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An Economic Model for Estimating Trial Costs with an Application to Placebo Surgery Trials

Background and Objective: Waste in clinical trials remains rife. We developed an economic model to predict the cost of trials based on input costs, duration, power, number of sites, recruitment eligibility and consenting rates. Methods: We parameterised the model for three proxy placebo-controlled surgical trials using data from a systematic review, a bespoke cost survey, and from the literature.

"Jag vill inte vara en sån". Stödsökande våldsutövande pojkars berättelser.

Despite the extent of research on domestic violence, few studies have been conducted on the partner violence to which boys are subject to girls in Sweden. The purpose of my paper was to analyze what support-seeking violent boys choose to talk about when they talk to a support service. Furthermore to investigate how they feel and reflect on their actions and how they relate to change in their relat

Contesting Postwar Mitrovica

This chapter employs governmentality on postwar Mitrovica (Kosovo) to understand how different governing attempts structure the field of possible acts for collectives in its urban conflicts over peace(s). The first line of analysis explores how Belgrade uses its parallel institutions—which encompass everything from healthcare and education to undercover police and criminal networks—to enable, enco

“... jag skulle inte säga att jag är rädd på det sättet men man är väl lite mer vaksam” En kvalitativ studie om en grupp unga mäns rädsla för att utsättas för brott

Med utgångspunkt i nationella trygghetsundersökningen, NTU, som visat att unga män rapporterar en ökande rädsla och oro för att utsättas för brott, syftar denna uppsats till att undersöka vilka eventuella källor som en grupp unga männen får information om brott ifrån, hur en rädsla för att utsättas för brott påverkar de unga männen och deras vardagliga liv samt hur denna rädsla tar sig uttryck i d

Clinical characteristics, impairment, and psychiatric morbidity in 102 youth with misophonia

BackgroundThere is little information on the clinical presentation, functional impact, and psychiatric characteristics of misophonia in youth, an increasingly recognized syndrome characterized by high emotional reactivity to certain sounds and associated visual stimuli.MethodOne-hundred-two youth (8–17 years-old) with misophonia and their parents were recruited and compared with 94 youth with anxi

Inre trygghet, yttre misstro - En intervjustudie om barnmorskors erfarenheter och upplevelser av att bistå hemfödslar och av att hantera akuta obstetriska situationer i hemmet

Hemfödsel i Sverige är sällsynt, enbart 0,1% av födslar sker planerat i hemmet bistådda av en liten grupp barnmorskor. Akuta situationer i hemmet är sällsynt men evidens visar att det finns en generell skepsis och rädsla gentemot hemfödsel i samhället. Det saknas studier gällande barnmorskans upplevelser och hantering av akuta situationer i hemmet. Hemfödsel är inte integrerat inom sjukvårdssystem

Maktspelet innanför rättens dörrar - En kvalitativ studie om avgörandet om barnets bästa i samband med ett tvångsomhändertagande enligt LVU

The aim of this study was to understand how the different parties in court judgments motivate the “best interest of the child” and how the power relations between the parties appear in conjunction with the LVU process. The method chosen for this study was qualitative discourse analysis of six different LVU cases from the administrative court and the administrative court of appeal in Sweden between

A Framework for Constructing Discrete Event Simulation Models for Emergency Medical Service Policy Analysis

Constructing simulation models can be a complex and time-consuming task, in particular if the models are constructed from scratch or if a general-purpose simulation modeling tool is used. In this paper, we propose a model construction framework, which aims to simplify the process of constructing discrete event simulation models for emergency medical service (EMS) policy analysis. The main building

Looking at the Past to Understand the Present and Future of Urban Water–Energy Nexus

Concerns about water and energy security have enhanced the water–energy nexus studies. However, even being well explored, some crucial aspects lack further analyses, such as the historical background of the relationship between the resources. This kind of analysis provides an in-depth understanding of the current situation and future perspectives and must, therefore, be included in WEN investigati

Combined burden and functional impact tests for cancer driver discovery using DriverPower

The discovery of driver mutations is one of the key motivations for cancer genome sequencing. Here, as part of the ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium, which aggregated whole genome sequencing data from 2658 cancers across 38 tumour types, we describe DriverPower, a software package that uses mutational burden and functional impact evidence to identify driver mutation

Oxygen vacancies at the origin of pinned moments in oxide interfaces : The example of tetragonal CuO/SrTiO3

Obtaining an accurate theoretical description of the emergent phenomena in oxide heterostructures is a major challenge. Recently, intriguing paramagnetic spin and pinned orbital moments have been discovered by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements at the Cu L2,3 edge of a tetragonal CuO/SrTiO3 heterostructure. Using first-principles calculations, we propose a scenario that explains both t

The Gaia -ESO Survey : Lithium measurements and new curves of growth

Context. The Gaia-ESO Survey (GES) is a large public spectroscopic survey that was carried out using the multi-object FLAMES spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope. The survey provides accurate radial velocities, stellar parameters, and elemental abundances for ~115 000 stars in all Milky Way components. Aims. In this paper, we describe the method adopted in the final data release to derive lith

Variation in heat shock protein 40 kDa relates to divergence in thermotolerance among cryptic rotifer species

Genetic divergence and the frequency of hybridization are central for defining species delimitations, especially among cryptic species where morphological differences are merely absent. Rotifers are known for their high cryptic diversity and therefore are ideal model organisms to investigate such patterns. Here, we used the recently resolved Brachionus calyciflorus species complex to investigate w

An ancestral hard-shelled sea turtle with a mosaic of soft skin and scutes

The transition from terrestrial to marine environments by secondarily aquatic tetrapods necessitates a suite of adaptive changes associated with life in the sea, e.g., the scaleless skin in adult individuals of the extant leatherback turtle. A partial, yet exceptionally preserved hard-shelled (Pan-Cheloniidae) sea turtle with extensive soft-tissue remains, including epidermal scutes and a virtuall

Stora hjärtan som hjälper alla, men på bekostnad av vad? En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors medberoende i en parrelation

This study has examined how women's codependency on their male partner with alcohol or drug problems is expressed and how codependency can be understood in relation to their upbringing. A qualitative content analysis of 7 podcast episodes where women talked about their upbringing and codependency was made. For a deeper understanding, we used Johan Asplund's theory of social responsiveness,