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The impact of AI on inclusive learning communities
The possibilities of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) are both exciting and potentially concerning in many aspects of higher education. One concern may be that the increased use of GenAI tools exacerbates and perpetuates structural inequities due to the material used to train these tools, counteracting efforts to build inclusive learning communities. In this chapter, we consider how univ
Moonlighting complement inhibitors and their link to human diseases
Breast cancer and type 2 diabetes are major health concerns worldwide. This thesis has focused on novel non-canonical roles of two complement inhibitors, which led to the discovery of new mechanisms and factors at play in these diseases. The sushi domain-containing protein 4 (SUSD4) was previously portrayed as a breast cancer suppressor, but no mechanism was identified. In paper I, using a syngene
Pericyte response to ischemic stroke precedes endothelial cell death and blood-brain barrier breakdown
Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability, yet the cellular response to the ischemic insult is poorly understood limiting therapeutic options. Brain pericytes are crucial for maintaining blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity and are known to be one of the first responders to ischemic stroke. The exact timeline of cellular events after stroke, however, remains elusive. Using the per
A Swedish Holocaust Museum; why here, why now?
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The Roman period
"Man ändrar i en dysfunktionell bild och gör något annat med den" - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om sju bildterapeuters upplevelser av bildterapi
Det är känt att konstnärliga aktiviteter underlättar kommunikation av tankar och känslor och tenderar att skapa fysisk och psykisk lättnad genom den skapande processen. Bildterapi är en behandlingsmetod som använder sig av konstnärliga aktiviteter och konstnärligt material i kombination med en psykoterapeutisk relation och med psykologisk teori. Denna metod används i förhållandevis liten utsträckIt is well known that artistic activities facilitate the communication of thoughts and feelings and tend to create physical and mental relief through the creative process. Art therapy is a treatment method that uses artistic activities and artistic materials in combination with a psychotherapeutic relationship and with psychological theory. This method is utilized to a relatively small extent in S
The Neutral Gaze : Women’s Concentration Camp Experiences and Swedish Remembrance of the Holocaust
Smala satsningar räcker inte för att möta breda utmaningar
Det är inte biskopens ord som är provocerande, utan Jesus
Inferring North American Holocene Land Cover Change using Paleoecological Evidence
Climate-vegetation feedbacks (CVFs) can amplify or mitigate climate variations. These feedbacks operate at multiple timescales. Fast processes such as leaf-scale carbon fluxes operate at sub-annual timescales, while slow processes, driven by changes in forest composition and structure, occur over decadal and longer timescales. Slow processes are rarely directly observed from instrumental data; yet
Disagreement in Aristotle’s Topics and Its Latin Medieval Reception
This paper aims to shed light on the Aristotelian notion of dissent and its understanding in the medieval reception of Aristotle’s dialectics. Dissent is fundamental in Aristotle’s Topics, although its exact nature is not clear. Specifically, it is unclear whether dissent is essentially related to an epistemic quality of the premises involved, or whether it simply amounts to social disagreement ab
Deep Learning for Resolving 3D Microstructural Changes in the Fibrotic Liver
Portal hypertension, a life-threatening complication of cirrhosis,is largely triggered by increased intrahepatic vascular resistance.Fibrosis, regenerative nodule formation, intrahepatic angiogenisis and sinusoidalremodelling are classical mechanisms that account for increasedintrahepatic vascular resistance in cirrhosis. Our study leverages highresolution3D synchrotron radiation-based microtomogr
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Holocene Land Cover Change in North America: Trends, Drivers, and Feedbacks
Land cover governs biogeophysical and biogeochemical feedbacks between the land surface and atmosphere. Holocene vegetation-atmosphere interactions are of particular interest, both to understand the climate effects of intensifying human land use and as a possible explanation for the Holocene Conundrum, a widely studied mismatch between simulated and reconstructed temperatures. Progress addressing
Holocene land cover change in North America: continental trends, regional drivers, and implications for vegetation-atmosphere feedbacks
Land cover governs the biogeophysical and biogeochemical feedbacks between the land surface and atmosphere. Holocene vegetation-atmosphere interactions are of particular interest, both to understand the climate effects of intensifying human land use and as a possible explanation for the Holocene Conundrum, a widely studied mismatch between simulated and reconstructed temperatures. Progress has bee
Socialisation of Children to Cope With Death, Bereavement and Grief - A Berger and Luckman Inspired Analysis of Children’s Picture Books in a Chinese Context
Children’s understanding of death, bereavement and grief develop through socialisation where picture books also may play a role. The study explores how children’s picture books published in China (2010–2024), communicated themes of death, bereavement and grief. A systematic search identified 321 relevant books, of which 47 met the inclusion criteria and were analysed using both descriptive and a B
Approximating excursion distributions using regenerative processes
The excursion distribution of stochastic processes is important in many applications and is an important object in probability theory. The excursion distributions are defined as the time between a u-level up-crossing and the following down-crossing of the same level. While the notion of the excursion distribution might be intuitive, the general problem of describing it is not. Finding the excursio