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Your search for "*" yielded 531175 hits

Integrating molecular photoswitch memory with nanoscale optoelectronics for neuromorphic computing

Photonic solutions are potentially highly competitive for energy-efficient neuromorphic computing. However, a combination of specialized nanostructures is needed to implement all neuro-biological functionality. Here, we show that donor-acceptor Stenhouse adduct dyes integrated with III-V semiconductor nano-optoelectronics have combined excellent functionality for bio-inspired neural networks. The

Hidden Photoexcitations Probed by Multipulse Photoluminescence

Time-resolved photoluminescence is a validated method for tracking the photoexcited carrier dynamics in luminescent materials. This technique probes the photoluminescence decays upon a periodic excitation by short laser pulses. Herein, we show that this approach cannot directly detect hidden photoexcitations with much slower dynamics than the photoluminescence decay. We demonstrate a new method ba

The Geometry and Dynamics of Meaning

An enigma for human languages is that children learn to understand words in their mother tongue extremely fast. The cognitive sciences have not been able to fully understand the mechanisms behind this highly efficient learning process. In order to provide at least a partial answer to this problem, I have developed a cognitive model of the semantics of natural language in terms of conceptual spaces

Intra- and Postoperative Complications in 4565 vNOTES Hysterectomies : International Registry Cohort Study

Objective: To present the rates of intra- and postoperative complications and conversions in a large cohort of unselected vNOTES hysterectomies, performed by surgeons with different levels of expertise. Design: International register-based cohort study. Setting: Hysterectomies in the iNOTESs registry, 2015 to January 2024, performed by 201 surgeons from multiple countries. Population: 4565 patient

Co-designing carbon label interventions in restaurants : insights from a field experiment in a tourism destination

Food consumption accounts for a third of global greenhouse gas emissions in developed countries, with the hospitality industry, including restaurants, playing a significant role. While behavioural interventions show promise in promoting climate-friendly food choices, their implementation in hospitality operations poses significant challenges. This study integrates the operational perspectives of m

Cultural Norms and Neighborhood Exposure Impacts on the Gender Gap in Math

This work investigates the interaction between cultural norms and neighborhood characteristics, in the context of the gender gap in math. Using high-quality Swedish administrative data, I estimate the effect of mothers’ country-of-origin gender norms on the gender gap in math among second-generation immigrant siblings and exploit a refugee placement policy to obtain random variation in regional ch

Spatiotemporal distribution of neural crest cells in the common wall lizard Podarcis muralis

Background: Neural crest cells (NCCs) are migratory embryonic stem cells that give rise to a diverse set of cell types. Here we describe the dynamic distribution of NCCs in developing embryos of the common wall lizard Podarcis muralis inferred from 10 markers. Our aim is to provide insights into the NCC development of lacertid lizards and to infer evolutionary modifications by comparisons to other

Improving neural network efficiency with multifidelity and dimensionality reduction techniques

Design problems in aerospace engineering often require numerous evaluations of expensive-to-evaluate high-fidelity models, resulting in prohibitive computational costs. One way to address the computational cost is through building surrogates, such as deep neural networks (DNNs). However, DNNs may only be an effective surrogate when sufficient evaluations of the high-fidelity model are required suc

Telemedicine networks for acute stroke : An analysis of global coverage, gaps, and opportunities

Background: Despite the proven efficacy of telestroke in improving clinical outcomes by providing access to specialized expertise and allowing rapid expert hyperacute stroke management and decision-making, detailed operational evidence is scarce, especially for less developed or lower income regions. Aim: We aimed to map the global telestroke landscape and characterize existing networks. Methods:

Pulsed septum for the LNLS injector

The design and construction of a pulsed thin septum for the LNLS UVX injection system are presented. The injection system uses two septa and three kickers to inject the 120 MeV electron beam from the Linac into the storage ring. The present system uses two d.c. septa. A pulsed thin septum is under construction in order to reduce the septum wall thickness from the present 5.5 mm to 1.5 mm, thus imp

I skuggan av systemet - En diskursanalys om hur normbrytande funktionalitet konstrueras och hur funktionsrättsperspektivet integreras i Lunds kommuns politiska diskurs

Denna studie syftar till att analysera hur normbrytande funktionalitet konstrueras och hur funktionsrättsperspektivet integreras i den politiska diskursen, med Lunds kommun som exempel. Genom att granska två offentliga styrdokument med praktiska riktlinjer relaterade till mänskliga rättigheter, används en foucaultinspirerad diskursanalys, främst enligt Christine Bylunds tillämpning av Foucaults te

Terrorismens avtryck En innehållsanalys av säkerhetsdiskursen i USA:s Försvarsrapporter år 2000-2002.

Denna uppsats undersöker diskursen kring terrorism i USA före och efter händelserna den 11 september 2001 genom en detaljerad analys av årsrapporter till presidenten och kongressen från försvarsministern under perioden 2000-2002. Med hjälp av en teoretisk ram baserad på Piet Hein van Kempens Four Concepts of Security - A Human Rights Perspective, som består utav 4 begrepp: internationell säkerhet,

Frontex om den riskfyllda resan - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Frontex identifiering av risker för migranter

Frontex spelar en avgörande roll för att skydda mänskliga rättigheter genom sin direkta kontakt med migranter. Denna studie undersöker hur Frontex beskriver risker för migranter och hur denna beskrivning har förändrats under det senaste decenniet. Studien analyserar tre av Frontex årliga riskanalysrapporter genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med en teoretisk ram om mänsklig säkerhet. Resultaten vFrontex plays a crucial role in protecting human rights through its direct contact with migrants. This study examines how Frontex describes risks to migrants and how this description has changed over the past decade. The study analyses three of Frontex's annual risk analysis reports through a qualitative content analysis with a theoretical framework on human security. The results show that Fro

Tourism challenges within a high cost of living crisis

Living costs have been increasing at an unprecedented rate compared to average trends over the last decade due to increasing uncertainty from various global events, including the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical tensions. Previous research indicates that people prioritize essential consumption over leisure and tourism activities during high cost-of-living crises. However, prior studies have over

LNLS vacuum system commissioning

The Brazilian National Synchrotron Light Laboratory, LNLS, operates a synchrotron light source consisting of a 1.37 GeV electron storage ring and a 120 MeV injector. A summary of the commissioning and operation performance of the vacuum system for the linear accelerator (LINAC), transport line, RF system and storage ring is presented. The performance of the subsystems is described including the ph

Commissioning and operation of the Brazilian synchrotron light source

The Brazilian National Synchrotron Light Laboratory, LNLS, operates a 1.37 GeV electron storage ring with a 120 MeV injector Linac. Commissioning of the storage ring at low energy started on May 1996 and now, an year later, we can store 120 mA at 120 MeV and ramp more than 75 mA to 1.37 GeV. A summary of the latest commissioning results and a description of the present operational performance of t

Memory State Dynamics in BEOL FeFETs : Impact of Area Ratio on Analog Write Mechanisms and Charging

This work presents dynamic state writing by combining ferroelectric (FE) polarization together with charge injection (CI) on Si-based ferroelectric MOSFETs as a novel approach for non-volatile memory design. FE capacitors are non-destructively integrated in the Back-End-of-Line (BEOL) with Si MOSFETs to create FE-Metal-FETs (FeMFETs). We explore the FE/MOS area ratio (AR) as a critical design para

Mind and Body: : dimensions of mind perception across agent types in human-agent interaction

The paper details a study that investigated dimensions of mind perception in social agents across various agent types. Factor analysis on 18 mental capacities was conducted across 12 characters, which included 9 social agents - 3 chatbots, 3 voice assistant speakers, and 3 robots. Two factors were identified that roughly aligned with task-oriented and affective-reflective cognitive processes. Base

Altered medial temporal lobe subregion volumes in systemic lupus erythematosus patients with neuropsychiatric symptoms

Background: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) often presents with neuropsychiatric (NP) involvement, including cognitive impairment and depression. Past magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) research in SLE patients showed smaller hippocampal volumes but did not investigate other medial temporal lobe (MTL) regions. Our study aims to compare MTL subregional volumes in SLE patients to healthy individual