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Framtidens studentbostad i Lund

Framtidens studentbostad i Lund Studentbostaden är för många från dagens, och nog framför allt en något äldre, studentgeneration synonymt med korridorsboendets kombination av det ständiga provet på tålamod samt nya och oväntade vänskaper. Men kommer nästa generationer ha samma association? I Lund är frågan om studentbostäder ständigt aktuell och en viktig del i att stärka attraktionen som studieorIn a university city like Lund, the issue of student housing and its development is constantly relevant and important, to maintain the city’s and university’s attractiveness. After a relatively stagnant student housing development following the decades after the 1960s, it has recently picked up significantly, with many apartments being built. But what will the future hold? The purpose of this thes

Structural reading : Developing the method of Structural Collocation Analysis using a case study on parliamentary reporting

To analyze large, digitized corpora, we introduce the new approach of “structural reading”, which combines the abstraction of distant reading with the nuance of close reading. We do so by developing the method of “structural collocation analysis” (SCA) that uses metadata categories to investigate how research topics behave across texts belonging to different categories. The method combines the rob

Unveiling impulse buying patterns in travel live-streaming through the lens of social cognitive theory

Grounded in the social cognitive theory, the main aim of this study is to explore the impact of telepresence, social presence, and emotional engagement on impulsive buying tendencies within the realm of travel live-streaming (TLS). To examine further, the moderating effect of guidance shopping was included. An online questionnaire was distributed to 332 live-streaming viewers from China, and the c

Comparison of E-Scooter and Bike Users’ Behavior in Mixed Traffic

This study aims to investigate the different behaviors with respect to safety measures related to the interaction of e-scooters and bikes with cars in mixed traffic. E-scooters are relatively new vulnerable road users, and their behavior is still not fully understood. For this purpose, an observational study was carried out at an unsignalized at-grade intersection in the city of Catania, Italy. A

Political Epistemology : Knowledge and Advocacy in Trade Union Research

Politiska organisationer anställer ofta, och i allt högre utsträckning, utredare och andra kunskapsarbetare för att producera kunskap och politiska förslag, och den svenska fackliga centralorganisationen LO har sedan 1930-talet anställt nationalekonomer och andra samhällsvetare. Genom analys- och presentationsmetoder som liknar den akademiska samhällsvetenskapen, och genom interaktion med talesperPolitical organisations routinely, and increasingly, employ researchers to make knowledge claims and suggest political action. Swedish blue-collar trade union organisation LO has done so since the 1930s, employing economists and other social scientists drawing in part on methods of analysis and presentation similar to academic social science, and in part on interaction with spokespersons for trade

Social trust during the pandemic : Longitudinal evidence from three waves of the Swiss household panel study

In this study, I analyse whether and why people’s social trust, the belief that most people can be trusted, changed during the COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland. My analysis is guided by two different approaches to potential dynamics in social trust, (1) the settled disposition model which advocates for stability within individuals over time, and (2) the active updating model claiming that crisis-i

The Social Origins of Democracy and Authoritarianism Reconsidered: Prussia and Sweden in Comparison

In a large social science literature, unequal rural class structures (“landlordism”) are associated with authoritarian political outcomes. This paper revisits the debate focusing on the electoral consequences of land inequality in Prussia, the locus classicus of the pernicious effects of landlordism, and Sweden, often perceived as Prussia’s opposite, with a farmer-dominated social structure and stIn a large social science literature, unequal rural class structures (“landlordism”) are as-sociated with authoritarian political outcomes. This paper revisits the debate focusingon the electoral consequences of land inequality in Prussia, the locus classicus of the per-nicious effects of landlordism, and Sweden, often perceived as Prussia’s opposite, with afarmer-dominated social structure and st

Influence of AFIR's charging station spacing requirement on heavy-duty vehicle electrification rate

Den snabba utvecklingen av elektrifiering av vägtransporter i Sverige kräver forskningsbaserade beslut om placeringen av laddinfrastruktur. Europeiska unionens (EU) nya förordning för infrastruktur för alternativa bränslen (AFIR) specificerar det maximala tillåtna avståndet mellan offentliga snabbladdningsstationer (FCS) för tunga lastbilar längs det transeuropeiska transportnätverket (TEN-T). EffThe rapid progression of the electrification of road transport in Sweden requires effective research based decisions on the location of charging infrastructure. The new European Union (EU) regulation for alternative fuel infrastructure (AFIR) specifies the maximum allowed distance between public fast-charging stations (FCSs) for heavy-duty trucks along the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).

Selection on the joint actions of pairs leads to divergent adaptation and coadaptation of care-giving parents during pre-hatching care

The joint actions of animals in partnerships or social groups evolve under both natural selection from the wider environment and social selection imposed by other members of the pair or group. We used experimental evolution to investigate how jointly expressed actions evolve upon exposure to a new environmental challenge. Our work focused on the evolution of carrion nest preparation by pairs of bu

Sociodemographic Inequalities in Student Achievement : An Intersectional Multilevel Analysis of Individual Heterogeneity and Discriminatory Accuracy (MAIHDA)

Sociodemographic inequalities in student achievement are a persistent concern for education systems and are increasingly recognized to be intersectional. Intersectionality considers the multidimensional nature of disadvantage, appreciating the interlocking social determinants which shape individual experience. Intersectional multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accura

Contact person intervention in Nordic countries: A comparative integrative review

In Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark, the contact person intervention (CPI) is declared for children and youth in national legislation. The CPI is based on a relationship between the child and a volunteer adult who provides support to the child in need in different life situations. In this review, we summarise how the CPI within child welfare services has been studied and defined in four Nordic