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Safe Manual Control of the Furuta Pendulum
This paper deals with the manual control of unstable systems, subject to control signal saturation. In particular we consider the Furuta pendulum, where the problem is to control the orientation of the arm manually while stabilizing the inverted pendulum. This paper presents an analysis which leads to an insight into the problem as well as the control strategy. This control strategy has been imple
Plant major intrinsic proteins - functional implications of expression and localisation studies
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vattentransporten i växter är viktig för en mängd olika processer. De flesta fritidsodlare vet att vattentillgången påverkar växternas utveckling i stor utsträckning. För att solros ska kunna gro, växa, vända sig mot solen och bilda nya frön, behöver vatten flöda på ett kontrollerat sätt genom olika celltyper i växten. Växter transporterar vatten på olika sätt. Över lånPlant water channels are members of the very old Major Intrinsic Protein (MIP) family, with representatives in bacteria, fungi, animals, and plants. The genome of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana contains 35 MIP genes. Based on protein sequence comparisons, the MIP family has been divided in four subfamilies: the PIP (Plasma membrane Intrinsic Protein), the TIP (Tonoplast Intrinsic Protein), t
Eros och agape. Barmhärtighet, kärlek och mystik i den tidiga kyrkan : föreläsningar hållna vid Nordiska patristikermötet i Lund 16–19 augusti 2006
From body to mouth (and body)
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Within a modern legitimacy paradigm of moral education, autonomy has traditionally been ascribed a legitimating function in relation to moral education. Moral education is thought to be legitimate as long as it is conceptualized and practised as aiming towards autonomy. The normative relation arising between autonomy and moral education is thereby expressed in the pedagogical paradox, based on a p
Trends in ethics and social science research on doping and anti-doping: A summery and some remarks
Learning GIS over the Internet
Ett rättsligt perspektiv på övervakningstrenden: Datalagringsdirektivets underkännande
Som ett av tre perspektiv i DigiTrust-projektet riktar detta kapitel in sig mot rättens roll i relation till tillit och det digitala. Kapitlet introducerar området och analyserar sedan det s.k. Datalagringsdirektivet i ljuset av att det i april 2014 underkändes av EU-domstolen, efter att ha implementerats i medlemsstaterna. Direktivet handlar i stort om att ålägga internetoperatörer en massiv lagr
Forskaren och fältet
14C Produced by Nuclear Power Reactors - Generation and Characterization of Gaseous, Liquid and Solid Waste
Popular Abstract in Swedish Kärnkraftverk släpper under drift ut små mängder av många olika radioaktiva ämnen. De flesta av dessa ämnen når aldrig människan. Detta beror vanligen på att de hunnit sönderfalla på vägen eller att det saknas upptagsvägar vilket betyder att de är otillgängliga för människan. Ett av undantagen är kol-14 (14C). Detta radioaktiva ämne produceras både naturligt och genom mThis thesis presents the results from studies on carbon-14 produced by nuclear power reactors. Radioactive 14C enters the carbon cycle and can be taken up by humans, where it will constitute a potential health hazard. Therefore, the main focus of this thesis was to provide new data and knowledge necessary for the implementation of appropriate nuclear waste management strategies. Such data have pre
Superpolynomial growth in the number of attractors in Kauffman networks (conference report)
The Kauffman model describes a particularly simple class of random Boolean networks. Despite the simplicity of the model, it exhibits complex behavior and has been suggested as a model for real world network problems. This work is based on an earlier paper where we introduced a novel approach to analyzing attractors in random Boolean networks. Applying this approach to Kauffman networks, we prove
A school-curriculum-based exercise intervention program for two years in pre-pubertal girls does not influence hip structure.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: It is known that physical activity during growth has a positive influence on bone mineral accrual, and is thus possibly one strategy to prevent osteoporosis. However, as bone geometry, independent of areal bone mineral density (aBMD), influences fracture risk, this study aimed to evaluate whether hip structure in pre-pubertal girls is also affected by a two-year exercise inte
Integration of WWT Plant Design and Operation - a Systematic Approach Using Cost Functions
A general framework for the formulation and analysis of an overall decision support index is discussed. It is indicated that such an index allow evaluation of the combined effects of both design and operation (i) during the planning phase of new WWTPs, as well as (ii) for the evaluation of new operational strategies versus traditional expansions of plants already in operation. Attention is drawn t
Den svenska rasismens hjärta
Working ability in relation to disease severity, everyday occupations and well-being in women with limited systemic sclerosis.
Objective. To investigate how women with SSc and varying degrees of working ability differed regarding disease severity, everyday occupations and well-being. Working ability was operationalized according to the degree of sick leave. Methods. Forty-four women of working age with lcSSc were assessed regarding sociodemographic characteristics, disease severity including organ manifestation, perceived