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Om garderober och garderobsprojekt: ett försök att skriva queer socialpsykologi om kläder och transvestism
Enhancements of traffic micro simulation models using video analysis
The political ecology of large scale industrial projects; implications for human health and well-being in Greenland.
Making Crime and Youth into Problems for Elderly People. Ideology and Identity Construction among Organized Seniors
Let’s go for a walk – User involvement for accessibility, safety and social participation
Evaluation of global climate models in simulating extreme precipitation in China
Low frequency scattering by passive periodic structures for oblique incidence: low pass case
The interplay between matching and networks in the entry process into emerging consumer markets
Chemical, positional and structural control of branched nanowire heterostructures (nanotrees) viewed by HREM and HAADF
Numerical simulation of two-phase flow and heat transfer with and without phase change using a volume-of-fluid model
A construction of authentication codes with total secrecy
Tupperware speglade både flärd och sparsamhet
Motivationsskapande undervisning och lärande
Sammanfattning: Utgångspunkten för denna studie har varit studenten och dennes motivation för att lära och förbereda sig inför ett yrkesliv som civilingenjör. Vi konstaterar att man i planering och genomförande av en kurs bör ta hänsyn till de olika behov som finns hos studenten, läraren, lärarteamet, avdelningen/institutionen, andra kurser, universitetet och dess uppdragsgivare, samt näringslive
How is capability assessment related to risk assessment? Evaluating existing research and current application from a design science perspective
Several countries use capability assessments as a part of their efforts to manage risk. However, it is unclear how such assessments are connected to other risk management activities, e.g. risk assessment. Therefore, the aim of the present paper is to present a study of how capability assessment is related to risk assessment. Capability assessment methods were identified through a scoping study and
Report on Measures to Combat Discrimination (Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78) - Country Report. Non-discrimination. Sweden. Reporting period 1 January 2016 - 31 of December 2016
A description on the legal development on Swedish discrimination law and an evaluation of whether or not it fulfills the demand set by the two directives.
Good Food Energy Deeds. Renewable Sources. Efficient Use
[abstract missing]
The perfect fieldwork
InvitedPaper presented at conference/seminar on difficult fieldwork, discusses compromises that ethnographers will have to make as their fieldwork becomes more fragmented and their study objects more suspicious, especially when studying elites; the possibility of any solidarity or empathy with the people we study may be declining.