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Impulse Based Radio Technology for Mm-Waves
Tacrine treatment modifies cerebrospinal fluid neuropeptide levels in Alzheimer's disease
Biochemical and histochemical studies have demonstrated a widespread deficit in the activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease (DAT). Multiple disturbances in several transmitter systems have been found. The most consistent neurochemical changes in DAT are reductions in the cholinergic system. The major pharmacological approach today in DAT is based
Microorganisms in the Indoor Environment Analysis and Structure-Bioactivity Relationships
Popular Abstract in Swedish Otillfredsställande inandningsluft på bl a arbetsplatser har satts i samband med utveckling av olika akuta och kroniska symptom såsom allergi, astma och kronisk bronkit. Vi vet att bakterier och svamp producerar ett stort antal ämnen som verkar irriterande eller är allergiframkallande. Misstankar har därför riktas mot olika mikrobiologiska ämnen i luften såsom endotoxinInhalation of air-borne microorganisms and components thereof can cause illnesses and diseases. However, lack of specific and sensitive methods for exposure assessment can pose problems in predicting health outcomes. Characterization of microbial load from indoor environments using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and/or tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MSMS) as well as various bioassays (
Hälso- och sjukvårdens organisation - från medicinsk professiokrati till professionell byråkrati?
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Läsning i gamla och nya medier.
Transferring Ownership of Public Housing to Existing Tenants: A Market Design Approach
This paper explores a housing market with an existing tenant in each house and where the existing tenants initially rent their houses. The idea is to identify equilibrium prices for the housing market given the prerequisite that a tenant can buy any house on the housing market, including the one that he currently is possessing, or continue renting the house he currently is occupying. The main cont
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Sustainability is a concept that has generated a great political and scientific debate during the last two decades, especially from the moment it was added to the concept of development. This has led to the distinction of two main interpretations of the term: weak and strong sustainability. The basic difference between both is that the first considers natural, manufactured and human capitals are s
The Dystopian Trilemma : The Guiding Potential of the Nazi-Communist Equalization and Strategies Used When Questioning It
Perroux, Myrdal och tillväxtpolsstrategin.
Tumors associated with Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer: Defective Mismatch Repair and Familial Risk of Cancer
Popular Abstract in Swedish Defekt mismatch-reparation och familjär cancerrisk Cancer är på cellnivå en genetisk sjukdom. Förändringar i cellens arvsmassa (DNA) drabbar tre huvudtyper av gener; onkgener, tumörsuppressorgener och DNA-reparationsgener. Onkgener är en grupp gener som befrämjar cellens tillväxt. Vid cancerutveckling aktiveras onkgener via mutation eller genom ökat uttryck, vilket ledInactivation of the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) system is a tumorigenic mechanism involved in 15-20% of tumor types such as colorectal and endometrial cancer and is specifically associated with the Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer (HNPCC) syndrome. These MMR defective tumors are characterized by microsatellite instability (MSI), a phenomenon that reflects alterations in length of repeated s
Lobbying in the European Union
I arbetarrörelsens spår
Gotlands kristnande enligt Gutasagan
Analysis of User Demand Patterns and Locality for Youtube traffic
Video content constitutes a large share of residential Internet traffic. The major source of video content as of today is YouTube. In this paper, we analyse the user demand patterns for YouTube in two metropolitan access networks with more than 1 million requests over three consecutive weeks in the first network and more than 600,000 requests over four consecutive weeks in the second network. In p
"Pelletronen" mäter åldern hos bråkdelen av ett gram
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Industrialized construction - explorations of current practice and opportunities
Popular Abstract in Swedish Byggbranschen står inför stora utmaningar i att möta behovet av nya bostäder samtidigt som renoveringsbehovet av flerbostadshus är stort. Man beskylls ofta för bristande kvalitet och höga kostnader. Industriellt byggande har framförts som en lösning till problemen. I ett projekt på Lunds Universitet har två tillämpningar för industriellt byggande studerats: trähusbygganIndustrialized construction has over the years taken different expressions and gone through different phases depending on where inspiration has come from. In this project, industrialized construction has been studied in two applications: timber house manufacturing and renovation of multi-family houses. In Sweden industrialized production of timber houses is relatively strong in the housing sector
Conceptual Design of Semi-Closed Oxy-Fuel Combustion Combind-Cycle
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vi använder allt mer energi och efterfrågan kommer bara öka, fram till 2050 spås en fördubbling av världens efterfrågan av energi. Drygt 85 procent av den energi som produceras i dag kommer från fossila bränslen som bidrar till växthuseffekten. En ny rapport från FN:s klimatpanel, IPCC, visar att koldioxid står för runt 76 procent av det totala utsläppet av växthusgasAccelerating actions to mitigate CO2 emissions was one of the important messages at the UN Climate Summit 2014. About 85 % of the world’s energy is provided through the burning of fossil fuels, which is the main source of CO2 emissions. Increasing the share of renewable energy, and making energy efficiency improvements and savings were actions that were agreed upon to meet CO2 emission reductions.