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Klimatanpassning på privat kvartersmark - En studie av privata fastighetsbolags hinder och drivkrafter

Vilka hinder och drivkrafter för klimatanpassning står större fastighetsbolag inför? Hur väl rustade är fastighetsbolagen för att hantera ett framtida klimat? Den frågan blir mer och mer aktuell då det är tydligt att samhället behöver anpassas till ett förändrat klimat oavsett om vi uppnår Parisavtalet eller inte. Redan idag ser vi tydliga konsekvenser av klimatförändringarna med bland annat en öThe consequences of climate change are already affecting the built environment and adaptation to these effects must be addressed by both public and private actors. In Sweden private actors have an important role to play as they are responsible for addressing their climate adaptation or accept the consequences. The purpose of this thesis is to study the barriers and opportunities for large private

Äldre böcker i kommunarkivens ägo : Relationen mellan arkiv och bok genom ett bevarande- och tillgänglighetsperspektiv

Rare books, defined in this study as books printed or written before 1850, can be found at the Swedish municipal archives but are not necessarily a part of the traditional archival material. Due to the fact that rare books are not protected by law, the municipal archives can work and think differently about the rare books’ preservation, availability and value. There are several studies on the subj

Fiat lux: An analysis of light art through objecthood and embodied simulation, reflecting on the conceptuality and corporeality of the artistic medium

Though established as a movement and recognised as artistic form, light art remains elusive and somewhat enigmatic in its definitions and categorisations. This thesis aims to contribute to the current discourse on light art by exploring the application of objecthood and embodied simulation whilst acknowledging the contextual, three-dimensional, spectacular, and anti-art qualities of the art form.

D-band Power Amplifiers in Vertical InGaAs Nanowire MOSFET Technology for 100 Gbps Wireless Communication

Two different topologies of power amplifiers (PAs) are designed in the frequency range 130-174.8 GHz for use in backhaul transmitters. These are the pseudo-differential common source (PDCS) and the single-ended stacked amplifier topologies. The PAs are designed in Cadence AWR design environment with virtual source models, implemented in Verilog-A, of InGaAs nanowire transistors using a 20 nm gate

Att vara förälder till ett barn med anorexia nervosa: de emotionella processerna -En studie baserad på självbiografier

This study aims to gain a deeper understanding of parents’ perspective and experiences of taking care of children with anorexia. Anorexia is a serious potentially deadly mental illness, characterized by drastic weight loss and personality change. It generally debuts during adolescence and negatively impacts the whole family. In order to be able to provide adequate family support, the perspective o

Using Intellectual Property (IP) to increase sustainability impact - An evaluation of a business tool kit for sustainable IP

Använda immateriella rättigheter för att öka ett företags hållbara påverkan Immateriella rättigheter är verktyg för att stimulera innovation och investeringar i forskning och utveckling för att främja tillväxt och har traditionellt använts för ekonomiska intressen före miljömässig och social påverkan. Forskningsprojektet IPACST, som forskar på immateriella tillgångars roll för att accelerera en hIntellectual Property Rights, IPR, are tools to incentivize innovation and investment in Research and Development (R&D) to promote growth and are traditionally used for economic interests before environmental and social concerns. The research project IPACST has developed a business tool kit for supporting organizations in designing their IP models to increase environmental and social impact. T

Träningsmodell för neurointervention tillverkad i 3D-skrivare

In life-threatening conditions in the vessels of the brain, neurointervention can be the treatment that saves lives. With only one incision in the vessel of the groin, a catheter can be navigated to the affected vessel and treatment can be performed using tools inserted through the catheter. In this report, a training model for neurointervention consisting of interconnected vascular models has be

Quantum Gauge Fields in Cosmology: Cosmic Inflation and Gravitational Waves

Universum tros ha en diameter på kring 93 miljarder ljusår. Det är därför svårt att tänka sig att hela universum en gång i tiden fick plats i en enda punkt för 13,8 miljarder år sedan. Sen kom den stora smällen! Det som följde var troligen en kort period av väldigt snabb expansion. På samma sätt som ett jetplan som accelererar förbi ljudvallen resulterar i en ljudbang, borde den snabba expansionenIn this thesis, the consequences of introducing Yang-Mills fields into cosmology are investigated. This is done by the effective action approach, in which the coupling constant is allowed to depend on the quantum fields. The equation of state and scale factor are then found for the flat universe filled with either chromoelectric or chromomagnetic fields. From this, we draw conclusions about the hi

Insider trading by Swedish CEOs

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether certain CEO- and firm characteristics have an impact on the extent of abnormal return on Swedish firms at the event of a CEO insider trade. Furthermore, the study aims to examine whether there is a difference depending on firm size and sector. Methodology: An event study has been performed based on the market model where the presence of

Sekulär stagnation i Sverige: Utbildning och inkomstojämlikhet som motvinndar för ekonomisk tillväxt

This thesis examines the theory of headwinds by Robert J Gordon related to Sweden’s economic growth since the 1970s. The specific questions asked are how the two headwinds of income inequality and educational attainment in the USA can be related to a Swedish context. Gordon’s theory is part of a debate on secular stagnation. This thesis aims to broaden that debate by applying one theory of secular

Analysis of condition for ALD deposition of ferroelectric HZO

Deposition of ferroelectric hafnium zirconium oxide (HZO) on semiconductor samples with Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) has proven to be a viable method of production. But while the physical processes of ALD deposition is relatively well know, there exists some gaps in knowledge about different parameters for the ALD and the resulting depositions. This work is about analysing mainly how the purge ti

The Role of Organizational Culture in the Post-Covid business landscape

As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting restrictions, many companies found themselves in the reality that they had to conduct their business operations from home. The pandemic has heightened the need for Professional Service Firms (PSFs) to shrink, pivot, re-invent themselves, as well as redeploy organisational culture and resources dramatically, abruptly, and possibly disrupti

(Dis)engagement in a disguise: The challenge of understanding and recognizing engagement among millennial remote-workers

Maintaining engaged employees has become a key issue for organizations in recent years, as millennials have become the largest generation currently active in the work life. Recently, Covid-19 pandemic forced marketing agencies in Finland to start working in-remote, posing even bigger challenge for engagement in these organi- zations. Using the theoretical framework of social exchange, this thesis

Brand Activism Scepticism

The aim of this thesis was to deepen the understanding of brand activism by looking into existing and novel dimensions on which consumers base their validation and opinion of brands engaging in socio-political discourse. This dissertation followed a dual-analysis approach in which both qualitative and quantitative research was conducted. This study drew on socio-political activism theories, consum

Borta bra men hemma bäst?

Examensarbetets titel: Borta Bra men Hemma Bäst?: En kvalitativ flerfallsstudie om hur svenska startups väljer produktionsplats Seminariedatum: 3 juni, 2022 Ämne/kurs: FEKH99, Examensarbete i Entreprenörskap och Innovation, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Elias Alhar, Karl-Oscar Giertz och Måns Wirfelt Handledare: Joakim Winborg Nyckelord: Entreprenöriellt beslutsfattande; Supply chain management; LäTitle: There’s No Place Like Home?: A qualitative multiple-case study about how Swedish startups choose location of production Seminar date: June 3rd, 2022 Course: FEKH99, Bachelor Degree Project in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Business administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credit Points Authors: Elias Alhar, Karl-Oscar Giertz och Måns Wirfelt Advisor: Joakim Winborg Ke

Gradually Changing Gender Attribution of Speech Recordings Using Interpolated Filters

Mänskliga röster bär på mycket information, och en av de fösta egenskaper vi registrerar är talarens kön. Är det möjligt att omvandla en röst så att lyssnaren ändrar uppfattning? Inom könsbekräftande vård av transpersoner ingår ibland talterapi för att uppnå en röst mer i linje med patientens könsidentitet. Där fokuserar behandlingen på att ändra de aspekter av rösten som associeras med kön: gruWhen we listen to human speech, one of the first characteristics we assess is the gender of the speaker. For individuals who suffer from gender dysphoria, this may cause them to be negatively impacted by their voice not matching their gender identity. Therefore, some persons attempt to change their voices with a speech-language therapist. Differences between the average female and male voice have

Gender Roles and Psychological Health: A Study on Gender Role Conflict and its Relation to Psychological Well-Being in Scandinavian Men, Women and Genderqueer Individuals

Gender role conflict (GRC) was originally developed to evaluate men’s health in relation to perceived “masculinity”. In previous studies, GRC has been associated with poor mental health and low help-seeking behavior in men. In this study, we expanded on previous research and were able to demonstrate that also women and genderqueer individuals can display GRC. An aim was also to investigate any po

PEPP Talk: The Impact of the ECB's Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme on the Corporate Bond Market

Purpose: This thesis aims to evaluate whether the ECB’s Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP) cushioned the Covid-19 crisis’ impact on the Euro area’s corporate bond market and relieved borrowing conditions. Methodology: The methodology is based upon unbalanced panel data and difference-in-differences regressions with firm-clustered standard errors. The model controls for industry and cou

Deng Xiaoping’s Meta-Discursive Ideology for economic development in the Reform Period and the Departure from Mao Zedong Thought

The rise of China and 1978-market reforms contrasts other post-socialist economies process of institutional and economic change. President Deng Xiaoping announced China’s continued commitment to socialism, yet his leadership is by some viewed to be the most radical social and economic transformation in contemporary Chinese history. One of the most extraordinary aspects of the Chinese reform period