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Coagulants for Urban Wastewater Treatment in Tunisia

Published 7 December 2021 CMES Deputy Director Ronny Berndtsson has co-authored the article "Efficiency of Different Moringa oleifera (Lam.) Varieties as Natural Coagulants for Urban Wastewater Treatment", available in the journal Sustainability. There is a great need to find cheaper but still efficient treatment methods for wastewater. This study aimed to test the purifying performance of three d - 2025-03-12

Trendspotting Future Challenges in the Middle East

By ulrika [dot] oredsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Ulrika Oredsson (English translation by Linda Eitrem Holmgren)) - published 8 December 2021 Anders Persson, Rola El -Husseini Dean, Mo Hamza, Rouzbeh Parsi, Lina Eklund, Karin Aggestam The war against terror is coming to an end. Has China become the victor? The Middle East seems to be moving towards more authoritarian regimes. A large - 2025-03-12

Read the Latest CMES Newsletter (#24)

Published 15 December 2021 New CMES Newsletter about recent research activities and publications The CMES Newsletter provides an up-to-date overview of Middle Eastern research, activities and events at Lund University and beyond. The Newsletter includes a message from the director, latest research news, upcoming events and recent publications by CMES scholars. Read the latest issues of the Newslet - 2025-03-12

Touching Sound: Passion and Global Politics Workshop Report

Published 16 December 2021 CMES scholars Maria Frederika Malmström and Mark LeVine have authored "Touching Sound: Passion and Global Politics Workshop Report", published in the Abdou Filali-Ansary Occasional Paper Series. Among other things, the report is based on findings from a 2019 workshop. Participation was enabled through funding from CMES as well as Aga Khan University. How does sound shape - 2025-03-12

Knowledge About Climate Stress Could Counteract Conflicts

By marianne [dot] loor [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Marianne Loor) - published 14 January 2022 The border between Turkey in the north and Syria in the south has similar biophysical characteristics but shows a difference in vegetation greenness. Research at Lund University tries to find out why. Image from SentinelHub. To find out why so many people have left their farms in north-eastern Syria, phys - 2025-03-12

Turkish State Discourse on Dersim 1937-38

Published 17 January 2022 Cover: Routledge CMES researcher Pınar Dinç has authored the chapter "Dersim 1937–38: Shifts and continuities in the state discourse and reasoning under Kemalism and Erdoğanism". Pınar's chapter is part of the edited volume The Kurds in Erdogan's "New" Turkey: Domestic and International Implications (2022, editor Nikos Christofis). The book focuses on the AKP government s - 2025-03-12

Areal Precipitation Coverage and Monthly Runoff in Iran

Published 19 January 2022 Together with Ahmad Fakheri Fard (University of Tabriz), CMES researchers Hasan Hosseini, Hossein Hashemi and Ronny Berndtsson have co-authored the paper "Areal Precipitation Coverage Ratio for Enhanced AI Modelling of Monthly Runoff: A New Satellite Data-Driven Scheme for Semi-Arid Mountainous Climate", available online in the journal Remote Sensing. Satellite remote sen - 2025-03-12

Arsenic Pollution Modeling in Surface Waters in Iran

Published 21 January 2022 Together with Maziar Mohammadi (Tarbiat Modares University) and Alireza Motevalli (Tarbiat Modares University), CMES researchers Seyed Amir Naghibi and Hossein Hashemi have authored the article "Human-induced arsenic pollution modeling in surface waters - An integrated approach using machine learning algorithms and environmental factors", available online in the Journal o - 2025-03-12

Drivers of Long-Term Land-Use Pressure in Tunisia

Published 24 January 2022 Together with Khaoula Khemiri (University of Tunis El Manar), Sihem Jebari (National Research Institute for Rural Engineering, Water and Forestry Tunisia), Naceur Mahdhi (Institute of Arid Regions of Medenine, Tunisia), Ines Saidi (National Research Institute for Rural Engineering, Water and Forestry Tunisia), and Sinan Bacha (National Centre for Cartography and Remote Se - 2025-03-12

Reuse of Wastewater Sludge in Tunisian Agriculture

Published 1 February 2022 Together with Sonia Sabbahi (Université de Carthage), Layla Ben Ayed (Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie), Monia Trad (Université de Carthage) and Panagiotis Karanis (University of Nicosia Medical School), CMES Deputy Director Ronny Berndtsson has authored the article "Parasitological Assessment of Sewage Sludge Samples for Potential Agricultural Reuse in Tunisia", - 2025-03-12

Recognition in Israeli-Palestinian Relations

Published 3 February 2022 Together with Yoav Kapshuk (Kinneret College on the Sea of Galile), CMES scholar Lisa Strömbom has authored the article "Tracing Responses to Recognition in the Oslo Peace Process and its Aftermath - the Interlinkage between Relational and Internal Ontological Security" in the journal Conflict Resolution Quarterly (open access). The article deals with mechanisms for how f - 2025-03-12

Irrigation Water Risk Assessment in Tunisia

Published 9 February 2022 Together with Dalila Souguir (University of Carthage), Sourour Mzahma (University of Carthage), Hanen Filali (University of Carthage), Mohamed Hachicha (University of Carthage), CMES Deputy Director Ronny Berndtsson has authored the article "Vicia–Micronucleus Test Application for Saline Irrigation Water Risk Assessment", available in the journal Plants. In view of climat - 2025-03-12

CMES Call for Project Proposals

Published 17 February 2022 One new research project with the MECW program will be funded by CMES starting in September 2022. The grant period is 3 years. Applications are open to scholars with employment at Lund University that hold doctoral degrees. Deadline is 19 April 2022 CMES supports supports and coordinates research projects with high scientific potential through the Strategic Research Area - 2025-03-12

Read the Latest CMES Newsletter (#25)

Published 18 February 2022 New CMES Newsletter about recent research activities and publications. The CMES Newsletter provides an up-to-date overview of Middle Eastern research, activities and events at Lund University and beyond. The Newsletter includes a message from the director, latest research news, upcoming events and recent publications by CMES scholars. Read the latest issue of the Newslet - 2025-03-12

The Oslo Accords and Agonistic Peace

Published 21 February 2022 Together with Isabel Bramsen (LU) and Anne Lene Stein (LU), CMES scholar Lisa Strömbom has authored the article "Agonistic peace agreements? Analytical tools and dilemmas", published in the Review of International Studies (open access). Later years have seen the growth of a vibrant theoretical discussion on agonistic peace and the importance of creating space for contest - 2025-03-12

CMES Scholar Lina Eklund Contributing Author of New IPCC Report

Published 28 February 2022 CMES Scholar Lina Eklund is a contributing author of the 6th IPCC assessment report released today. Today the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released its 6th assessment report: Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. CMES researcher Dr. Lina Eklund has contributed sections on migration and mobility to the report’s fourth chapter on W - 2025-03-12

Predicting Groundwater Levels in Iran

Published 1 March 2022 CMES Deputy Director Ronny Berndtsson has co-authored the article "A Combination of Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms and Machine Learning Methods Improves the Prediction of Groundwater Level" together with Zahra Kayhomayoon (Payame Noor University), Faezeh Babaian (Islamic Azad University Tehran), Sami Ghordoyee Milan (University of Tehran) and Naser Arya Azar (Universi - 2025-03-12

Migrants and the Re-Scaling of Nordic Urban Space

Published 3 March 2022 CMES Doctoral Researcher Laleh Foroughanfar has co-authored the article "Migration, place-making and the rescaling of urban space" together with Mattias Kärrholm (LU), Tina Gudrun Jensen (Malmö University) and Rebecka Söderberg (Malmö University). The article is available in the journal European Planning Studies. The purpose of this article is to contribute to a refined pers - 2025-03-12

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Why History Matters and What Will Be the Impact?

Published 7 March 2022 Ukraine (Wikimedia Commons) CMES Director participates in a public panel to discuss the wider repercussions in the Middle East. The Russian invasion has ended the post-Cold War era in Europe bringing war and death, civilian casualties, and refugees to Ukraine. The panel of Lund University experts will consider: Why history matters to the invasion and conflict? What does the - 2025-03-12

Measuring Groundwater-Induced Land Subsidence in Iran

Published 8 March 2022 CMES scholars Seyed Amir Naghibi, Behshid Khodaei and Hossein Hashemi have authored the article "An integrated InSAR-machine learning approach for ground deformation rate modeling in arid areas", available in the Journal of Hydrology. Land subsidence is an increasing human-induced disaster that not only damages building and transportation structures but also diminishes the w - 2025-03-12