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Your search for "*" yielded 533485 hits

Cause of death in autopsy-confirmed dementia disorders

Background and purpose: Dementia disorders predispose for lethal complications and decrease life expectancy. A more profound knowledge regarding end-stage conditions in dementia could therefore ameliorate treatment and care of these patients. Methods: Autopsy reports on 207 deceased individuals with clinically diagnosed neurocognitive disorder/dementia and on 200 neurocognitively healthy individua

Measured glomerular filtration rate does not improve prediction of mortality by cystatin C and creatinine

Background: Cystatin C may add explanatory power for associations with mortality in combination with other filtration markers, possibly indicating pathways other than glomerular filtration rate (GFR). However, this has not been firmly established since interpretation of associations independent of measured GFR (mGFR) is limited by potential multicollinearity between markers of GFR. The primary aim

The ‘New Urban Science’ : towards the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary pursuit of sustainable transformations

Digitalisation is an increasingly important driver of urban development. The ‘New Urban Science’ is one particular approach to urban digitalisation that promises new ways of knowing and managing cities more effectively. Proponents of the New Urban Science emphasise urban data analytics and modelling as a means to develop novel insights on how cities function. However, there are multiple opportunit

Hypofractionated FLASH-RT as an effective treatment against glioblastoma that reduces neurocognitive side effects in mice

Purpose: Recent data have shown that single-fraction irradiation delivered to the whole brain in less than tenths of a second using FLASH radiotherapy (FLASH-RT), does not elicit neurocognitive deficits in mice. This observation has important clinical implications for the management of invasive and treatment-resistant brain tumors that involves relatively large irradiation volumes with high cytoto

Misfit? The Use of Metrics in Innovation

The measurement of innovation is a challenging task for management accounting practitioners and researchers alike. To tackle this task, key performance indicators (KPIs) can be used to measure and follow up innovation. This case study shows how KPIs are used to measure innovation after strategic changes due to competitive pressures. The findings of this study indicate that KPIs in innovation are uMeasuring innovation is a challenging but essential task to improve business performance. To tackle this task, key performance indicators (KPIs) can be used to measure and monitor innovation. The objective of this study is to explore how KPIs, designed for measuring innovation, are used in practice. To achieve this objective, the author draws upon literature on business performance in accounting a

Development and characterization of medium and high internal phase novel multiple Pickering emulsions stabilized by hordein nanoparticles

Medium and high internal phase W1/O/W2 multiple Pickering emulsions (MPEs) were fabricated by physically-modified hordein nanoparticles. A triphasic system was developed at dispersed phase volume fraction (Φ) of 0.5 with an overrun value of ∼40%. No overrun was detected in high internal phase MPEs (Φ 0.8). Optical and confocal laser scanning microscopy confirmed the formation of MPEs. Monomodal dr

Development of a parent-reported screening tool for avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) : Initial validation and prevalence in 4-7-year-old Japanese children

The prevalence of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) in the general child population is still largely unknown and validated screening instruments are lacking. The aims of this study were (1) to investigate the prevalence of children screening positive for ARFID in a Japanese birth cohort using a newly developed parent-reported screening tool, (2) to estimate the prevalence of childr

Work experiences, resources, and beliefs among vulnerable subgroups of mental health care users

BACKGROUND: People with mental illness may have difficulties related to work and employment, especially if they experience additional difficult life situations. OBJECTIVE: To explore how subgroups with mental illness and additional adversities perceived their situation with respect to work and employment prospects. METHODS: Three subgroups were included, exposed to an additional difficult life sit

Development and characterization of extrudates based on rapeseed and pea protein blends using high-moisture extrusion cooking

Rapeseed protein is not currently utilized for food applications, although it has excellent physicochemical, functional, and nutritional properties similar to soy protein. Thus, the goal of this study was to create new plant-based extrudates for application as high-moisture meat analogs from a 50:50 blend of rapeseed protein concentrate (RPC) and yellow pea isolate (YPI) using high-moisture-extrus

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) accumulation in Quercus palustris and Pinus nigra in the urban landscape of Gothenburg, Sweden

Trees have the potential to improve urban air quality as leaves and needles capture air pollutants from the air, but further empirical data has been requested to quantify these effects. We measured the concentration of 32 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in leaves of pin oak (Quercus palustris) and needles of black pine (Pinus nigra) in the City of Gothenburg, Sweden, during the summer of 2

Oxygen induced faceting of Cu(911)

The oxidation of copper is essential for several fields, such as corrosion, catalytic methanol synthesis, and CO2 electroreduction. However, the understanding of the oxidation of copper under various conditions is not complete. Here, we study the oxidation of the vicinal Cu(911) surface by O2 with in-situ Surface X-ray Diffraction. It was found that the surface facets to (410), (401), and (100) wh

Robotized testing of camera positions to determine ideal configuration for stereo 3d visualization of open-heart surgery

Stereo 3D video from surgical procedures can be highly valuable for medical education and improve clinical communication. But access to the operating room and the surgical field is restricted. It is a sterile environment, and the physical space is crowded with surgical staff and technical equipment. In this setting, unobscured capture and realistic reproduction of the surgical procedures are diffi

Cyclin-dependent kinase 1 is essential for muscle regeneration and overload muscle fiber hypertrophy

Satellite cell proliferation is an essential step in proper skeletal muscle development and muscle regeneration. However, the mechanisms regulating satellite cell proliferation are relatively unknown compared to the knowledge associated with the differentiation of satellite cells. Moreover, it is still unclear whether overload muscle fiber hypertrophy is dependent on satellite cell proliferation.

A large strain gradient-enhanced ductile damage model : finite element formulation, experiment and parameter identification

A gradient-enhanced ductile damage model at finite strains is presented, and its parameters are identified so as to match the behaviour of DP800. Within the micromorphic framework, a multi-surface model coupling isotropic Lemaitre-type damage to von Mises plasticity with nonlinear isotropic hardening is developed. In analogy to the effective stress entering the yield criterion, an effective damage