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Your search for "*" yielded 531745 hits

Pulsed field gradient NMR study of poly(ethylene glycol) diffusion in whey protein solutions and gels

PEG self-diffusion coefficients of poly(ethylene glycol)s (PEGs) (1080, 8500, and 82 250 g/mol) were measured by PFG-NMR spectroscopy in whey protein solutions and gels in relation to whey protein concentration effects (from 6.49 to 40.45 g/100 g) and whey protein heat denaturation effects (30 min at 70 degrees C). A strong dependency of diffusion on probe size was observed in both whey protein so

Hyperfine-interaction-dependent 4s4p P-3(2) lifetimes in Zn-like ions

Theoretical studies on hyperfine-interaction-dependent lifetimes of the 4s4p P-3(2) states of Zn-like ions are reported in this paper. A systematic investigation along the isoelectronic sequence shows that the lifetime of the 4s4p P-3(2) level is very sensitive to hyperfine interaction at the beginning of the sequence, but gets less sensitive going to the higher end. The intensity ratio between th

Effects of temperature and water relations on carrots and radish tuber texture

Tissue firmness and stiffness are functions of tissue and cell wall structure, water status and temperature, and their interactions. This investigation elaborates the physiological basics of temperature and water status effects on firmness of fresh intact carrots and radish tubers. The results can add to a better understanding of the mechanical properties at least of these succulent plant storage

Polarisation-dependent colour vision in Papilio butterflies

Butterflies of the genus Papilio have polarisation-sensitive photoreceptors in all regions of the eye, and different spectral types of receptor are sensitive to different e-vector orientations. We have studied the consequences of this eye design for colour vision in behavioural tests and find that Papilio spp. see false colours due to the polarisation of light. They discriminate between vertically

Aqueous two-phase partitioning for proteomic monitoring of cell surface biomarkers in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells

For proteomic monitoring of processes such as allergy or inflammation an efficient pre-fractionation strategy is required. We isolated plasma membranes from human peripheral blood mononuclear (PBM) cells by aqueous two-phase partitioning. After 1DE combined with LC-MS/MS, several cell surface marker proteins and in total 60 different plasma membrane proteins (out of 84 identified proteins, i.e., 7

An improved correlation attack on A5/1

A new approach to attack A5/1 is proposed. The proposed attack is a refinement of a previous attack by Ekdahl and Johansson. We make two important observations that lead to a new attack with improved performance

Annual direct medical cost of active systemic lupus erythematosus in five European countries

Objectives To evaluate the annual direct medical cost of managing adult systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients with active autoantibody positive disease in Europe. Methods A 2-year, retrospective, multicentre, observational study was conducted in five countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK). Data included patients' characteristics, disease activity and severity, flare assessments

SNAP-25 is a promising novel cerebrospinal fluid biomarker for synapse degeneration in Alzheimer's disease

Background: Synaptic degeneration is an early pathogenic event in Alzheimer's disease, associated with cognitive impairment and disease progression. Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers reflecting synaptic integrity would be highly valuable tools to monitor synaptic degeneration directly in patients. We previously showed that synaptic proteins such as synaptotagmin and synaptosomal-associated protein 25

OSL in Household Salt (NaCl) for Environmental, Occupational and Medical Dosimetry

The recent progress in our work to implement salt (NaCl) as a dosemeter is presented. Laboratory investigations have indicated a linear dose response from 1 mGy to about 100 mGy and detection limits down to 0.1 mGy. Investigations in the clinic comparing TL-dosimetry in LiF and OSL in NaCl have indicated a similar dose response for the two dosemeters at different photon energies. Field studies wit

Picosecond dynamics of laser-induced strain in graphite

We report on the use of grazing-incidence time-resolved x-ray diffraction to investigate the evolution of strain in natural graphite excited by femtosecond-laser pulses in the fluence range of 6-35 mJ/cm(2). Strains corresponding to up to similar to 2.8% c-axis expansion were observed. We show that the experimental data is in good agreement with calculations based on the Thomsen strain model in co

Uttorkningstider och kritiska fukttillstånd: kemisk fuktbindning och alkalitransport

Två helt olika alternativa möjligheter att förkorta torktiderna för byggfukt i betonggolv har undersökts. Den ena möjligheten var att försöka utnyttja de resultat som erhållits i ett antal tidigare projekt där det visat sig att fuktbelastningen på ett mer eller mindre tätt ytskikt under vissa förhållanden varit mycket lägre efter omfördelning av kvarvarande byggfukt än vad man kunde förvänta sig

Microscopic Colitis is Associated with Several Concomitant Diseases.

Microscopic colitis (MC) is a disease with intestinal mucosal inflammation causing diarrhea, affecting predominantly middle-aged women. The etiology is unknown, but increased prevalence of autoimmune diseases in these patients has been described, although not compared with controls or adjusted for confounding factors. The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of common diseases in patien

Topics in Machining with Industrial Robots and Optimal Control of Vehicles

Two main topics are considered in this thesis: Machining with industrial robots and optimal control of road-vehicles in critical maneuvers. The motivation for research on the first subject is the need for flexible and accurate production processes employing industrial robots as their main component. The challenge to overcome here is to achieve high-accuracy machining solutions, in spite of strong

Geographic Origin as a Determinant of Carotid Artery Intima-Media Thickness and Brachial Artery Flow-Mediated Dilation. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study.

Objective - People living in eastern Finland have approximate to 40% higher coronary heart disease mortality rates than western Finns. Whether this is because of genetic or environmental factors is unknown. We examined the effect of geographic family origin on subclinical atherosclerosis among young Finns. Methods and Results - As part of a longitudinal follow-up study, we measured carotid intima-

General and Abdominal Adiposity and Risk of Death in Europe

BACKGROUND Previous studies have relied predominantly on the body-mass index (BMI, the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) to assess the association of adiposity with the risk of death, but few have examined whether the distribution of body fat contributes to the prediction of death. METHODS We examined the association of BMI, waist circumference, and waist-to-hip ra

Stability of thiuram disulfides in patch test preparations and formation of asymmetric disulfides

The thiuram mix used in patch testing originally contains 4 compounds. However, chemical analysis of the test preparation revealed that several new compounds are spontaneously formed during storage. The structures of these compounds have been determined and the rate of their formation has been studied in buffer solution at pH 7.4. After a few hours, a large amount of mixed disulfides are formed in

Dephasing and ac oscillations in an open Aharanov-Bohm ring

We have studied the tunneling current in an open ring system enclosing a magnetic flux which may have an ac component. Analytic expressions for the time-averaged tunneling current have been obtained, which suggest two possible experiments to determine the temperature dependence of the dephasing rate. We have also discovered a new phenomenon that with a given dc magnetic flux, the Current is an osc