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Moral Hazard and Insurance: Optimality, Risk and Preferences

Popular Abstract in Swedish Försäkringsmarknader präglas generellt av informationsproblem av olika slag. I denna avhandling studeras ett specifikt sådant problem: moral hazard. Detta innebär att den försäkrade kan vidta försiktighetsåtgärder för att minska sannolikheten för att drabbas av en olycka, men att försäkringsbolaget inte säkert kan urskilja storleken på dessa försiktighetsåtgärder. Vi fåThe thesis consists of an introductory chapter, followed by three chapters which all deal with theoretical issues related to moral hazard and insurance. In Chapter 2 we assume symmetric and perfect information. We conclude that, given some standard assumptions, the expected utility function cannot be quasi-concave, which strengthens earlier findings in the literature. As a consequence convex prefe

Allergy to methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride in epoxy resin workers

One hundred and forty four current and 26 former workers in a plant producing barrels for rocket guns from an epoxy resin containing methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride (MTHPA; time weighted average air concentration up to 150 uglm') were studied. They showed higher frequencies of work related symptoms from the eyes (31 v 0%; p < 0-001), nose (53 v 9%; p < 0-001), pharynx (26 v 6%; p < 0-01), and a

Level Crossing Investigation of the Hyperfine Structure of Bi209 in the 6p^(2)(^(3)P_(0)) 6d^(2)D_(3/2) and 6p^(2)(^(3)P_(1)) 7s^(4)P_(3/2) Levels of the Bi I Spectrum

The level crossing method was used to measure the hyperfine structure of Bi 209 in the 6 p 2 ( 3 P 0 )6 d 2 D 3/2 and 6 p 2 ( 3 P 1 )7 s 4 P 3/2 levels of the Bi I spectrum. For the magnetic dipole and the electric quadrupole interaction constants a and b the following values were obtained: | a (6 p 2 ( 3 P 0 ) 6 d 2 D 3/2 )| = 128.0(0.6) g J /-0.79 MHz | b (6 p 2 ( 3 P 0 ) 6 d 2 D 3/2 )| = 58(4)

Coordination of Phosphine-Thioether Ligands to Low-valent Metal Centers

The reactivity of the phosphine-thioether ligands bis(2-diphenylphosphino) ethylthio)ethane (PSSP), bis(2-(diphenylphosphino) ethyl)sulfane (PSP), PPh2CH2CH2SMe (PS), PPh2(o-C6H4SMe (PortoS), and PPh(o-C6H4SMe)2 (PSS) towards low-valent carbonyl clusters has been studied. In all structurally characterized clusters, the ligand donor atoms are terminally coordinated. The phosphine-thioether ligands

Fire Dynamics in Multi-Room Compartment Fires

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns flera avancerade datormodeller att tillgå för att analysera och utvärdera brandsäkerheten i byggnader i samband med nyproduktion och ombyggnad. Denna typ av datormodeller kan, i många fall, göra bra förutsägelser av faktorer som är betydelsefulla för brandsäkerheten och därför är de viktiga verktyg vid brandtekniska analyser. Datormodellerna är dock komplexa oFire dynamics in multi-room compartments are explored in this thesis and new methods to study conditions in rooms adjacent to the room of fire origin are presented. Simple and transparent engineering methods can create good possibilities for understanding different complex phenomena present in fire science. Such methods can also be used in the design process in order to perform rough estimates bef