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Bio-graphism and Translingualism : Israel Chalfen’s Paul Celan. Eine Biographie seiner Jugend
Introducing Religious Deconstruction : Critical Conversations about Religion in a Swedish Podcast
In the past few years, a new networked public has emerged in Sweden, bringingtogether individuals from a conservative Christian background who have left faith and/ or religious communities. Podcasts on religious deconstruction have played a crucial role in the formation of this network. This study is the first to explore the emerging phenomenon of religious deconstruction podcasts in Sweden. SpeciIn the past few years, a new networked public has emerged in Sweden, bringing together individuals from a conservative Christian background who have left faith and/or religious communities. Podcasts on religious deconstruction have played a crucial role in the formation of this network. This study is the first to explore the emerging phenomenon of religious deconstruction podcasts in Sweden. Speci
Effect of broccoli sprout extract and baseline gut microbiota on fasting blood glucose in prediabetes : a randomized, placebo-controlled trial
More effective treatments are needed for impaired fasting glucose or glucose intolerance, known as prediabetes. Sulforaphane is an isothiocyanate that reduces hepatic gluconeogenesis in individuals with type 2 diabetes and is well tolerated when provided as a broccoli sprout extract (BSE). Here we report a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in which drug-naive individuals with pred
Grundlagen sätter ramarna för Sveriges coronastrategi
Förändra synen på museiforskning
Plats for liv och död : En etnologisk studie av kyrkogårdar och begravningsplatse
M. Moltesen & A. Rathje, eds, Approaches to Ancient Etruria (Danish Studies in Classical Archaeology. Acta Hyperborea 16), Charlottenlund: Museum Tusculanum Press 2022
Everyday leisure travel : Understanding car use for social and recreational trip purposes
The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of everyday leisure travel for social and recreational trip purposes by describing and problematising car use for such trips. Leisure trips are a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and reductions are needed to mitigate climate change. Technical solutions, such as electric vehicles, contribute but research has demonstrate
Oh my Gods! Where are you? Polytheism along Nicole Belayche’s Path
Alevi Historiography and the Turkish Republic
Does it matter how many we include? A random data simulation study examining how number of explanatory variables affect model quality in linear regression models describing quantitative data.
This study examined how the number of explanatory variables included in a linear regression model affects model quality. The maximum number of variables was set to 20 and only models describing quantitative data were studied. The effect on model quality was studied through comparisons of models with different numbers of explanatory variables. The models – and the data sets the models were derived
Umgänge – barnets eller förälderns rättighet? En analys av barnets bästa och uppgifter om våld vid beslut om umgänge
I Sverige lever många barn i hem präglade av våld och övergrepp, trots att de har en ovillkorlig rätt till skydd. Umgänge med en våldsutövande förälder, även kallat tvångsumgänge, kan få allvarliga konsekvenser för barnet. När domstolen beslutar om umgänge ska barnets bästa vara avgörande. Vid bedömningen av barnets bästa ska risken för att barnet far illa särskilt beaktas. Syftet med uppsatsen äIn Sweden, many children live in homes marked by violence and abuse, despite having an unconditional right to protection. Contact with a violent parent, often referred to as forced contact, can have severe consequences for the child. When courts decide on contact arrangements, the best interests of the child must be the determining factor. In assessing the child’s best interests, particular consid
Valresultat ur ett regressionsperspektiv
The following study explores the economical and political determinants influencing the Swedish parliamentary election outcomes, through the lens of statistical modeling. With analysis of election data from 1970-2022, we employed both multiple regression and ridge regression to explore the following key variables: immigration, taxation, unemployment, inflation, poll performance, incumbency, margina
Ett nytt Öresundsavtal – En modell för hybridarbete i Norden
Det uppdaterade Öresundsavtalet mellan Sverige och Danmark markerar en modernisering av det tidigare avtalets regler i en tid präglad av förändrade arbetsmönster. Avtalet, som inkluderar både privat- och offentliganställda, syftar till att förenkla beskattning för gränspendlare och arbetsgivare. Tillsammans med Öresundsöverenskommelsen som reglerar socialförsäkringstillhörighet förläggs beskattnin
Active Cognition : Challenges to an Aristotelian Tradition
This edited work draws on a range of contributed expertise to trace the fortune of an Aristotelian thesis over different periods in the history of philosophy. It presents eight cases of direct or indirect challenges to the Aristotelian passive account of human cognition, taking the reader from late antiquity to the 20th century. Chapters analyse the (often indirect) effect of Aristotle’s account o