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Perceived walking difficulties in Parkinson’s disease – predictors and changes over time
Background: People with Parkinson’s disease (PD) have described their walking difficulties as linked to activity avoidance, social isolation, reduced independence and quality of life. There is a knowledge gap regarding predictive factors of perceived walking difficulties in people with PD. Such knowledge could be useful when designing intervention studies. This study aimed to investigate how perce
A snapshot review—Fluctuations in quantum materials: from skyrmions to superconductivity
By measuring a linear response function directly, such as the dynamic susceptibility, one can understand fundamental material properties. However, a fresh perspective can be offered by studying fluctuations. This can be related back to the dynamic susceptibility through the fluctuation–dissipation theorem, which relates the fluctuations in a system to its response, an alternate route to access the
Trajectories of spatial violence in Southeast Asian cities
This paper aims to reveal how urban ‘development-induced displacement’ (Koenig, 2015; Neef and Singer, 2015) shapes and perpetuates modalities of spatial violence in the context of rapidly urbanising Southeast Asia. While Southeast Asian postcolonial scholars have explored some manifestations of spatial violence such as displacement, a comprehensive regional analysis is still lacking, especially i
Poly(p-phenylene)s tethered with oligo(ethylene oxide): synthesis by Yamamoto polymerization and properties as solid polymer electrolytes
Salt-containing supramolecular assemblies of rigid-rod polymers tethered with flexible ion-solvating side chains represent a synthetic pathway towards thin ion-conducting solid electrolyte membranes with high dimensional stability. In the present work we have synthesized poly(p-phenylene)s (PpPs) carrying di-, tri- and tetra(ethylene oxide) side chains, respectively. p-Dichlorophenyl oligo(ethylen
Den etnografiskt okänsliga etikgranskningen
Applying for ethical review is common among many social scientists today, even for projects very far from the bio-medical origins and design of the review process. This article critically discusses the clash between ethical review and ethnography in a Swedish context. It is argued that today’s committee-driven and form-based review fits poorly with research built on flexible, pragmatic and emergen
Is density functional theory accurate for lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase enzymes
The lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase (LPMO) enzymes boost polysaccharide depolymerization through oxidative chemistry, which has fueled the hope for more energy-efficient production of biofuel. We have recently proposed a mechanism for the oxidation of the polysaccharide substrate (E. D. Hedegård and U. Ryde, Chem. Sci., 2018, 9, 3866-3880). In this mechanism, intermediates with superoxide, oxyl
Sigfridus Aronius Forsius : 1560-1624
Unravelling processing issues of nanowire-based solar cell arrays by use of electron beam induced current measurements
III-V vertical nanowire arrays have great potential for next generation photovoltaics. Development towards high performing nanowire solar cells, which consist of a parallel connection of millions of single nanowire solar cells, requires a fast characterization technique that establishes a link between device performance and device processing. In this work, we use electron beam induced current meas
Prostate cancer cells enhance interleukin-15-mediated expansion of NK cells
ObjectivesTo identify cytokines that can activate and expand NK cells in the presence of prostate cancer cells in order to determine whether these agents may be useful in future intra‐tumoural administration in pre‐clinical and clinical prostate cancer trials.Materials and MethodsLymphocytes isolated from normal donor blood were set up in co‐cultures with either cancer or non‐cancerous prostate ce
WIN55,212-2 induces cytoplasmic vacuolation in apoptosis-resistant MCL cells
Cannabinoid receptors 1 (CB1) and/or 2 (CB2) are overexpressed in many types of human malignancies including mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). Agonists to CB1 and CB2 promote ceramide de novo synthesis, p38-mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent activation of caspase-3 and apoptotic cell death in most MCLs. However, in this report we describe that in some MCLs the response to treatment with cannabin
High expression of 5-lipoxygenase in normal and malignant mantle zone B lymphocytes
BACKGROUND: Human B lymphocytes can produce leukotriene B4 but the biological function of the 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) pathway in B cells is unclear. In order to better understand and define the role of 5-LO in B cells, we investigated the expression of 5-LO mRNA and protein in subsets of B cells from human tonsils and different types of B cell lymphoma.RESULTS: Based on RT-PCR and western blot/immun
Flerspråkighet och de samlade språkliga resurserna (ämnesspecifik text: matematik)
Kontextualisering, interaktion och språklig stöttning är tre viktiga beståndsdelar i det parallella språk- och kunskapsutvecklande arbetet. Genom att ge eleverna en varierad språkoch kunskapsutvecklande undervisning och möjliggöra olika sätt att arbeta kan matematiklärare öka möjligheterna för nyanlända elever att nå kunskapskraven i matematik.
#LoldiersofOdin : Do you work internationally?
Emergency Department Crowding. Objective Modelling based on Workload
Så länge människan existerat har den haft behov av hjälp och vård i samband med olyckor och sjukdom, även om den medicinska förmågan genom årtusenden varit väldigt varierande. I dagens samhälle står akutmottagningen för kunskapen, resurserna och förmågan att hjälpa människor med många akuta medicinska behov. Välfungerande akutmottagningar har därför en central roll i det moderna samhället. Den endEmergency Departments (ED) have a central role in modern healthcare, providing emergent care regardless of complaint 24/7. However, EDs are often characterized by long waiting times for patients and a stressful working environment for staff. These are features or a resource and demand mismatch, internationally known as ED crowding. Although several reports and news articles have indicated that ED
Stengrundernas gåta : Vad var det för märkliga stenar på baronens skisser?
Skrivutveckling i alla ämnen (ämnesspecifik text: bild)
För att stötta nyanlända elever i skriftliga uppgifter i bildämnet kan läraren använda sig av cirkelmodellens fyra steg i textframställningen. Genom att gemensamt bygga upp ämneskunskaper, studera den texttyp som ska skrivas och formulera en första text ges eleven bättre möjligheter att klara en individuell skrivuppgift. Andra konkreta redskap som skrivmallar och begreppslistor fungerar också stöt
Harnessing the ECM Microenvironment to Ameliorate Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-Based Therapy in Chronic Lung Diseases
It is known that the cell environment such as biomechanical properties and extracellular matrix (ECM) composition dictate cell behaviour including migration, proliferation, and differentiation. Important constituents of the microenvironment, including ECM molecules such as proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), determine events in both embryogenesis and repair of the adult lung. Mesenchymal