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Hildingsson on eco-social integration in urban sustainability governance

Published 13 January 2020 Roger Hildingsson has published the article ”Sustainable Welfare in Swedish Cities: Challenges of Eco-Social Integration in Urban Sustainability Governance” in the journal “Sustainability”. The article is on eco-social integration in urban sustainability governance. Based on studies in three Swedish cities (Malmö, Göteborg, Stockholm), the analysis emphasizes the challeng - 2025-03-15

Bergman Rosamond on celebrity global motherhood

Published 16 January 2020 Annika Bergman Rosamond has recently published a book chapter titled “Celebrity global motherhood: Maternal care and cosmopolitan obligation” in the edited collection “Troubling Motherhood Maternality in Global Politics”, edited by Lucy B. Hall, Anna L. Weissman, and Laura J. Shepherd, Oxford University Press, 2020. The rise to prominence of celebrity culture is a key fea - 2025-03-15

New book by Johan Matz

Published 23 January 2020 Johan Matz has published the book ”Stalin’s Double-Edged Game: Soviet Bureaucracy and the Raoul Wallenberg case 1945-1952”. The Harvard Cold War Studies Book Series, Lexington Books, Rowman and Littlefield, 2020. Raoul Wallenberg, the courageous Swedish financier and trade executive turned diplomat who saved thousands of Jews in Hungary in 1944, was arrested in January 19 - 2025-03-15

Wilén on challenges for peacekeepers

Published 27 February 2020 Nina Wilén has together with Lindy Heinecken (Stellenbosch University) co-authored the article ”No Place Like Home? Postdeployment Reintegration Challenges Facing South African Peacekeepers” in the journal ”Armed Forces and Society”. We find that peacekeeping veterans experience the time away from the children, concerns over infidelity and too little institutional suppor - 2025-03-15

Kinnvall with new publication

Published 30 January 2020 Catarina Kinnvall has published a forum commentary entitled “Multiplicity, Discipline and the Political” in “New Perspectives: Interdisciplinary Journal of Central and East European Politics and International Relations” (edited by Benjamin Tallis). This forum draws together scholars working in different ways and different settings to discuss how (and, indeed, whether) Mul - 2025-03-15

New book on Varieties of Democracy

Published 14 February 2020 Jan Teorell has together with Michael Coppedge, John Gerring, Adam Glynn, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Staffan I. Lindberg, Daniel Pemstein, Brigitte Seim, Svend-Erik Skaaning, co-authored the book ”Varieties of Democracy: Measuring Two Centuries of Political Change” (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020). “Varieties of Democracy” is the essential user's guide to The Vari - 2025-03-15

Aggestam and True on gender and foreign policy

Published 9 March 2020 Karin Aggestam and Jacqui True are guest editors of a Special Issue on gender and foreign policy in the journal “Foreign Policy Analysis”. They have also co-authored the introductory article “Gendering Foreign Policy. Advancing a Comparative Framework for Analysis”. The Special Issue addresses the rise and resistance to pro-gender norms and feminist strategies in foreign pol - 2025-03-15

Hildingsson on industrial decarbonisation

Published 13 March 2020 Roger Hildingsson has together with Oscar Svensson and Jamil Khan co-authored the article ”Studying Industrial Decarbonisation: Developing an Interdisciplinary Understanding of the Conditions for Transformation in Energy-Intensive Natural Resource-Based Industry”, which has been published in the journal ”Sustainability”. The article examines the potential of combining three - 2025-03-15

Bergman Rosamond on crisis

Published 17 March 2020 Annika Bergman Rosamond has together with Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen, Mo Hamza, Jeff Hearn, Vasna Ramasar, Helle Rydstrom, published the article ”The case for Interdisciplinary Crisis Studies” in the journal ”Global Discourse”. In this article Bergman Rosamond and her co-authors argue that our contemporary world is defined by the presence and claims of crisis – from climate c - 2025-03-15

Credibility: a problem in international negotiations and in digital everyday life

Published 20 March 2020 Christer Jönsson has authored the article ”Revisiting the Problem of Credibility in the Age of Post-Truth”, which has been published in the journal ”International Negotiation”. Credibility is a central concept in negotiation theory. To make your messages credible is an essential part of persuasion. At the receiving end, you need to make credibility assessments of the messag - 2025-03-15

Bergman Rosamond on feminist foreign policy

Published 24 March 2020 Annika Bergman Rosamond has authored the article “Swedish Feminist Foreign Policy and “Gender Cosmopolitanism”, which has been published in the journal ”Foreign Policy Analysis”. Gender justice and equality have risen to prominence in the constitution of foreign and security policy. In this article Bergman Rosamond locates the analysis of feminist foreign policy (FFP) withi - 2025-03-15

Malkopoulou on the concept of politics

Published 7 April 2020 Anthoula Malkopoulou has published an article on "Hermann Heller on politics: discipline, sphere and activity" in the journal “History of European Ideas”. The article examines how a leading German constitutional theorist in the 1920s envisioned the idea, practice and science of politics in terms of shared values and social cooperation. Malkopoulou finds that Hermann Heller u - 2025-03-15

Teorell on bureaucracy and growth

Published 16 April 2020 Jan Teorell, Agnes Cornell and Carl Henrik Knutsen have co-authored the article "Bureaucracy and growth", which has been published in the journal ”Comparative Political Studies”. In this paper, Jan Teorell together with co-authors Agnes Cornell and Karl Henrik Knutsen, revisit the hypothesis that a Weberian bureaucracy enhances economic growth. Theoretically, there are good - 2025-03-15

Martin Hall on seeing the Nomads Like a State

Published 5 May 2020 Martin Hall (2020) Seeing the Nomads Like a State: Sweden and the Sámi at the Turn of the Last Century, in Jamie Levin (ed) Nomad-State Relationships in International Relations: Before and After Borders, Palgrave McMillan. In modern history, states have typically attempted to eliminate nomadism. Perhaps uniquely, Sweden reinforced nomadism among some of its Sámi population. In - 2025-03-15

For love and for life: emotional dynamics at the World Congress of Families

Published 5 May 2020 Sara Kalm has co-written an article with Anna Meeuwisse at the School of Social Work (LU), called ”For love and for life: emotional dynamics at the World Congress of Families”. It analyses the mobilisation of conservative transnational activism in the field of family policy, and it has recently been published in the journal Global Discourse.  Länk till publikationen på ingenta - 2025-03-15

Sara Kalm on the citizenship dimension of transnational inequalities

Published 13 May 2020 Sara Kalm has written an article called ”Citizenship Capital”, which has recently been published in the journal Global Society. This article examines the citizenship dimension of transnational inequalities. It is clear that some citizenships offer great advantages while others are liabilities for the individual, and the aim of this present article is to develop a conceptualis - 2025-03-15

Annika Bergman Rosamond on "Music, mining and colonisation"

Published 10 June 2020 Annika Bergman Rosamond has authored the article 'Music, mining and colonisation: Sámi contestations of Sweden’s self narrative,’ published in a special issue on politics and music in the Danish political science journal Politik, Vol. 23:1, 2020. Sweden’s dominant self-narrative has tended to marginalise its historical colonisation of Sápmi. Indeed, there  has been little em - 2025-03-15

Malkopoulou on the value of electoral participation

Published 11 June 2020 Malkopoulou has published two articles on how high voting turnouts improve political representation and help fight off right-wing populism. In ‘The Politics of Voter Presence’ (International Political Science Review), Malkopoulou and Hill draw on theories of political presence to defend the act of voting. In doing so, they shift the focus of such theories from the compositio - 2025-03-15

‘Celebrities as Ethical Actors: Individuals and Cosmopolitan Obligation’

Published 15 June 2020 Annika Bergman Rosamond has published the chapter ‘Celebrities as Ethical Actors: Individuals and Cosmopolitan Obligation’ in The Routledge Handbook to Rethinking Ethics in International Relations, edited by Birgit Schippers, 2020. This chapter offers an investigation into the cosmopolitan, privileged and self serving  underpinnings of celebrity activists in their role as di - 2025-03-15

Curating the Partition: dissonant heritage and Indian nation building.

Published 23 July 2020 Ted Svensson has published an article in the International Journal of Heritage Studies. The article analyses recent public initiatives to memorialise the establishment of India and Pakistan as postcolonial states in terms of violent partitioning rather than as a successful act of independence from British imperialism. The twin focal points of the article are the Partition Mu - 2025-03-15