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Your search for "*" yielded 533850 hits

New publications on water security and integrated water management

Published 26 August 2021 Ronny Berndtsson has co-authored two chapters on water security and comprehensive integrated water management. Water security by Baghban, S., O. Bozorg-Haddad, and R. Berndtsson (2021) in Water Resources: Future Perspectives, Challenges, Concepts and Necessities, Edited by Omid Bozorg-Haddad, IWA Publishing. Read more about the contribution here Comprehensive integrated wa - 2025-03-12

New MECW project on AI and dust-storm control in the Middle East

Published 26 August 2021 Photo: Pixabay The Middle East, which is experiencing severe environmental challenges such as dust-storms, is most vulnerable to climate and human-induced environmental changes. The goals of this interdisciplinary project are to identify the climate- and human-induced sources of dust and to determine and explain the factors affecting the dust-source areas such as climate v - 2025-03-12

Masculinities and infrastructural violence in Cairo

Published 6 September 2021 A new article authored by Maria Frederika Malmström, "Making and unmaking masculinities in Cairo through sonic infrastructural violence", was recently published in the journal Urban Studies.  Maria Frederika Malmström's article explores the Egyptian state’s production of desired manhood and destruction of unwanted masculinities in relation to home and displacement throug - 2025-03-12

Agonistic recognition in Turkey and Israel-Palestine

Published 8 September 2021 Lisa Strömbom has coauthored with Bahar Rumelili the article "Agonistic recognition as a remedy for identity backlash: Lessons from Israel and Turkey" which is now available online (open access) in Third World Quarterly. The article is part of a forthcoming Special Issue on agonistic peace, edited by Lisa Strömbom and Isabel Bramsen.  Abstract While an extensive part of - 2025-03-12

Desertification in Iran

Published 10 September 2021 Photo: Mohammad Asadi on Unsplash Together with Sayed Fakhreddin Afzali (Shiraz University), Ali Khanamani (Yazd University) and Ehsan Kamali Maskooni (Islamic Azad University), CMES deputy director Ronny Berndtsson has co-authored the article "Quantitative assessment of environmental sensitivity to desertification using the modified MEDALUS model in a semiarid area", a - 2025-03-12

Soil water content and root water uptake in Egypt

Published 14 September 2021 Together with Mohamed Galal Eltarabily (Port Said University), Nasr M. Abdou (Fayoum University), Mustafa El-Rawy (Minia University) and Tarek Selim (Port Said University), CMES deputy director Ronny Berndtsson has co-authored the article "A Comparative Analysis of Root Growth Modules in HYDRUS for SWC of Rice under Deficit Drip Irrigation", available online in the jour - 2025-03-12

Groundwater storage loss in Iran

Published 16 September 2021 Together with Zahra Kayhomayoon (Payame Noor University), Naser Arya Azar (University of Tabriz), Sami Ghordoyee Milan (University of Tehran) and Hamid Kardan Moghaddam (Water Research Institute Tehran), CMES deputy director Ronny Berndtsson has co-authored the article "Novel approach for predicting groundwater storage loss using machine learning", available online in t - 2025-03-12

Surface deformation in an aquifer system

Published 9 September 2021 Together with Ryan G. Smith (Missouri University of Science and Technology), Jingyi Chen (University of Texas), and Rosemary Knight (Stanford University), CMES researcher Hossein Hashemi has co-authored the article "Apportioning deformation among depth intervals in an aquifer system using InSAR and head data", available online in the Hydrogeology Journal. Abstract Land s - 2025-03-12

Climate vs. human impact in Iran

Published 15 September 2021 Photo: Saeed Sarshar on Unsplash Together with Hamideh Kazemi (Curtin University), Fatemeh Fadia Maghsood (Tarbiat Modares University), Ranjan Sarukkalige (Curtin University) and Sadegh Jamali (Lund University), Hossein Hashemi, Seyyed Hasan Hosseini and Ronny Berndtsson from CMES have co-authored the article "Climate vs. Human Impact: Quantitative and Qualitative Asses - 2025-03-12

Israeli Pre-Transitional Justice and the Nakba Law

Published 17 September 2021 Together with Yoav Kapshuk (Kinneret College), CMES researcher Lisa Strömbom has co-authored the article ”Israeli Pre-Transitional Justice and the Nakba-Law”, recently published online (open access) in Israel Law Review. Abstract Pre-transitional justice activities that expose past injustices during entrenched conflicts can incite strong reactions among actors who feel - 2025-03-12

Sound, trauma and politics in the Middle East

Published 20 September 2021 Photo by Miguel Buenrostro, Listening Academy participant CMES researchers Maria Malmström and Mark Levine facilitated a workshop on sound, trauma and politics in the Middle East during the week-long experimental Listening Academy workshop in July 2021. The Listening Academy was organized as part of the Listening Biennial, an international exhibition and event program p - 2025-03-12

Cairene Ex-Prisoners after the 25 January Revolution

Published 24 September 2021 CMES researcher Maria Malmström has authored the article "The Desire to Disappear in Order Not to Disappear: Cairene Ex-Prisoners after the 25 January Revolution", recently published online in The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology. The article is part of a special issue of the Cambridge Journal of Anthropology guest edited by Myriam Lamrani. To access the special issue, - 2025-03-12

Queer and Trans Feminisms in the Contemporary Arabic-Speaking World

Published 27 September 2021 Cover: Palgrave Macmillan CMES researcher Joel Abdelmoez has authored the chapter "Deviants, Queers, or Scissoring Sisters of Men? Translating and Locating Queer and Trans Feminisms in the Contemporary Arabic-Speaking World” published in the Palgrave Handbook of Queer and Trans Feminisms in Contemporary Performance (2021, edited by Tiina Rosenberg, Sandra d'Urso and Ann - 2025-03-12

Perceptions of success among working-class children of immigrants

Published 1 October 2021 Together with Amy Lutz (Syracuse University), CMES researcher Dalia Abdelhday has authored the article "Perceptions of success among working-class children of immigrants in three cities", available online in the journal Ethnicities. This article examines the subjective understanding of success among members of three groups of children of immigrants from Mexico, North Afric - 2025-03-12

Authoritarian Neoliberalism and Resistance in Turkey

Published 5 October 2021 Cover: Palgrave Macmillan Together with İmren Borsuk (Berlin Forum Transregionale Studien & Stockholm University), Sinem Kavak (Lund University) and Pınar Sayan (Beykoz University), CMES researcher Pınar Dinç has edited the book "Authoritarian Neoliberalism and Resistance in Turkey: Construction, Consolidation, and Contestation". This book offers new clarity on three impor - 2025-03-12

Read the latest CMES Newsletter

Published 6 October 2021 CMES Newsletter about recent research activities and publications The CMES Newsletter provides an up-to-date overview of Middle Eastern research, activities and events at Lund University and beyond. The Newsletter includes a message from the director, latest research news, upcoming events and recent publications by CMES scholars. Click here to read the latest issue Click h - 2025-03-12

Trendspotting in the Middle East

Published 6 October 2021 Photo: Wikimedia Commons As part of the Future Week at Lund University, CMES organises a panel with five Middle East scholars who will discuss future trends in the region on topics ranging from climate change, migration, human rights, protracted conflict, democratization to peace and regional security. The public event takes place on 20 October at Skissernas Museum. All ar - 2025-03-12

Culture, Space and Boundary Negotiation in Turkish-Islamic Memory Politics

Published 21 October 2021 Together with Neşe Kınıkoğlu (İstanbul Medeniyet University), CMES researcher Torsten Janson has authored the article "Sacred (re)Collections: Culture, Space and Boundary Negotiation in Turkish-Islamic Memory Politics", available online in the Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication. This article discusses how state-organized, memory-cultural production drawing o - 2025-03-12

Discharge Decrease in the Tunisian Merguellil Basin

Published 22 October 2021 Together with Khaoula Khemiri (University of Tunis El Manar), Sihem Jebari (National Research Institute for Rural Engineering, Water and Forestry), and Khlifa Maalel (Laboratory of Modelling in Hydraulics and Environment), CMES Deputy Director Ronny Berndtsson has authored the article "Is Climate or Direct Human Influence Responsible for Discharge Decrease in the Tunisian - 2025-03-12

Apply for a Writing Retreat at CMES Spring 2022

Published 25 October 2021 Deadline for application: 30 November 2021 The Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) supports writing retreats on Middle East research with the aim to finalise an article, book chapter, edited volume or a book for publication in peer reviewed outlets. Three writing retreats will be granted during the spring of 2022. CMES offers office space and modern research - 2025-03-12