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Politiska ledningar runtom i Europa måste agera bestämt när något land helt eller delvis försöker dra sig undan finansieringen av kollektiva varor, skriver Jerker Holm, professor vid ekonomihögskolan, Lunds universitet.
Remissyttrande: Ett nytt regelverk för hälsodataregister (SOU 2024:57)
The power of one? Poverty and union formation among single mothers in Sweden, 1947-2015
Pool boiling is an effective heat dissipation approach in electronic cooling, battery thermal management, etc. This study used the electrochemical deposition method to fabricate one smooth nickel specimen (named Ni-smooth) and three specimens with a porous nickel-stacked structure. The three porous specimens were created with deposition current densities of 0.5 A·cm–2 (named Ni-0.5), 2.0 A·cm–2 (n
Projektet God Informationsförvaltning
Closed and open structures of the eukaryotic magnesium channel Mrs2 reveal the auto-ligand-gating regulation mechanism
The CorA/Mrs2 family of pentameric proteins are cardinal for the influx of Mg2+ across cellular membranes, importing the cation to mitochondria in eukaryotes. Yet, the conducting and regulation mechanisms of permeation remain elusive, particularly for the eukaryotic Mrs2 members. Here, we report closed and open Mrs2 cryo-electron microscopy structures, accompanied by functional characterization. M
The Scandinavian Society for the Study of Pain 2022 Postgraduate Course and Annual Scientific (SASP 2022) Meeting 12th to 14th October at Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen
Shared reading och läsengagemang i gymnasieskolans SVA-undervisning
Det här kapitlet fördjupar förståelsen av elevers uppfattningar om läspraktiken shared reading (SR) som ett sätt för dem att utveckla sitt läsengagemang. I kapitlet redovisas en tematisk analys av en fokusgrupp med sju elever i gymnasieskolan som deltagit i sex SR-lektioner inom ramen för SVA1 på ett yrkesprogram. Resultatet relateras till en enkät om deras språkliga bakgrund och läsvanor samt en
Representation of Complex Mammary Parenchyma Texture in Tomosynthesis Using Simplex Noise Simulations
The mammary parenchyma is a complex arrangement of tissues that can greatly vary among individuals, potentially masking cancers in breast screening images. In this work, we propose a Simplex-based method to simulate anatomical patterns and textures seen in digital breast tomosynthesis. Our approach involves selecting appropriate Simplex noise parameters to represent distinct categories of breast p
Rehabilitation coordinator – managers’ experiences of a new function in health care
Background: Several actions have been taken to improve the sick listing process, patient safety and return to work. One of them is the implementation of the rehabilitation coordinator function, of which the benefits have not yet been fully explored. Neither has the role of the manager, who has significant impact on the implementation and support of a new function. This study aimed to explore how f
Islamic “interest-free” bonds-how Islamic are they?
The Islamic financial sector has developed its instruments rapidly since the 1960s, and a Muslim customer can get almost all financial services supplied by the conventional Western type of financial sector through so-called participation banks, which are run, it is said, in compliance with Islamic values and norms. For instance, they collect funds by special methods to finance economic activities,
Engineering 2D Materials from Single-Layer NbS2
Starting from a single layer of NbS2 grown on graphene by molecular beam epitaxy, the single unit cell thick 2D materials Nb5/3S3-2D and Nb2S3-2D are created using two different pathways. Either annealing under sulfur-deficient conditions at progressively higher temperatures or deposition of increasing amounts of Nb at elevated temperature result in phase-pure Nb5/3S3-2D followed by Nb2S3-2D. The
Optimal Frequency Offset Selection for FDA-MIMO Beampattern Design in the Range-Angle Plane
This work investigates the design of beampatterns for frequency diverse arrays-multiple-input multiple-output (FDA-MIMO) in the range-angle plane, in order to improve the approximation of a desired beampattern. Recognizing that the energy radiated by the array cannot be locked at a fixed range and angle, the beampattern is designed for the equivalent beampattern at the receiving end, differing fro
Higher serum free thyroxine levels are associated with increased risk of hip fractures in older men
Overt and subclinical hyperthyroidism are associated with an increased fracture risk, but whether thyroid hormones are associated with fracture risk in individuals with normal thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) has mostly been investigated in women. Therefore, we investigated if serum levels of free thyroxine (FT4) or TSH are associated with fracture risk in Swedish men. We followed (median 12.2 yr
The origins of formal educational and gender inequality in Zambia, 1924–1990
This paper examines the origins of formal education in colonial Zambia and its long-term consequences for educational attainment and gender inequality. Combining novel panel data on the location of missionary stations and mission school enrolment by gender and missionary society from 1924 to 1953 with contemporary data from the 1990 Zambian census, we ana-lyze the long-term effects of missionary e
Decision Support Framework for Sustainable and Fire Resilient Buildings (SAFR-B)
Buildings of all types are increasingly becoming complex ‘systems of systems.’ They are subject to evolving societal objectives, new and innovative materials, and in many countries, regulatory ecosystems are having difficulty keeping pace with rapidly changing societal, environmental and technological changes. Two evolving objectives that are stimulating changes to buildings and communities are th
Cancer cells impair monocyte-mediated T cell stimulation to evade immunity
The tumour microenvironment is programmed by cancer cells and substantially influences anti-tumour immune responses1,2. Within the tumour microenvironment, CD8+ T cells undergo full effector differentiation and acquire cytotoxic anti-tumour functions in specialized niches3–7. Although interactions with type 1 conventional dendritic cells have been implicated in this process3–5,8–10, the underlying
Decadence : Flesh, Gift, Gold, Period
Ambiguity, Arguments and Visions : First-Year Teacher Student Voices on Digital Teaching Durung COVID-19
Lund University (Sweden) teacher education students' reflections constitute the foundation for this chapter. The students wrote about their situation, what they could learn from it and how they could bring these lessons into their future roles. The students' voices on digitalisation and isolation in their learning experiences illustrate the importance of belonging and motivation in education. The