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Civilrättslig tvångsvård - Ytterligare kommentarer angående omhändertaganden och Bryssel II-förordningen
Norms in Social Interaction : Semantic, Epistemic, and Dynamic
This dissertation examines people’s understanding of and action according to norms. Two models are distinguished: a cognitive and a non-cognitive model. The cognitive model is characterized by requiring for people to understand norms and each other, and to act accordingly, that they have higher-order mental states whose propositional contents refer to the mental states of others and from these i
Aggregation of Product data for Hierarchical Production Planning
Mathematics in sociology
Since mathematical sociology was firmly established in the 1960s, it has grown tremendously. Today it has an impressive scope and deals with topical problems of social structure and social change. A distinctive feature of today's use of mathematics in sociology is the movement toward a synthesis between process, structure, and action. In combination with an increased attention to social mechanisms
Stability Analysis of an On-Line Algorithm for Torque Limited Path Following
Electrical Design Considerations in Powerformer™
Documenting, Assessing, and Rewarding Pedagogical Competence - perspectives from a national Swedish research and development project
Mating strategies in solitary aphid parasitoids: Effect of patch residence time and ant attendance
Mate finding and dispersal from the natal patch in parasitoid Hymenoptera are influenced by the availability of host resources and interactions with other organisms. We compared the mating behavior of three solitary aphid parasitoids, Aphidius ervi Haliday, Lysiphlebus hirticornis Mackauer and Pauesia pini (Haliday) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) that differ in host resource exploitation an
Facilitation of postural limb reflexes in spinal rabbits by serotonergic agonist administration, epidural electrical stimulation, and postural training.
In quadrupeds, spinalization in the thoracic region severely impairs postural control in the hindquarters. The goal of this study was to improve postural functions in chronic spinal rabbits by regular application of different factors: intrathecal injection of the 5-HT(2) agonist (±)-1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl)-2-aminopropane hydrochloride (DOI), epidural electrical spinal cord stimulation (EES)
Pedagogiska utmaningar och arbetet med en ny lärobok i nytestamentlig grekiska
Investigation of the appliciability of acoustical analogies to predict aeroacoustical loads
Köpoptioner som kompensationsform för verkställande direktörer i börsbolag.
Three Big Cs: climate, cement and China
Marriage and Migration in a Comparative European Perspective
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Att forma och leda excellenta forskningsmiljöer: The Middle East in the Contemporary World (MECW). En rapport inom ramen för kompetensutvecklingsprogrammet Morgondagens forskningsledare, 2011–2012, vid Lunds Universitet
Föreliggande rapport behandlar den strategiska forskningsmiljön The Middle East in the Contemporary World (MECW), vid Lunds universitet. Rapporten utgör delrapport II inom ramen för ett projektarbete som deltagarna i programmet Morgondagens forskningsledare genomför 2011–20122. Syftet med projektet är att få en fördjupad förståelse för hur komplexa och strategiskt viktiga forskningsmiljöer kan str
Searching for high-rate convolutional codes via binary syndrome trellises
Rate R=(c-1)/c convolutional codes of constraint length nu can be represented by conventional syndrome trellises with a state complexity of s=nu or by binary syndrome trellises with a state complexity of s=nu or s=nu+1, which corresponds to at most 2^s states at each trellis level. It is shown that if the parity-check polynomials fulfill certain conditions, there exist binary syndrome trellises wi
Depressive disorders in teenage-onset anorexia nervosa: a controlled longitudinal, partly community-based study
The study objective was to examine the prevalence and course of depressive disorders (DDs) in teenage-onset anorexia nervosa (AN) over a period of 10 years. Fifty-one adolescents with AN and a sex- and age-matched control group (n = 51) were assessed at ages 16, 21, and 24 years. Probands and controls were examined in depth using semistructured and structured interviews. Their parents were intervi
Idén om nätberoende är en bluff
Jag menar att det nät- eller dataspelsberoendekoncept som Wincent saluför är en bluff. Inga trovärdiga belägg för motsatsen har ännu presenterats. De exempel som framförts, likaså de självtest som finns på hemsidan, är särskilt formulerade för att få så många som möjligt att framstå som i behov av behandling.