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Damage Analysis of Reactive Ion and Quasi-Atomic Layer Etched Silicon

Atomic layer etching (ALE) is a cyclic technique based on self-limiting processes, such as reactive gas adsorption and material removal by low-energy ion bombardment 1,2. In a typical ALE process Ar+ ions with energies of 20-60 eV are used to desorb the reaction products, e.g. SiClx for the Si ALE. Compared to a corresponding continuous reactive ion etching (RIE), where the ion energies often exce

Economic Burden of Parkinson’s Disease : A Multinational, Real-World, Cost-of-Illness Study

Background: Parkinson’s disease is now one of the fastest-growing neurodegenerative disorders in the developed world, with an increasing prevalence and associated socioeconomic costs. Progression of the disease leads to a gradual deterioration in patients’ quality of life, despite optimal treatment, and both medical and societal needs increase, often with the assistance of paid and/or unpaid careg

A rare case of complete male genital self-amputation posing challenges in the psychiatric diagnosis and management

Genital self-mutilation (GSM) is a rare phenomenon encountered mostly within the context of severe mental illness. The following case report highlights a rare case of self-inflicted total penile self-amputation in a patient with a psychiatric history of polydrug abuse and attention deficit disorder (ADD). The patient engaged in penile self-amputation under the influence of command hallucinations a

Plundering the conflict fish: legitimacy, territory-making, and fisheries extractivism in Western Sahara

With an annual production of 1.4 million tonnes of fish, Morocco is currently the largest seafood producer in African and Arab countries. However, a vast majority of fish labelled as Moroccan come from the maritime zone of Western Sahara, the last non-self-governing territory in Africa that has been occupied by Morocco since 1975. Furthermore, the fish stock off the Western Saharan coast is at the

Sex differences of the shared genetic landscapes between type 2 diabetes and peripheral artery disease in East Asians and Europeans

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a critical risk factor for peripheral artery disease (PAD). However, the sex differences in genetic basis, causality, and underlying mechanisms of the two diseases are still unclear. Using sex-stratified and ethnic-based GWAS summary, we explored the genetic correlation and causal relationship between T2D and PAD in both ethnicities and sexes by linkage disequilibrium scor

Democracy and the World System: A case for the use of world systems analysis in democratization research

This paper examines the relevance of the world system as a structural condition to be considered in research on regimes and democratization. This is a pilot study in reformulating world systems analysis into the research topic of regimes, their creation and democratization. The methodology is statistical and covers most of the world for the time period 1980-1999. The study starts by formulating im

Introduction : Universities and the Matter of Mattering

In this introductory chapter, we provide insights into the debates that inspired this volume. Our aim is to extend the boundaries of the concept societal interaction and discuss the conditions for universities to undertake such endeavors. Within this context, we introduce the matter of “mattering” which serves as the central theme that runs through this volume. Mattering, we posit, can be comprehe

Bringing Excavation Data Together : Are We There Yet and Where is That?

Archaeological data repositories usually integrate excavation data archives as single data collections with restricted capacities to accommodate excavation data interoperability at the sub-collection level. This is largely due to the complexity of excavation data archives that are compiled with different tools and methodologies, use distinct conceptual descriptions at variable granularities, can o

Megahertz X-ray Multi-projection imaging

X-ray time-resolved tomography is one of the most popular X-raytechniques to probe dynamics in three dimensions (3D). Recent developments in time-resolved tomography opened the possibility of recordingkilohertz-rate 3D movies. However, tomography requires rotating thesample with respect to the X-ray beam, which prevents characterization of faster structural dynamics. Here, we present megahertz (MH

Revisiting the applicability and constraints of molybdenum - and uranium-based paleo redox proxies : comparing two contrasting sill fjords

Sedimentary molybdenum (Mo) and uranium (U) enrichments are often used as redox proxies to reconstruct bottom water redox changes. However, these redox proxies may not be equally reliable across a range of coastal settings due to varying depositional environments. Fjords vary greatly in their depositional conditions, due to their unique bathymetry and hydrography, and are highly vulnerable to anth

Smart tools for Warehouse Optimization

AI-tools are increasingly important for efficient warehouse operation. This study aims to analyze if and how the independent variables; knowledge of AI-tools, ex- perience in AI-tools and degree of automation can explain the dependent variable inventory turnover rate. A survey was distributed to a sample within the logistics industry to measure knowledge, degree of automation and experience. This

We, the people? - En demokratisk analys av det amerikanska elektorskollegiet samt komparativ studie med den tyska förbundsförsamlingen

Till följd av det amerikanska presidentvalet år 2016 befann sig elektorskollegiet återigen i samhällsdebattens fokus. Diskussionerna har uppmärksammat systemets styrkor och brister, samt belyst den konstitutionella konstruktionen. Även Tyskland har ett elektorssystem benämnt förbundsförsamlingen. Det tyska tillkom i mitten av 1900-talet, medan det amerikanska tillkom under den senare delen av 1700In the aftermath of the 2016 US Presidential Election the spotlight was yet again directed at the Electoral College. The consequential discussions have shed a light on the strengths and weaknesses of the system, whilst directing attention toward the constitutional construction. Germany also has an Electoral College called the Federal Convention. The German system was devised in the middle of t

Hållbart chefskap i offentlig sektor : Tala, lyssna och reflektera om chefers mående

Denna forskningsrapport sammanfattar resultaten från ett tvåårigt forsknings–projekt om hållbart chefskap i Helsingborgs stad. Det övergripande målet medforskningsprojektet är att bidra med kunskap om hur organisatoriskt stöd i arbetemed chefers hälsa kan och bör utformas. I denna rapport sätter vi särskilt fokus påvad cheferna själva efterfrågar för organisatoriskt stöd samt hur ett sådant stöd k

Sectioning protocol determines accuracy of intraoperative pathological examination of sentinel lymph node in cervical cancer : A systematic review and meta-analysis

Objectives: To determine the diagnostic performance and optimal protocol of frozen section examination (FSE) in SLNB for cervical cancer. Methods: PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Wanfang Data and China National Knowledge Infrastructure were searched from inception to July 30, 2019, for studies concerning SLNB with FSE in cervical cancer. Sensitivity of FSE in detecting SLN metast

Operating Theater Nurses’ Main Concerns During Organ Procurement Procedures : A Grounded Theory Study

The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of perioperative nurses in Sweden (ie, operating theater nurses) associated with caring for a donor patient during organ procurement procedures. We sought to determine the nurses’ main concerns and how they dealt with them. Using constructivist grounded theory methodology, our participant sample included 10 nurses, one of whom self-identifie

Tubas, Tubists, and Composers : A mixed-methodological approach to performer- and composer-instrument relationships

This thesis assesses, through self-reflective practice, how the instruments of the tuba family have functioned as interfaces between composers and performers from the earliest records to the present day. A lack of knowledge surrounding the instruments and their capabilities and limitations has persisted since they were first employed by composers in the late seventeenth century, which suggests tha