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One-year incidence of sexual harassment and the contribution to poor mental health in the adult general population

Background: Sexual harassment (SH) has been highlighted as an important determinant for mental health. The aims of this study were to describe SH in terms of cumulative 1-year incidence, exposed groups, types of perpetrators and settings, and to measure the association between SH and poor mental well-being. Methods: Data from two waves of the Scania Public Health Cohort Study, comprising 7759 rand

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Ten per cent of patients with colorectal cancer will develop peritoneal metastases. These metastases are known to have a lesser response to systemic chemotherapy than liver- and lung metastases. Randomized studies have shown that adding cytoreductive surgery and heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) to this treatment gives a better chance of survival. Recently, a randomized study failed to s

Liftarens parlör till galaxen : en berättelse om 101 språk som egentligen inte finns

Följ med på en resa från Tolkien, Star Trek, Game of Thrones, Tarzan och Tintin, till dystopiska dialekter hos Burgess och Orwell. Från nunnan Hildegard av Bingen på 1100-talet, över Swift och Rabelais till Pingu och Linus på Linjen.Det här är en bok om 101 påhittade språk: klingonska, valyriska, syldaviska, na vi, lilliputianska, orkiska, för att nämna några. Språk från länder som inte existerar,

The Gluopsins : Opsins without the Retinal Binding Lysine

Opsins allow us to see. They are G-protein-coupled receptors and bind as ligand retinal, which is bound covalently to a lysine in the seventh transmembrane domain. This makes opsins light-sensitive. The lysine is so conserved that it is used to define a sequence as an opsin and thus phylogenetic opsin reconstructions discard any sequence without it. However, recently, opsins were found that functi

Ekonomisk hjälp från Svenska kyrkan - den instrumentella paradoxen och den fattiges utmattning

Förändringar i det svenska välfärdssamhället har devalverat ersättningsnivåer för ekonomiskt bistånd. Mottagare av ekonomiskt bistånd söker även ekonomisk hjälp från Svenska kyrkan. Diakonerna arbetar med ekonomisk hjälp, trots att kyrkan saknar nationella riktlinjer för hur och till vem hjälpen förmedlas. Forskningen om kyrkans hjälpverksamhet är sparsmakad, och det finns ingen forskning utifrån Despite changes in the Swedish welfare system with a devaluation of income from the Social Services and a request from government to civil society to carry out welfare tasks, little research has been conducted on service users’ experience of support from civil society. This article investigates service users’ reasons for seeking economic support from the Church of Sweden and what they think charac

Use of the Hollow-Fiber Infection Model to Measure the Effect of Combination Therapy of Septic Shock Exposures of Meropenem and Ciprofloxacin against Intermediate and Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Clinical Isolates

Meropenem-ciprofloxacin combination therapy was compared to the respective monotherapy in a Hollow-Fiber Infection Model against two Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates. Following initial kill of ; 5-logs by each monotherapy, rapid regrowth occurred within 24 h, reaching 108 - 1010 CFU/mL at 120 h. In contrast, combination therapy achieved . 5-log kill within 6 h and suppressed bacterial regrowth thro

Luther in Printed Marginalia : Reference Notes, Reading and Representations in Swedish Lutheran Prints 1570–1630

This article investigates reference notes to Luther’s works in Swedish books produced from 1570–1630 and uses this case study to explore the presence and function of reference notes to Luther’s works in Lutheran print during the age of confessionalisation. Building on scholarly work on representations of Luther within Lutheran Culture, early modern reading and printed marginalia, it explores refer

The Risk of Endometrial Malignancy and Other Endometrial Pathology in Women with Abnormal Uterine Bleeding : An Ultrasound-Based Model Development Study by the IETA Group

Objectives: The aim of this study was to develop a model that can discriminate between different etiologies of abnormal uterine bleeding. Design: The International Endometrial Tumor Analysis 1 study is a multicenter observational diagnostic study in 18 bleeding clinics in 9 countries. Consecutive women with abnormal vaginal bleeding presenting for ultrasound examination (n = 2,417) were recruited.

Plasma metabolites associate with all-cause mortality in individuals with type 2 diabetes

Alterations in the human metabolome occur years before clinical manifestation of type 2 diabetes (T2DM). By contrast, there is little knowledge of how metabolite alterations in individuals with diabetes relate to risk of diabetes complications and premature mortality. Metabolite profiling was performed using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry in 743 participants with T2DM from the population-

Multiplicity dependence of π , K, and p production in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV

This paper presents the measurements of π±, K ±, p and p ¯ transverse momentum (pT) spectra as a function of charged-particle multiplicity density in proton–proton (pp) collisions at s=13TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC. Such study allows us to isolate the center-of-mass energy dependence of light-flavour particle production. The measurements reported here cover a pT range from 0.1 to 20 GeV

Predominant and novel de novo variants in 29 individuals with ALG13 deficiency: Clinical description, biomarker status, biochemical analysis, and treatment suggestions

Asparagine-linked glycosylation 13 homolog (ALG13) encodes a nonredundant, highly conserved, X-linked uridine diphosphate (UDP)-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase required for the synthesis of lipid linked oligosaccharide precursor and proper N-linked glycosylation. De novo variants in ALG13 underlie a form of early infantile epileptic encephalopathy known as EIEE36, but given its essential role in g

Ultrasonic motor performance influenced by lubricant properties

Functional lubrication has been shown to be a promising method for improving the performance ofultrasonic motors (USMs). However, the complex lubrication mechanisms have not been studied and the effect of lubricant properties on motor performance remains unknown. In this paper, both low-traction fluids and high-traction fluids with a wide viscosity range are applied, and the lubricating effects ar

”Fackliga argumentet låter som Storebror”

När Martin Linder argumenterar för kollektivavtal påminner det om Storebrors propagandafraser i George Orwells bok 1984: ”frihet är slaveri”, det vill säga frihet är tvång. Det skriver Lars Jonung i en slutreplik.