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Tvärprofessionellt teamarbete, faktorer som skapar ett fungerande team på operationssalen - En systematisk litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: En stor del av den svenska befolkningen exponeras årligen för anestesi och kirurgi. Det tvärprofessionella teamet på operationssalen har betydelse för patientsäkerheten och vårdlidande. Att arbeta i ett tvärprofessionellt team innebär att olika professioner ska kunna interagera och koordinera med varandra. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att belysa vilka faktorer som har betydelse för team

Case Competitions as a Tool to Build Brands and Reputation

Aim: We aim to broaden the view and the understanding of what a case competition is and how it can be used beyond its use as an educational method of teaching and learning. More specifically, the purpose is to explore the phenomenon of case competitions as a branding tool from a strategic brand management perspective. Design/Methodology/Approach: A multi-case study approach inspired by Grounded T

Facilitating an Innovative Environment: Measures to Support Knowledge Diffusion in Science Parks. A Case Study of Ideon Science Park in Lund, Sweden

This study intended to research the concept of knowledge diffusion in an innovative environment such as a science park. In a first step, the existing literature was reviewed to extract the most important concepts and to purposefully develop five hypotheses. Those were further tested in the case of Ideon Science Park in Lund, Sweden. The research shows that the intentions of the management at Ideon

En kartläggning av kännedom och hantering av animaliska biprodukter i livsmedelsbutiker i Kristianstad kommun

Säker hantering av animaliska biprodukter minskar spridning av sjukdomar Ungefär 200 människor har dött på grund av Creutzfeldt-Jakobs sjukdom, efter att ha ätit kött från sjuka kor. Sjukdomen är förknippad med den ”galna ko-sjukan” även kallat Bovin Spongiform Encefalopat (BSE). BSE sprider sig genom att kött- och benmjöl framställt av BSE-sjuka nötkreatur har använts som foder. BSE sprids till Animal by-products (ABP) is an unknown area in food control in Sweden, mainly grocery stores. ABP affects many different areas, such as food, feed, animal welfare and waste. Swedish Board of Agriculture defines animal by-products as follows: "Animal by-products are material from the animal kingdom which is not food and have not yet been processed or treated to be included in the concept of m

"Det finns inget som får vara fult eller helt okej" - En kvalitativ studie av hur skolkuratorer på gymnasieskolor ser på och arbetar med psykisk ohälsa i relation till sociala medier

The aim of this study was to examine how school counselors work with the mental health of students in relation to social media, and how these methods may affect the relationship between the student and the counselor. In order to answer the purpose of the study, six semi-structured interviews were conducted. The respondents were school counselors at various upper secondary schools. The result was a

Ångest- och depressionssymtom samt upplevd funktionsnedsättning hos patienter med "persistent postural-perceptual dizziness".

En enkätstudie genomfördes för att undersöka förekomst av ångest- och depressionssymtom samt upplevd funktionsnedsättning hos patienter med ”persistent postural-perceptual dizziness” (PPPD) via formulären ”Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale” (HADS) och ”Dizziness Handicap Inventory” (DHI). Studien avsåg även undersöka om förekomst av ångest- och depressionssymtom samt upplevd funktionsnedsättni

Det trygghetsskapande arbetets diskursiva skillnader - en studie om Sofielunds omvandlingsprocess i trygghetens namn

This study aims at investigating the crime prevention measures in Sofielund, Malmö. BID Sofielund is a unique collaboration between property owners and the public sector in a Swedish context, where they work together to make the district safer and more attractive. Therefore, there is every reason to investigate the crime preventing methods used in this collaboration. And what interests are behind

Gud är större - En undersökning av religionsfrihetens omfattning avseende böneutrop

Denna uppsats syftar till att utreda möjligheterna för ett nationellt förbud mot böneutrop i Sverige med utgångspunkt i regleringarna om religionsfrihet i regeringsformen respektive Europakonventionen. I uppsatsen har en rättsdogmatisk metod använts i samverkan med ett kritiskt perspektiv på den gällande rätten och avsaknaden av praxis på området. I dag regleras religionsfriheten på två ställen i The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the possibilities for a national prohibition on the Islamic call for prayer, based on the regulations of freedom of religion in the Instrument of Government and the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR). A legal-judicial method has been used in conjunction with a critical perspective on current law and the absence of precedent

Market value guarantee for new housing

Prisutvecklingen på bostäder i Sverige har under lång tid varit en framgångssaga för säljare. Med låga räntor, stor efterfrågan och begränsat utbud har priserna stigit. Sedan hösten 2017 har en oro utvecklats på bostadsmarknaden. Priserna sjunker, efterfrågan minskar och byggföretag får svårare att sälja sina nyproducerade bostäder, vilket i förlängningen kan leda till minskad bostadsproduktion. DThe price development of housing in Sweden has long been a success story for sellers. With low interest rates, high demand and limited supply the prices have risen. Since the fall of 2017, the market uncertainty has grown. Prices are falling, demand decreases, and housing developers get harder to sell their newly produced homes, which in the long run can lead to reduced housing production. The pot

Så bryter vi tystnaden! : En intervjustudie om socionomers strategier för förändring av policies, riktlinjer och metoder som motsäger deras yrkesprofessionella värderingar.

The purpose of this study is to examine how social workers in Sweden engage in policy practice to influence policies, guidelines and methods that contradict their professional values. Based on Hirschman’s theory of exit, voice and loyalty, we analyse social workers’ strategies for change. The study problematizes some challenges social workers face in order raise their voices, but focuses on possib

Minska matsvinn i gymnasieskolor - En studie i Lunds kommun

Identifierade orsaker och åtgärder för att minska matsvinn inom gymnasieskolor Livsmedel som slutar som matsvinn bidrar till den negativa miljöpåverkningar som bland annat ökad växthuseffekt, övergödning och utnyttjande av naturresurser. Matsvinn är ett stort problem inom många områden. Skolor är det den sektorn inom storkök som bidrar till mest matsvinn årligen. I svenska skolor kastas det i snThe concept food waste means food that could have been eaten if handled differently and it is a growing problem in the society. Food that ends up as food waste is unnecessary production. It contributes with nearly 800 000 tonnes of carbon dioxide in Sweden, who is based on 1,3 million tonnes discarded food annually. A challenge in reducing food waste is that the solution is not as simple as just s

Förmedlad Autonomi

Søren Kierkegaard är berömd för sin subjektiva existensfilosofi, där individen är kapabel, autonom och självständig. Subjektet kan själv utvecklas genom att ta språnget och våga. I en sådan filosofi, varför behövs Gud, frälsningen och framför allt en frälsare?The aim of this bachelor’s degree essay is to investigate and analyse Søren Kierkegaard as a theologian. Out of the traditional conception of Kierkegaard’s philosophy about the autonomous, free, capable and free to develop oneself, I ask the question – in what purpose do God need to incarnate in order to save humanity? To this question I ask three additional subqueries: according to Kierkegaard in

Givakt och Bit Ihop: En studie av homosociala normer inom den svenska Försvarsmakten

This is a study of the Swedish Defence Force and its problems with sexual harassments, sexual assaults and sexual violations. In 2017, the hashtag #givaktochbitihop was created as a part of the #metoo-movement and was especially designed for women in the armed forces. Under this hashtag, 1768 women testified of abuse within the organisation. This study aims to find the source to the problem presen

Dickson's Classification of Finite Subgroups of the Two-dimensional Special Linear Group over an Algebraically Closed Field

This paper is a reformulation of Leonard Dickson's complete classification of the finite subgroups of the two-dimensional special linear group over an arbitrary algebraically closed field, SL(2,F). The approach is to construct a class equation of the conjugacy classes of maximal abelian subgroups of an arbitrary finite subgroup of SL(2,F). In turn, this leads to only 10 possible classes of str

AAHF30 Contemporary Architecture Bachelor Project - Linnea Fallman

This project was designed as part of the Bachelor Studio Contemporary Architecture at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. The aim of the course was to explore different ways in which architecture can embody and visualise both poetic and technical qualities. I did this by designing a crematorium with associated chapels, cremation room and columbarium. The design process has been guided

Elektroniska bromssystem - en lämplighetstest

During recent years, the application of electronic devices to road vehicles has grown tremendously. Increased environmental concern and requirements on fuel economy, comfort and safety have created a need for compact and advanced micro-computer technology. A vehicle is a problematic environment for electronic devices due to dust, damp, vibrations, noise and glitches. This report first gives an o

Medium level programming languages for micro processors

This report of master thesis describes two programming languages for micro processors namely: MLP for Intel 8008 developed at CERL, Great Britain and HILP 80 for Intel 8080 developed as master thesis at Lund Institute of Technology. The compilers generate assembly code and are intended to be implemented on a host computer. The compilers are based on the macro processor STAGE 2, and need about 15 K