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Human serviceorganisationsföreträdare hanterar flera, inte sällan motsträviga, viljor samtidigt och balanserar dem i relation till sin profession. Detta har tidigare beskrivits i termer av att utsättas för ett korstryck och har bland annat studerats bland sjuksköterskor och lärare. Fenomenet beskrivs vara påfrestande och påverka arbetstagaren i sin yrkesvardag. Mot bakgrund av detta var syftet medHuman service representatives often handle multiple contradictory expectations and requests. This has been described in terms of being subjected to cross pressure and has been studied in different professions, such as nurses and teachers. The phenomenon is described to be stressful and affects the employee during his/her every-day professional life. The purpose of this study was to investigate exp

Acculturation and health of immigrants in elderly ages in Costa Rica

Although health disparities among immigrants and natives has been researched quite extensively, the associations with acculturation and health require more attention, especially in Costa Rica where elderly immigrants have been increasing relatively for years and research is scarce. This study explores, with help of a longevity and aging survey (CRELES) and an ordered logit model, how this associat

Chasing Social Cohesion: An Investigation of a Pluralistic Construct

Diskussioner gällande olikheter har kommit att spela en allt större roll i den svenska debatten om frågor såsom sociala klyftor, integration och välfärd. I takt med att denna debatt anpassas sig till samtidens sociala strömningar av xenofobi och nationalism, skiftar även dess begrepp form. Social sammanhållning är ett av dessa begrepp. Denna uppsats anlägger ett etnologiskt angreppssätt för att unIn Sweden, discussions of difference and diversity have come to play a bigger role in nation- wide debate on social gaps, integration and welfare issues. As this debate on these adapts to prevailing social currents with strong tendencies of xenophobia and nationalism, so does the terms we use to examine and discuss such questions. Social cohesion is one of these terms. Therefore, this thesis appli

Chinese Regional Development, a Consequence of State Interventions or the Private Sector?

A current topic in today’s China is to find paths for passing the middle income. Although the restoration process has been ongoing for a couple of decades, the complete marketization transition has not yet turned into reality. However, the pace of development is still impressive, partly depending on an increasing private enterprise mobility. This paper provides a panel data analysis of Chinese reg

Finns det plats för lek? Samutnyttjande av skolgård och park inom detaljplanelagt område

Det råder idag en trend att förtäta, det vill säga bygga tätt i städer istället för att låta städer växa utåt. Det finns många fördelar med att förtäta då en tät stad ger underlag för bättre service och tätare kollektivtrafik vilket därmed kan leda till mer hållbara städer. Men det finns också nackdelar med att bygga tätt. Genom att förtäta städer samlas fler människor på mindre ytor och därmed ocToday it has become a trend to densify cities instead of allowing them to grow outwards. Densification has many advantages, a dense city provides a basis for better service and denser public transport, which can lead to more sustainable cities. However, building dense also has its disadvantages. By densifying cities, more people gather on a smaller area. This result in more children on a smaller a

From TV Buddha to Robotic Monk:A Transcultural Question Concerning Techno-Buddhism

From the beginning of the 21st century, there has been a tendency to hybridize Buddhism with modern technology, which embodies rich ambiguities. At the conference AI World 2016, a robotic monk Xian’er with artificial intelligence(AI) premiered in China and was claimed as the icon of the harmony of techno-Buddhism. This paper will explore the ambiguity of Xian’er – why and how the harmony comes int

Sea Imagery in E.M. Forster’s Howards End

It has for long been undecided among critics whether Forster should be counted as belonging to the modernist literary tradition or not. This essay will analyse Howards End’s sea imagery, the notion of the sea when it is used as a symbol or in any other type of imagery. The sea when used as a symbol has several possible interpretations, and these interpretations have connection to the thoughts and

A Glossy Relationship - How consumers form a relationship with curated subscription box brands

The following study investigates subscription commerce, a new form of e-commerce which delivers boxes with diverse products to consumers in a periodical manner. Thereby, this work focuses on a special type of subscription commerce, namely curated subscriptions, implying that the content of each subscription box is unknown to consumers and adapted to their individual needs. Previous research has fo

Rätten till personlig integritet efter grov brottslighet - En kvalitativ studie om synen på rättvisa när sexualförbrytare beviljas skyddad identitet

In media today, sex offenders are often described as horrible, monstrous people and are frequently faced with hatred, sometimes in the form of threats of violence. Threats like these can result in sex offenders getting granted identity confidentiality, which has led to a public outrage. Is it fair that high risk sex offenders, who destroyed the life of innocent victims, are getting help from the a

Sanitizing Argentina: Hegemonic Whiteness in the Europe of South America

This thesis examines underlying perceptions in Argentina about European culture, class, and environment. In contemporary Argentina, the population is made up of a majority of European descendants, distinguishing it from other countries in Latin America. Probing into the recent migratory history, identities are remolded in order to emulate development and environmental attitudes similar to those of

Social Media Influencers Driving the Pre- Purchase Phase of the Consumer’s Decision-Making Process. A Comparison Between Hedonic and Utilitarian Products

The purpose of this research is to determine how social media influencers drive the pre-purchase phase of the consumer’s decision-making process and how these drivers differ in regard to hedonic and utilitarian products. Considering the aim to answer how the pre-purchase phase is driven through social media influencers’, and how the drivers differ for hedonic and utilitarian products, a qualitati

The Complexity of Rehabilitation in Open and Closed Prison Setting

In Germany, prisoners have a constitutional right to rehabilitation (“resocialization”). In the Lebach judgment of 1973, a landmark ruling that served as the basis for the 1976 Prison Act (Strafvollzugsgesetz [StVollzG]), rehabilitation was seen by the German Federal Constitutional Court as part of the guaranteed rights of prisoners to retain their human dignity (Dünkel & van Zyl Smit, 2007, p

Development of a Genetic Engineering Protocol for Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus

The genus Caldicellulosiruptor and especially Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus are gaining attention because of their potential as biohydrogen producers from agricultural and forestry waste on an industrial scale. Genetic and in turn metabolic engineering can be used to aid in the characterization of C. saccharolyticus. Additionally, it can be used in strain improvement to overcome limiting fa

Att blogga om psykisk ohälsa - ett sätt att hjälpa och bli hjälpt

Syftet med studien var att utforska hur personer med psykisk ohälsa beskriver betydelsen av att blogga om personliga erfarenheter. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fem personer som lever med psykisk ohälsa och skriver en blogg om det. Materialet analyserades utifrån tolkande fenomenologisk analys (IPA). Analysen av intervjuerna resulterade i fyra huvudteman som skildrar bloggens betydeThe aim of this study was to explore the meaning of blogging about lived experience as described by people living with mental illness. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five people and the content was analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. This resulted in four main themes depicting what blogging meant to the participants in terms of well-being and self-image: The bl

(Un)Narrating Belonging: Colonial imaginaries and gender equal Nordic subjects - Sámi contestations

This thesis is a critical reflection on the metanarratives that are often employed to describe ‘Nordic exceptionality’. In particular, this thesis will look into the anniversary project of ‘Finland100’ as an example of these narratives and approach it as a political project that promises belonging. Narratives surrounding the anniversary will be discussed through a deconstructive narrative reading,

Migrating Mothers’ Experiences of Motherhood and Mothering in an ever-globalizing World.

Female migrants comprise half of the worlds migrating people today. Modern ideals of mothering and motherhood entail mothers staying at home to care for their children, mother’s having to migrate away from their families contradicts current (modern) values. This thesis aims at investigating how mothers experience migration, and how their ethnicity, class and location affect their migrational expe