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Lärarkompetens: Relationen mellan elevskattad lärarkompetens och betyg - en mixad metodologisk ansats med 48 gymnasieelever och fem lärare

Syftet med undersökningen är att statistiskt predicera betyg utifrån elevskattad lärarkompetens, att med utgångspunkt i elevernas egna beskrivningar av lärarkompetens kategorisera dessa genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys och utifrån detta dra slutsatser om hur väl befintlig teoribildning stämmer med den empiriska verkligheten. En mixad metod användes be-stående av en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ de

Avtal om framtida överlåtelser av fast egendom

Avtal om framtida överlåtelser av fastigheter är enligt en gammal svensk rättsprincip, pactum de contrahendo, ogiltiga. Med avtal om framtida överlåtelser avses avtal som medger förköpsrätt, option eller termin. Möjligheten till avtal av sådant slag beträffande fastigheter har prövats i domstol vid ett flertal tillfällen, ogiltigheten har då hänvisats föreligga till följd av de formkrav som ställsThis research examines whether contracts that regulate future real estate purchases are to be permitted in Sweden. An investigation of the present as well as the historical legal position has served as a basis for the assessment made by the authors. Additionally the research investigates possible regulations of future real estate purchases in the event of a legalisation. Contracts governing futur

Out of sight, out of mind

This paper is about policy agenda and climate policies in Sweden. It examines why the alternative of a meat tax isn’t placing on the Swedish policy agenda. The study uses John W. Kingdon’s theory on agenda change presented in his book Agendas, Alternatives and Public Policies, to analyze why a meat tax isn’t seriously considered as a climate policy to reduce GHG-emissions from meat consumption. Th

Investigation of the Effects of Compound X on Human Skin Cells

Skin ages as a result of the failure of several mechanisms that are triggered by both internal and external factors. The accumulation of damaged proteins is an effect that comes with age due to the dysfunction of the proteasomes and their decline in activity, which leads to dull looking skin. In addition, as we age the effects seen on are skin includes the formation of age spots as well as hyperpi

Interference Cancellation in a Full duplex System

In a full duplex system as WCDMA a mobile phone transmits and receives at the same time, but at different frequencies. The transmitted signal will cause interference in the receiver which must be suppressed to not get degraded sensitivity in the receiver. This Master Thesis was carried out at Ericsson Mobile Platforms in Lund and the purpose was to examine a method to suppress the interference in

Modelling NOx-Formation in Combustion Processes

As the regulations of pollutant emission is getting more and more strict, models of pollutant formation, as a part of system level models for control design, are needed. In this thesis NOx (nitrogen oxides) formation is modeled. A method is developed to mix equilibrium and non-equilibrium reaction equations to model NOx formation in combustion processes. This algorithm reduces high-index DAE syste

Modeling and Control of a 1.45 m deformable mirror

The eagerness among astronomers to gain deeper knowledge and further understanding of the universe around us sets requirements for future telescopes.Images of more distant stars with higher spatial resolution is desired. Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs) are being developed for this purpose. An example is a European collaboration that is developing an ELT called the Euro50. To obtain the desired r

En kartläggning av behovet av arbetsterapeutiska interventioner för kvinnor drabbade av bröstcancer - En litteraturstudie

Bröstcancer drabbar omkring 9000 kvinnor per år i Sverige. Ökad framgång inom diagnostik och behandling resulterar i att flera kvinnor överlever sjukdomen. Kvinnans första känslor är ofta rädsla och ilska men övergår sedan i smärta, lidande och tankar om döden. Eventuella biverkningar av behandling kan komma att påverka de dagliga aktiviteterna och kvinnans vardag. Syftet med studien var att kartl

Elliptic flow of π, K, p and φ in Pb-Pb collisions at the Large Hadron Collider

Partikelfysik är det område inom den vetenskapliga disciplinen fysik som studerar materiens minsta byggstenar och hur de växelverkar mellan varandra. De partiklar som bygger upp all observerad materia kallas kvarkar och leptoner. Dessa partiklar växelverkar med varandra genom gluoner, som binder ihop och överför diskreta mängder energier mellan kvarkar och leptoner. Elementarpartiklarna kvarkar, lData extracted from Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV measured with the ALICE detector is used for analyzing the azimuthal anisotropic expansion in momentum space at different collision centralities for identified particles. The results are obtained with the event-plane method and an invariant mass analysis. The elliptic flow parameter, v2, is presented as a function of transverse momentum pT for

Energy Futures Øresund: Bridging the Gaps to a Greener Tomorrow

“Energy Futures Øresund” is the final report on the energy system of the Øresund Region. It comprises a regional overview of the current state and trends of selected energy systems, discussions on potential technological solutions to overcome barriers and an analysis of the energy strategy of the island Bornholm. The report forms the basis for further strategic energy planning of Energi Öresund, a

Strategic Energy Solutions: A Case Study of the Öresund Region

“Strategic Energy Solutions” is the final report on energy solutions for a zero emission Öresund region. It consists of numerous solutions that have been, or can be, applied in the region in order to minimise the environmental impact of the energy sector. Additionally it includes a case study of energy transition projects on Lolland Island in Denmark. The report seeks to provide recommendations fo

Model- and Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing in a Model-Based Design Workflow

Model-Based Design is a development method that is becoming popular to use when creating control systems. In this thesis a demonstration of the advantages of using this method is made for Combine Control Systems AB. The 3D simulation software IndustrialPhysics is used to represent a real process in form of a gantry crane. A controller for this crane is developed in Simulink and Model-in-the-Loop (

Demographic dividend or youth bulge fuelled conflicts? - An analysis of the Arab spring

The Arab spring caught both scholars and regimes by surprise, bringing rapid changes to a previously thought stable region. The events of the Arab spring did not impact all Arab states in an equal matter though, and while some regimes fell, other seemed to be largely unaffected. Applying theories of youth bulges and demographic transition this study analyses the age-structure and GNI per capita fo

THESES db - The Algae 18S rDNA Sequence-Structure Database for Inferring Phylogenies

There is a long tradition, especially in phycology, of using 18S rDNA sequences in inferring phylogenies, in particular for higher taxonomic level analysis. 18S like ITS2 displays a conserved RNA secondary structure which could be used simultaneously with the sequence to increase the amount of information available when inferring phylogenetic relationships. In ITS2 research sequence-structure phyl

Modulbaserad lakvattenbehandling

Modulbaserad lakvattenbehandling - en möjlighet att minska soptipparnas påverkan på människa och miljö? Uppemot 8000 gamla övergivna deponier och ett 70-tal aktiva deponier finns i Sverige. Gemensamt för dessa är att de kan ge upphov till ett förorenat lakvatten. Genom tillämpningen av ett modulbaserat reningssystem kan effekterna på människa och miljö begränsas. Modulsystemet har visat sig vara fA change in legislation has resulted in that many of Sweden’s municipal landfills were closed in the beginning of this century. After landfill completion, the oper-ator is responsible for at least 30 years to take action with regard to the protec-tion of human health and the Environment. In contribution Swedish landfill owners are facing increasing demands on local leachate treatment due to a chan

Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av interventioner avsedda att öka aktivitetsbalans hos föräldrar till barn med autismspektrumtillstånd

Ett grundantagande inom arbetsterapi är att personer som har en balans mellan aktiviteter i vardagen i större utsträckning upplever sin hälsa som god. Föräldrar till barn med funktionsnedsättning kan ha svårigheter att hitta en balans i sin vardag. Studies syfte var att undersöka arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av interventioner avsedda att öka aktivitetsbalans hos föräldrar till barn med autismspe

Audiopedia - från fabrik till musik via akustik

Malmö har sedan länge en levande musikscen, men det råder brist på replokaler och platser för musiker att mötas och arbeta i. Genom byggnadstypologin ”musikhus” undersöks kulturella, sociala och arkitektoniska aspekter inom musikverksamhet i både konsert-, studio- och repverksamhet. Som en utforskande del undersöks akustik och dess möjligheter, problem och kvaliteter. Kan upplevelsen av annorlun

Biogas production in Zabrze. Closing the cycle of organic waste

Both energy security and the demand for energy, particularly from renewable energy sources, as principle drivers, call for the investigation of renewable energy potential in Poland. The city of Zabrze, located in the Upper Silesia province and urban zone of Katowice, dedicates continuous efforts to the improvement of its waste management against the background of European Union Directives requirin

No title

This Bachelor’s thesis is an anthropological study of the child witch phenomenon in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Children experience extreme forms of violence and neglect of basic human rights, when they are suspected of being witches. As a result of poverty, families experience hardship in everyday life and in trying to understand and explain this, they blame it on the children possessing witchcraft

The impact of horizontal projections on external fire spread - A numerical comparative study

Balkongplattor som alternativ till bröstning i byggnadsfasaden Tidigare forskning har visat att brandspridning i bostadshus ofta sker vertikalt via fönster i byggnadsfasaden. Samtidigt visar sig nivån på brandskyddet mot detta skilja sig åt mellan olika länders byggnadsregler. Att det finns oenighet i frågan antyder att ytterligare forskning behövs inom ämnet. I avsnitt 5:553 av de svenska byggThe aim of the report was to investigate and compare the effect of horizontal projections along with different spandrel heights between the unprotected openings in the building facade. The effect was more specifically the effect on the risk level in regards to the external vertical fire spread. Furthermore, based upon the performance requirements of the Swedish building regulations (BBR), the aim