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Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production in the lepton-plus-jets final state in pp collision data at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

This paper reports inclusive and differential measurements of the tt̄ charge asymmetry ACin 20.3 fb−1of √s = 8 TeV pp collisions recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Three differential measurements are performed as a function of the invariant mass, transverse momentum and longitudinal boost of the tt̄ system. The tt̄ pairs are selected in the single-lepton channel

Electron-Hole Symmetry Breaking in Charge Transport in Nitrogen-Doped Graphene

Graphitic nitrogen-doped graphene is an excellent platform to study scattering processes of massless Dirac Fermions by charged impurities, in which high mobility can be preserved due to the absence of lattice defects through direct substitution of carbon atoms in the graphene lattice by nitrogen atoms. In this work, we report on electrical and magnetotransport measurements of high-quality graphiti

Review of the European species of Diglyphus Walker (Hymenoptera : Eulophidae) including the description of a new species

The European species of Diglyphus Walker are reviewed. Fifteen species are included. One of these, D. clematidis sp. n., is described as new, and one, D. anadolucus Doganlar, is recorded as new to Europe. Several of the species have their geographical distribution increased as many new country records are introduced. New host records and compilation of host records from the literature are presente

What's the Problem in Problem Gaming

The concept of video- or computergame addiction has entered the popular vocabulary as a common way of talking about the conflicts and troubles emerging in relation to video gameplay in the socio-cultural contexts of everyday life. Whether they appear in newspaper articles announcing the advent of a new grave diagnosis, or in the arguments between teenagers and their adults with regard to the prope

Performance Study of Acoustophoretic Microfluidic Silicon-Glass Devices by Characterization of Material- and Geometry-Dependent Frequency Spectra

The mechanical and electrical response of acoustophoretic microfluidic devices attached to an ac-voltage-driven piezoelectric transducer is studied by means of numerical simulations. The governing equations are formulated in a variational framework that, introducing Lagrangian and Hamiltonian densities, is used to derive the weak form for the finite-element discretization of the equations and to c

Size-And Wavelength-Dependent Two-Photon Absorption Cross-Section of CsPbBr3 Perovskite Quantum Dots

All-inorganic colloidal perovskite quantum dots (QDs) based on cesium, lead, and halide have recently emerged as promising light emitting materials. CsPbBr3 QDs have also been demonstrated as stable two-photon-pumped lasing medium. However, the reported two photon absorption (TPA) cross sections for these QDs differ by an order of magnitude. Here we present an in-depth study of the TPA properties

Design of MIMO terminal antennas with user proximity using characteristic modes

Although the classical Theory of Characteristic Modes allows an arbitrary structure to be analyzed prior to the implementation of physical feeds, structures containing dielectrics have so far received very little attention. Recently, a mesh perturbation method is proposed to remove internal resonances from the characteristic mode (CM) solution for lossy dielectrics obtained using the computational

Psychiatric Syndromes in Persian Gulf War Veterans: An Association of Handling Dead Bodies with Somatoform Disorders

Traumatic combat experience has been associated with the development of posttraumatic stress disorder, but there have been few studies about the association of military combat experience and the development of somatoform disorders. The authors evaluated 131 referred Gulf War veterans for medical and psychiatric syndromes thought related to their involvement in the Gulf War. Patients completed ques

Bullying in School-aged Children in Iceland : A Cross-sectional Study

Purpose: We describe the frequency and variations in bullying among a representative national sample of school-age children and examine whether sociodemographic characteristics are associated with bullying. Design and Methods: This study is based on a cross-sectional school-based survey-the Icelandic contribution to the international research network Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC)

Antifungal activities of secondary metabolites isolated from liquid fermentations of Stereum hirsutum (Sh134-11) against Botrytis cinerea (grey mould agent)

Extracts obtained from liquid mycelial fermentations of the Chilean fungus Stereum hirsutum (Sh134-11) showed antifungal activity against Botrytis cinerea. Two types of extracts were obtained: EtOAc-extract (liquid phase) and MeOH-extract (mycelial phase). Plate diffusion assay showed that EtOAc-extracts were more active than MeOH-extracts. A large-scale fermentation of Sh134-11 and chromatographi

Vacuum Impregnation of Spinach Tissue: Metabolic Consequences and their Potential Industrial Applications

Vacuum impregnation (VI) is a unit operation that allows the introduction of solutions into the porous structure of plant tissues. The plant tissue is immersed in the solution of interest and is then subjected to partial vacuum, causing the removal of air from the tissue. When the atmospheric pressure is restored, the solution is drawn into the tissue, replacing the air. In this way, most of the a

Somatic mutations reveal asymmetric cellular dynamics in the early human embryo

Somatic cells acquire mutations throughout the course of an individual's life. Mutations occurring early in embryogenesis are often present in a substantial proportion of, but not all, cells in postnatal humans and thus have particular characteristics and effects. Depending on their location in the genome and the proportion of cells they are present in, these mosaic mutations can cause a wide rang