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Your search for "*" yielded 533203 hits

Self-reactive T cells induce and perpetuate chronic relapsing arthritis

Background: CD4+ T cells play a central role during the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), but to which extent they are required for the perpetuation of the disease is still not fully understood. The aim of the current study was to obtain conclusive evidence that T cells drive chronic relapsing arthritis. Methods: We used the rat pristane-induced arthritis model, which accurately portrays

Proteolysis of Iron Oxide-Associated Bovine Serum Albumin

Proteins are a substantial nitrogen source in soils provided that they can be hydrolyzed into bioavailable small peptides or amino acids. However, the strong associations between proteins and soil minerals restrict such proteolytic reactions. This study focused on how an extracellular fungal protease (Rhizopus sp.) hydrolyzed iron oxide-associated bovine serum albumin (BSA) and the factors that af

Managing a Century of Debt

This paper provides a consistent series for the Irish national debt since the foundation of the state. It also provides a continuous series for bond yields over the same period. The paper examines the factors behind the fluctuations in the debt burden over almost a century. The management of the debt burden by the Irish authorities has evolved over time, seeking to minimise both the burden on the

Suicide mortality after discharge from inpatient care for bipolar disorder : A 14-year Swedish national registry study

Bipolar disorder has long been associated with increased risks for suicidality; though factors associated with dying by suicide remain obscure. Here, we retrospectively examine the associations between the different phases of bipolar illness and other common comorbidities with death by suicide in the 120 days following each discharge for Swedes first admitted as inpatients for bipolar disorder dur

International Comparison of nature-based solutions : Project report

The four-year NATURVATION project (2016-2020), funded through the EU Horizon 2020 Programme, seeks to map and analyse existing experiences and practices in the use of nature-based solutions (NBS) to understand what enables NBS innovations and ultimately use this knowledge to inform policy and practice. One of the tasks of the project was to analyse the processes, mechanisms and tools which support

Intestinal Delivery of Proinsulin and IL-10 via Lactococcus lactis Combined With Low-Dose Anti-CD3 Restores Tolerance Outside the Window of Acute Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis

A combination treatment (CT) of proinsulin and IL-10 orally delivered via genetically modified Lactococcus lactis bacteria combined with low-dose anti-CD3 (aCD3) therapy successfully restores glucose homeostasis in newly diagnosed non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice. Tolerance is accompanied by the accumulation of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) in the pancreas. To test the potential of this therapy o

The responses of moss-associated nitrogen fixation and belowground microbial community to chronic Mo and P supplements in subarctic dry heaths

Aims: Although nitrogen (N) fixation by moss-associated bacteria is the main source of new N in N-limited ecosystems like arctic tundra, we do not know which nutrient, molybdenum (Mo) or phosphorus (P), is rate-limiting for sustaining this process in the long-term. Further, how moss-associated N2 fixation impacts the belowground microbial regulation of decomposition remains unresolved. Methods: Mo

The PNPLA3-I148M variant increases polyunsaturated triglycerides in human adipose tissue

Background & Aims: The I148M variant in PNPLA3 is the major genetic risk factor for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The liver is enriched with polyunsaturated triglycerides (PUFA-TGs) in PNPLA3-I148M carriers. Gene expression data indicate that PNPLA3 is liver-specific in humans, but whether it functions in adipose tissue (AT) is unknown. We investigated whether PNPLA3-I148M modifie

Quantification and detection of genetic risk factors in the familial aggregation of cancer : Habilitation thesis

SummaryCancer is a multifactorial inheritance disorder caused by a combination of small variations in genes, often acting together with environmental factors. GWASs provide a potential method to investigate the genetic basis of such complex diseases, but they are limited to two main classes of cancer susceptibility variants with different levels of risk and prevalence in the general population: ra

Naked statistical evidence and incentives for lawful conduct

The problem of ‘naked statistical evidence’ is one of the most debated issues in evidence theory. Most evidence scholars agree that it is deeply problematic to base a verdict on naked statistical evidence, but they disagree on why it is problematic, and point to different characteristics of naked statistical evidence as the root of the problem. In this article, the author discusses the merits of dThe problem of ‘naked statistical evidence’ is one of the most debated issues in evidence theory. Most evidence scholars agree that it is deeply problematic to base a verdict on naked statistical evidence, but they disagree on why it is problematic, and point to different characteristics of naked statistical evidence as the root of the problem. In this article, the author discusses the merits of d

Non-invasive respiratory support for the management of transient tachypnea of the newborn

BACKGROUND: Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) is characterized by tachypnea and signs of respiratory distress. Transient tachypnea typically appears within the first two hours of life in term and late preterm newborns. Supportive management might be sufficient. Non-invasive (i.e. without endotracheal intubation) respiratory support may, however, be administered to reduce respiratory distres

Monitoring European pine sawfly population densities with pheromone traps in young pine plantations

Field trials utilizing pheromone traps were evaluated to develop a population monitoring and predicting system for the European pine sawfly (Neodiprion sertifer). Larval density was censused in a transect across each study site. Three traps per site were baited with 100μg of (2S,3S,7S)-3,7-dimethyl-2-pentadecyl (diprionyl) acetate. During a two-year period traps loaded with 1, 10 and 100 μg of dip

The dancing bear from Spain : On the eigtheenth-century Swedish reception of Tomás de Iriarte's Fábulas literarias (1782)

The article depicts the intense and at times unpredictable fable transfer in eighteenth-century Europe by tracing the source text of one of the most acclaimed works in Swedish fable history, Anna Maria Lenngren’s “Björndansen” [The dance of the bear]. This verse fable, published in Stockholms Posten in 1799 and bringing questions of literary quality and literary criticism into focus, was classifieThe article depicts the intense and at times unpredictable fable transfer in eighteenth-century Europe by tracing the source text of one of the most acclaimed works in Swedish fable history, Anna Maria Lenngren’s “Björndansen” [The dance of the bear]. This verse fable, published in Stockholms Posten in 1799 and bringing questions of literary quality and literary criticism into focus, was classifie