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Analysis of EGR Effects on the Soot Distribution in a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine using Time-Resolved Laser Induced Incandescence
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Communicative ability and support important when administrators at the local social insurance office meet disability pensioners
The high rate of disability pensioners is alarming in many industrial countries today. In Sweden the rate was 9.5% of the population aged 16-54 years in March 2005. Through new legislation, which came into force 2000, disability pensioners in Sweden are able to go back to work without jeopardising their benefit. This 'resting disability pension' was used by 0.2% of all disability pensioners in SweThe high rate of disability pensioners is alarming in many industrial countries today. In Sweden the rate was 9.5% of the population aged 16-54 years in March 2005. Through new legislation, which came into force 2000, disability pensioners in Sweden are able to go back to work without jeopardising their benefit. This 'resting disability pension' was used by 0.2% of all disability pensioners in Swe
Estimating the age–metallicity distribution of a stellar sample from the probability distributions of the individual stars
Estimating age distributions, or star formation histories, of stellar populations in the Milky Way is important in order to study the evolution of trends in elemental abundances and kinematics. We build on previous work to develop an algorithm for estimating the age-metallicity distribution which uses the full age-metallicity probability density functions (PDFs) of individual stars. No assumptions
Selective head–neck cooling after concussion shortens return-to-play in ice hockey players
Riskanalys: metodbeskrivning för beställare - utförare - granskare
Constructing the 'social' in social entrepreneurship : A postcolonial perspective
Social entrepreneurship is often depicted as the solution to the various problems we have in society today. In the mainstream literature, it tends to be presented as a site of empowerment, inclusion, morality and compassion. However, while much attention has been granted the ‘entrepreneurship’ part of the term, we know less about the ‘social’ in social entrepreneurship. The meaning of the ‘social’
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The essay follows the theoretical framework of the fantastic as settled by TzvetanTodorov and aims at identifying the place of the Romanian novella within this classification. For the fantastic as strangeness the essay identifies within the novella: the hesitation of the reader between the reality and the imaginary, the events as a result of one’s imagination due to madness or to dream; the hesita
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Geographical and temporal distribution of SARS-CoV-2 clades in the WHO European Region, January to June 2020
We show the distribution of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) genetic clades over time and between countries and outline potential genomic surveillance objectives. We applied three genomic nomenclature systems to all sequence data from the World Health Organization European Region available until 10 July 2020. We highlight the importance of real-time sequencing and data
The effect of low-temperature annealing on discordance of U–Pb zircon ages
Discordant U–Pb data of zircon are commonly attributed to Pb loss from domains with variable degree of radiation damage that resulted from α-decay of U and Th, which often complicates the correct age interpretation of the sample. Here we present U–Pb zircon data from 23 samples of ca. 1.7–1.9 Ga granitoid rocks in and around the Siljan impact structure in central Sweden. Our results show that zirc
Enhanced thermal management by introducing nanoparticle composite phase change materials for cooling multiple heat sources systems
In this paper, paraffin mixed with nanoparticles Al2O3, CuO, and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were prepared for cooling multiple heat sources. For thermal management of heat sources, performances of the composite phase change materials (PCMs) were investigated at different heating power. Enhanced performance in terms of heat sources temperature, temperature difference between two heat so
Impact of future climate scenarios on peatland and constructed wetland water quality : A mesocosm experiment within climate chambers
Water purification is one of the most essential services provided by wetlands. A lot of concerns regarding wetlands subjected to climate change relate to their susceptibility to hydrological change and the increase in temperature as a result of global warming. A warmer condition may accelerate the rate of decomposition and release of nutrients, which can be exported downstream and cause serious ec
Predictive Value of the Spinal Instability Neoplastic Score for Survival and Ambulatory Function After Surgery for Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression in 110 Patients with Prostate Cancer
STUDY DESIGN: We retrospectively analyzed Spinal Instability Neoplastic Score (SINS) in 110 patients with prostate cancer operated for metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC). OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate the association between SINS and clinical outcomes after surgery for MSCC in patients with prostate cancer. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: The SINS is a useful tool for assessing tumor-relat
COVID-19 drug practices risk antimicrobial resistance evolution
Contact urticaria caused by salicylic acid in a chemical peel solution
Between Lenin and Bandera: Decommunization and Multivocality in (post)Euromaidan Ukraine, by Anna Kutkina. Helsinki: Unigrafia 2020.
A Journey through the Early Evidence Linking Hydration to Metabolic Health
The idea that water intake or hydration may play an intrinsic, independent role in modulating metabolic disease risk is relatively recent. Here, we outline the journey from early experimental works to more recent evidence linking water and hydration to metabolic health. It has been known for decades that individuals with existing metabolic dysfunction experience challenges to body water balance an