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Clausal Ellipsis and Case (Mis)Matching in Icelandic Jim Wood,1 Matthew Barros,1 Einar Freyr Sigurðsson2 1Yale University and 2University of Pennsylvania Abstract In this paper, we take a detailed look at clausal ellipsis in Icelandic, a hitherto understudied phenomenon. We focus on case-matching facts that seem to suggest two things. First, robust case-matching effects suggest that clausal ellips - 2025-03-13


EythorssonAndSigurdardottir_WPSS_2 Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 96 (2016), 91–125 A Brief History of Icelandic Weather Verbs∗ Syntax, Semantics and Argument Structure Thórhallur Eythórsson and Sigríður Sæunn Sigurðardóttir University of Iceland and Ghent University Weather verbs in Icelandic are not “no-argument” predicates, but occur with a quasi-argument (non-referential pro) and can al - 2025-03-13

Microsoft Word - Angantýsson & Jonas WPSS

Microsoft Word - Angantýsson & Jonas WPSS Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 96 (2016), 126–139 On the Syntax of Adverbial Clauses in Icelandic Ásgrímur Angantýsson & Dianne Jonas University of Iceland & Goethe University Frankfurt Abstract The goal of this paper is to provide a systematic overview and analysis of the syntax of Icelandic adverbial clauses in terms of the wheth - 2025-03-13

Revised 170517 - Subordinate V2 and verbal morhoplogy in O_vdalian

Revised 170517 - Subordinate V2 and verbal morhoplogy in O_vdalian Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 98 (2017), 83–104 Subordinate V2 and Verbal Morphology in Övdalian Ásgrímur Angantýsson University of Iceland Abstract The purpose of this paper is (i) to locate Övdalian among the Scandinavian languages with regard to verbal morphology and embedded V2, and (ii) to formalize and test hypotheses - 2025-03-13

A binary system of complementizers

A binary system of complementizers Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 90 (2012) 1-21 A binary system of complementizers in Cimbrian relative clauses Ermenegildo Bidese* – Andrea Padovan # – Alessandra Tomaselli # University of Trento / MIT* – University of Verona # Abstract The system of Cimbrian relative clauses manifests itself in a complex scenario: two different complementizers occur in thi - 2025-03-13

Blaxter-Willis, WPSS98 justified

Blaxter-Willis, WPSS98 justified Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 98 (2017), 105–130 Pragmatic differentiation of negative markers in the early stages of Jespersen’s cycle in North Germanic Tam Blaxter & David Willis University of Cambridge This paper investigates the pragmatic function of new negative markers during incipient cyclic renewal of negation (Jespersen’s cycle). It outlines a typo - 2025-03-13


Engdahl-Lindahl-preposed-revised Preposed object pronouns in mainland Scandinavian* Elisabet Engdahl & Filippa Lindahl University of Gothenburg Abstract We report on a study of preposed object pronouns using the Scandinavian Dialect Corpus. In other Germanic languages, e.g. Dutch and German, preposing of un- stressed object pronouns is restricted, compared with subject pronouns. In Danish, Norwegi - 2025-03-13

WPSS artikel.dvi

WPSS artikel.dvi Relative clauses are not always strong islands∗ Filippa Lindahl University of Gothenburg Abstract Scandinavian relative clause extraction seems to violate purportedly universal locality con- ditions (i.e. the Complex NP Constraint (Ross 1967), Subjacency (Chomsky 1973) and the Phase Impenetrability Condition (Chomsky 2001)). Recent analyses of the construction rely on the assumpti - 2025-03-13

Microsoft Word - DavidD, slutversion2008.doc

Microsoft Word - DavidD, slutversion2008.doc 57 David Petersson Förhållandet mellan anföringssats och anförd sats vid direkt anföring* Sammandrag. Vid direkt anföring uppvisar såväl anföringssats som anförd sats huvudsats- egenskaper och det är inte uppenbart hur förhållandet mellan satserna i en anförd mening ska förstås. I denna uppsats undersöks det hierarkiska förhållandet mellan anföringssats - 2025-03-13

Microsoft Word - Förord.docx

Microsoft Word - Förord.docx Förord ”Gender is the most puzzling of the grammatical categories”, skriver Greville Corbett i inledningen till sin inflytelserika bok om genus i världens språk. Frågor om varför vissa språk har genus, medan andra verkar sakna denna kategori, hur genus hos substantiv bestäms i genusspråk, om genus bär betydelse och varför genussystemen förändras över tiden har sysselsa - 2025-03-13


Gunlög Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 93 (2014), 26–50 Pseudocoordination in Swedish with gå ‘go’ and the “surprise effect”* Gunlög Josefsson Lund University Abstract. Pseudocoordination is a construction where two verbs or VPs appear to be conjoined by what looks like the conjunction och ‘and’. In my paper I focus on pseudocoordination with gå ‘walk, go’ as Verb 1, in particular cases wher - 2025-03-13


relative-clauses-wpss-proof.dvi Adjectives and clausal complementation∗ Fredrik Heinat, Stockholm University Abstract In this paper I show that Swedish has a type of relative clausethat doesn’t modify nominal expressions, contrary to most descriptions/definitions of relative clauses. Instead this type of relative clause modifies evaluative predicates. The relative clause has similarities to both c - 2025-03-13

Hemsida WPSS 88

Hemsida WPSS 88 Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax: 88 December 2011 Preface p. 1-20: Henrik Rosenkvist; Verb Raising and Referential Null Subjects in Övdalian p. 21-50 Kari Kinn: Overt non-referential subjects and subject-verb agreement in Middle Norwegian p. 51-80 Mayumi Hosono: Verb Movement as Tense Operator Movement p. 81-130 Jim Wood & Einar Freyr Sigurðsson: Icelandic Verbal Agreement an - 2025-03-13

Microsoft Word - DavidC, slutversion2008.doc

Microsoft Word - DavidC, slutversion2008.doc 111 David Petersson Inte, nog och visst i mittfält och fundament* Sammandrag. I denna uppsats behandlas satsadverbialen inte, nog och visst. De undersöks, var för sig, i två positioner i satsen, nämligen fundamentet och den typiska satsadverbials- positionen (A1). Syftet är att beskriva adverbialens möjliga betydelser i respektive position. Utifrån hur - 2025-03-13


Johanna Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 93 (2014), 51–101 Alternating Predicates in Icelandic and German: A Sign-Based Construction Grammar Account* Jóhanna Barðdalab, Thórhallur Eythórssonc & Tonya Kim Deweybd Ghent Universitya, University of Bergenb, University of Icelandc, University of Minnesota, Morrisd A long-standing divide between Icelandic and German in the literature takes for gran - 2025-03-13

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Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 90 (2012) 111-140 Gunlög Josefsson, Lund University ”Disagreeing” doubling det * Abstract. In this paper I discuss doubling with the neuter pronominal det ‘it’ in Swedish. Det may double common gender and/or plural noun phrases too, which gives rise to what looks like disagreement. The proposed analysis takes as its point of departure so-called pancake-sentenc - 2025-03-13


Julien Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 94 (2015), 1–35 Microvariation in Norwegian long distance binding* Marit Julien Lund university Abstract It is well known that (some speakers of) Norwegian allow long distance binding, defined here as binding across a finite clause boundary. A number of factors that facilitate long distance binding have also been identified. In the study reported on her - 2025-03-13

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Topics in pseudo-passives Eva Klingvall, Lund University Abstract This paper is concerned with the derivation of pseudo-passives, in particular in Swedish (e.g. den här sängen har sovits i ‘this bed has been slept in’). Previous analyses of pseudo-passives typically focus on English and take the preposition to be unable to assign case in these sentences, with the result that the prepositional co - 2025-03-13

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33 An unexpected gap with unexpected restrictions Subject deletion in a south-west Swedish dialect∗ Katarina Lundin Lund University Abstract The aim of this article is to propose a syntactic analysis of a dialectal con- struction systematically displaying deletion of the subject, found in spoken south-west Swedish. The deletion appears in certain interrogative subordi- nated clauses and relative c - 2025-03-13