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Performance of high rate 802.15.4 UWB PHY over multipath fading channels

This paper investigates the performance of high rate IEEE 802.15.4 UWB PHY schemes. Evaluation takes place over office, residential and outdoor IEEE channel models via Monte-Carlo simulation. Special attention is given to the highest rate (27.24 Mbps) scheme that suffers from intersymbol interference (ISI) over NLOS outdoor and residential channels. Optimum bit-to-symbol mapping (OBM), ISI cancell

On the development of gender in simultaneous and successive bilingual acquisition of French : Evidence for AOA and input effects

This study investigates the effects of Age of Onset of Acquisition (AOA) and the quality and quantity of input on the longitudinal development of gender in the acquisition of French by simultaneous (2L1) and successive bilingual children (cL2). There's an on-going debate regarding the main factors underlying linguistic development in bilingual children. Two independent variables, AOA and input, ha

Equilibrium and High-Pressure Kinetic Study of Formation and Proton-Assisted Aquation of Monodentate Acetate, Propionate, and Glycolate Complexes of Palladium(II) in Aqueous Solution

SynopsisReversible formation and proton-assisted aquation of 1:1 monodentate carboxylate complexes of palladium(II) takes place via a transition state stabilized by hydrogen bonding in an activation process strongly dominated by bond making. Volume profiles have been established through high-pressure kinetic measurements.AbstractAbstract ImageKinetics and equilibria for reversible formation of 1:1SynopsisReversible formation and proton-assisted aquation of 1:1 monodentate carboxylate complexes of palladium(II) takes place via a transition state stabilized by hydrogen bonding in an activation process strongly dominated by bond making. Volume profiles have been established through high-pressure kinetic measurements.AbstractKinetics and equilibria for reversible formation of 1:1 monodentate c

Finansministern i domkapitlet : Ernst Wigforss som ledamot av Göteborgs domkapitel 1918−1936

Ernst Wigforss (1881−1977) was Minister of Finance in Sweden 1925−26, 1932−36, and 1936−49, and one of the great ideologists of Swedish SocialDemocracy. During 1918−36 he was also a member of the Chapter in the Diocese of Gothenburg, Church of Sweden.Before 1937, lecturers in the old grammar schools were ex officiomembers of the diocesan chapter. The agnostic Wigforss took his seat in the chapter

Neighboring genes for DNA-binding proteins rescue male sterility in Drosophila hybrids

Crosses between closely related animal species often result in male hybrids that are sterile, and the molecular and functional basis of genetic factors for hybrid male sterility is of great interest. Here, we report a molecular and functional analysis of HMS1, a region of 9.2 kb in chromosome 3 of Drosophila mauritiana, which results in virtually complete hybrid male sterility when homozygous in t

Packet routing and frame length optimization in wireless mesh networks with multicast communications

The paper considers multi-hop wireless mesh networks that serve multicast periodic packet traffic. The packets from each packet stream are generated at the stream's source node and traverse a number of wireless nodes in order to reach their multiple destination nodes. Packet periodicity means that a common repeatable frame of time slots is defined and that the packets to be transmitted arrive at t

Time-resolved characterization of primary particle emissions and secondary particle formation from a modern gasoline passenger car

Changes in vehicle emission reduction technologies significantly affect traffic-related emissions in urban areas. In many densely populated areas the amount of traffic is increasing, keeping the emission level high or even increasing. To understand the health effects of traffic-related emissions, both primary (direct) particulate emission and secondary particle formation (from gaseous precursors i

Psychosocial effects of workplace physical exercise among workers with chronic pain : Randomized controlled trial

While workplace physical exercise can help manage musculoskeletal disorders, less is known about psychosocial effects of such interventions. This aim of this study was to investigate the effect of workplace physical exercise on psychosocial factors among workers with chronic musculoskeletal pain.The trial design was a 2-armed parallel-group randomized controlled trial with allocation concealment.

Retinol dehydrogenase-10 regulates pancreas organogenesis and endocrine cell differentiation via paracrine retinoic acid signaling

Vitamin A-derived retinoic acid (RA) signals are critical for the development of several organs, including the pancreas. However, the tissue-specific control of RA synthesis in organ and cell lineage development has only poorly been addressed in vivo. Here, we show that retinol dehydrogenase-10 (Rdh10), a key enzyme in embryonic RA production, has important functions in pancreas organogenesis and

Different incidences of knee arthroplasty in the Nordic countries : A population-based study from the Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association

Background and purpose — The annual number of total knee arthroplasties (TKAs) has increased worldwide in recent years. To make projections regarding future needs for primaries and revisions, additional knowledge is important. We analyzed and compared the incidences among 4 Nordic countries Patients and methods — Using Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association (NARA) data from 4 countries, we analy

Changes in Home and Health over Nine Years among very Old People in Latvia – Results from the ENABLE-AGE Project

To meet the needs of an increasing, heterogeneous, ageing population it is imperative to understand links between home and health. In Latvia, only limited research targeting the health and home situation of very old people is available. Consequently, the aim of this study was to describe how the home environment and aspects of health have changed over nine years between 2002 and 2011 for very old