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Effects of Lattice Strain in Silicon Double Crystal Monochromators

Silicon double crystal monochromators are standard in modern synchrotron hard X-ray beamlines. Their role is reducing a polychromatic photon beam to a small range of wavelengths, typically within a bandwidth of 0.01-0.1%. These monochromators work through the principle of Bragg diffraction where the crystal lattice spacing, photon energy and incident angle determines the reflectivity of the crystal.

Perceived fairness of airlines' revenue management from young adults perspective

Perceived fairness of airlines’ revenue management practices from young adults perspective The objective of this research paper is to familiarize the reader with airline revenue management (RM) practices and assess the perceived fairness. A mixed method approach was implemented, as both qualitative and quantitative methods were employed. Initially, focus groups were executed in order to develop in

What Goes Around Comes Around - A Quantitative Study of Swedish Consumers’ Attitudes Towards Sustainable Consumption Models

Aim and Purpose: The aim with this thesis was to provide answers to the two research questions: “Which of the four consumption models (“Circular economy”, “Shared economy”, “Environmentally friendly”, and “Conventional”) do Swedish consumers prefer, in relation to different product markets and product categories?” and“Are there any distinctive demographic segments among consumers preferring a spec

Brand Trust Through Informal Communication: Let’s Taco ‘Bout It

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore the effect of informal communication strategies on brand trust from a consumer perspective. Additionally, it aims to further conceptualize brand communication strategies on social media. Methodology: This inductive study applied a qualitative research strategy to obtain an in-depth understanding of consumers’ feeling of brand trust on soci

Making sense of adaptability initiatives in the teeth of rigidity

This case study explores how members of a large complex organization make sense of its efforts to be more adaptable. Using ideas from institutional theory, we problematize efforts toward adaptability and identify adaptability as an area where organizations engage in some degree of hypocrisy, meaning that they talk about being flexible to stay competitive in a fast-paced environment, but often act

The Place of Women in Public Space : A Case Study of Street Harassment in Bangladesh

Sexual harassment on the streets is a prevalent issue worldwide and most of it takes place in the cities. The issue has been addressed by various international agencies and governments. However, the problem still persists and affects the daily lives of people, especially women and girls. It affects their daily commuting patterns and it has impact on their decisions about whether to be present in p

Oxygen Metabolism in Lactobacillus reuteri. DSM 17938 and PTA 4659

A previous study found that oxygen can promote the growth of Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 and PTA 4659 (Koendjbiharie, 2015). However, the presence of oxygen is a cause of H2O2 accumulation, which can result in impaired growth. The first part of this project was to investigate survivability of cells when treated with H2O2. The results revealed that the higher the concentration of H2O2, the lowe

Undressing Sustainability Communication: An exploratory study of sustainable fashion brands’ online messages

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to provide an understanding of how successful sustainable fashion brands communicate online, since communicating sustainability efforts effectively has been identified as essential to contribute towards closing the attitude-behaviour gap. Therefore, the company perspective is taken, exploring message content and composition on corporate websites and Facebook.

Brand Conviction and Brand Desirability in the Aviation Industry

The Awareness-Interest-Conviction-Desire-Action (“AICDA”) model was studied by various marketing scholars in the past 80 years. However, the relationship between brand conviction and brand desirability in the aviation industry has not yet been proved empirically. Through the conduction of a preliminary questionnaire survey in Lund, Sweden (N = 288) and a main questionnaire survey in Hong Kong (N =

Personalisation on Instagram - A quantitative content analysis of prominent Swedish politicians’ Instagram posts

Konceptet personalisering innebär att fokus allt oftare riktas mot individuella politiker och deras personliga egenskaper. Sociala medier, så som Instagram, har gjort konceptet än mer aktuellt då möjligheterna att politiskt kommunicera personligt har ökat genom dessa. Studien ämnade att undersöka om personaliserad kommunikation av framstående svenska politiker på Instagram har ökat under den senasPersonalisation is a concept which is based on the idea that focus is increasingly directed at the individual politician and his or her personal characteristics. Social media, such as Instagram, has revived the concept since the possibilities for personalised political communication have increased. This study aimed to examine if personalised communication among prominent Swedish politicians on Ins

Samma profession, olika verksamheter och rutiner : Hantering av oro kring barn i föräldrakooperativ och kommunal förskola

The aim of this study was to interpret and increase the understanding of how various factors have an effect on preschool teachers’ assessments to report maltreated children to the social services and to study their routines and guidelines. Interviews with four managers for preschools form the basis of this study, including their written guidelines. The study also focused on the differences between

Kriskommunikation i närvaron av en stark social movement, ett flerstämmigt perspektiv på kampen om inramningen av krisen

Denna studie syftar till att bidra med kunskap kring hur organisationer som blir måltavla för kritik från en stark social movement kan använda kriskommunikation för att minimera skadan på sitt rykte, då ett minskat förtroende från intressenterna kan få allvarliga konsekvenser för organisationens förmåga att uppnå sina övergripande mål. Studien baserades på en kvalitativ fallstudie utifrån ett flerThis study aims to contribute with knowledge of how organizations that are criticized by a strong social movement can use crisis communication in order to minimize reputational damage. Reduced stakeholder trust can have serious consequences for the organization's ability to achieve its overall goals. The study was based on a qualitative case study with a multivocal approach on an organizationa

En tredje kultur : En studie om blattekulturen och dess betydelse för gemenskap

This study describes three young men and four young women and their quest for identity in a culture they, for many reasons, never seriously considered to be their own. The aim of the study was to find out, through interviews, what characterizes the culture of individuals identified as “blattar”, individuals with a cross-cultural background growing up and living in Sweden. We wanted to find out wha

Synthesis of Linearly Fused Tröger’s Base Analogues

The Tröger’s base molecule has a unique V-shaped cavity and can be fused together in a linear fashion to create either tubular structures or zigzag structures. These structures could be applicable in for example catalysis. The Tröger’s base scaffold is easily functionalised with different side-groups and therefore has a wide range of applications. Previous research in the Wärnmark group had led to

Prediction of fracture propagation in human femur using the Finite Element Method

Hip fractures constitute a major problem, both in terms of a lower life quality for the people affected and socio-economical factors. Osteoporosis is a medical condition, defined by decreased bone mass, which results in a more fragile bone structure and a higher risk for fractures. Osteoporosis accounts for a cost of € 1.5 billion each year in Sweden alone, and the costs are increasing. In orderHip fractures can be predicted using numerical models -You probably know at least one older person who broke their hip. Hip fractures most often affect older people and it is both painful, takes time to heal and is expensive for the society. If there was a way to predict and prevent fractures, a lot of suffering, time and money could be saved.-

Does the taxation of permanent establishment ensure source-based taxation on business profits? - An analysis of cross-border services

Services belong to the business sector which contributes most to the world’s economy. Despite that there is no specific provision in the OECD Model Tax Convention which concerns the taxation of business services specifically. Instead, taxation on business services is connected to the taxation of business profits, to which the residence state of the business has the primary right. The source state

Förlossningsvård i världsklass : en undersökning av attityder och inställningar till den svenska förlossningsvården, samt en begreppsutveckling av kvinnors rätt till vård

De senaste åren har ett flertal förlossningskliniker lagts ned runt om Sverige. Det har resulterat i en debatt om förlossningsvårdens standard. Frågan har engagerat flera delar av samhället så som politiker, privatpersoner, yrkesverksamma inom vården och gräsrotsorganisationer. Debatten har berört vilket skick den svenska förlossningsvården egentligen befinner sig. Uppsatsen gör ett nedslag i debaDuring the past years a number of obstetric wards have been shut down in Sweden. The shutdowns have resulted in a debate about the standard of the obstetric care. The topic has engaged multiple parts of society such as, politicians, citizens, care professionals and grassroots organizations. From the debate between 2016-2018, this essay drives the thesis that the concept women’s rights to healthcar

Det osynliga samhällsproblemet

Mental illness is one of the leading causes of global disease and is expected to increase in the near future. However, the unawareness of the issue is grave as the subject is highly affected by taboo. Countries’ economic situations are heavily dependent on the productivity of their population, which is directly affected by mental health issues. Hence, from an economic and humanitarian perspective