden disease. Mepolizumab has been effective in several randomized clinical trials. However, such success might not be applicable to patients treated in usual clinical practice. The objectives of this article are to evaluate the efficacy of mepolizumab in severe uncontrolled eosinophilic asthma under usual clinical practice, and to determine chara

Mobility and muscle strength trajectories in old age : the beneficial effect of Mediterranean diet in combination with physical activity and social support

Introduction: Decline in physical function varies substantially across older individuals due to several extrinsic modifiable factors such as dietary patterns, physical activity and social support. We aimed to determine the association of these factors and their interaction with mobility and muscle strength decline. Methods: We analyzed data from 1686 functionally healthy individuals aged 60 + from

Modelling and controlling of polymer electrolyte fuel cell systems

This thesis focuses on the modelling and controlling of polymer electrolyte fuelcell (PEFC) systems. A system level dynamic PEFC model has been developedto test the system performance (output voltage, reactants gas partial pressures,and stack temperature) for different operating conditions. The simulation resultsare in good agreement with the experimental data, which indicates that thePEFC model i

Social and Emotional Learning in Preschool Settings : A Systematic Map of Systematic Reviews

The preschool years presents an important opportunity to support children’s social and emotional development. Social and emotional learning (SEL) programs in early childhood education and care (ECEC) have gained an increased interest due to its potential to improve child health and educational outcomes. We aimed to identify existing systematic reviews on universal, curriculum-based SEL interventio

Proteomic analysis of longitudinal changes in blood pressure

Hypertension is the leading risk factor for premature death worldwide. The identification of modifiable causes of hypertension remains an imperative task. We aimed to investigate associations between 79 proteins implicated in cardiovascular disease and longitudinal blood pressure (BP) changes in three Swedish prospective cohorts. In a discovery phase, we investigated associations between baseline

How to Precisify Quantifiers

I here argue that Ted Sider's indeterminacy argument against vaguenessin quantifiers fails. Sider claims that vagueness entails precisifications, but holds that precisifications of quantifiers cannot be coherently described: they will either deliver the wrong logical form to quantified sentences, or involve a presupposition that contradicts the claim that the quantifier is vague. Assuming (as does

Quiet Eye and Computerized Precision Tasks in First-Person Shooter Perspective Esport Games

The gaze behavior in sports and other applied settings has been studied for more than 20 years. A common finding is related to the “quiet eye” (QE), predicting that the duration of the last fixation before a critical event is associated with higher performance. Unlike previous studies conducted in applied settings with mobile eye trackers, we investigate the QE in a context similar to esport, in w

Association of tobacco smoke–infused water (tuibur) use by Mizo people and risk of Helicobacter pylori infection

The study aims to understand the influence of environmental and lifestyle factors and more specifically the role of tobacco smoke–infused water (tuibur) on Helicobacter pylori infection. It was a cross-sectional study to measure the epidemiological risk factors associated with H. pylori infection among the tribal population in Northeast India. Endoscopic samples were collected from the antrum regi

Mitochondrial complex I and V gene polymorphisms in type II diabetes mellitus among high risk Mizo-Mongoloid population, Northeast India

IntroductionThe study was carried out to identify the polymorphisms in mitochondrial genes (ATPase and ND1) in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) from Mizo population and to correlate the involvement of demographic factors.FindingsIn the present study, 58 patients and 50 healthy volunteers were considered. The mutations observed were mostly base substitutions and were similar as reported for other po

Multialphabet coding with separate alphabet description

For lossless universal source coding of memoryless sequences with an a priori unknown alphabet size (multialphabet coding), the alphabet of the sequence must be described as well as the sequence itself. Usually an efficient description of the alphabet can be made only by taking into account some additional information. We show that these descriptions can be separated in such a way that the encodin

Making and unmaking masculinities in Cairo through sonic infrastructural violence

This article explores the Egyptian state’s production of desired manhood and destruction of unwanted masculinities in relation to home and displacement through audio-focused analysis and a focus on sonic infrastructures. While sonic infrastructures can be used as a form of political control and violence, my work in Egypt also shows how people, through sound and sonic resistance, navigate and shape