Alumnus: Lars Brunström
Published 8 February 2022 We are a billion year old carbon – Lars Brunström 12 februari 2022 – 27 mars 2022 Trelleborgs Museum - 2025-03-09
Published 8 February 2022 We are a billion year old carbon – Lars Brunström 12 februari 2022 – 27 mars 2022 Trelleborgs Museum - 2025-03-09
Published 9 February 2022 Image from NASA website. Public Domain. Courtesy of Andrew Davidhazy/Rochester Institute of Technology Emily Wardill - Bassness 11.02.2022 – 29.04.2022 - 2025-03-09
Published 1 March 2022 Filmögon 4/5 Zita Folkets Bio 03.03.2022, 18:00 On Thursday, the publication Filmögon 4/5 will be released at the cinema Zita in Stockholm, together with a screening of Bette Gordon’s Variety. Many current and former students and faculty from Malmö Art Academy participate in the publication. Free entry to the screening, but RSVP to info [at] filmogon [dot] se (info[at]filmo - 2025-03-09
Published 4 March 2022 Our alumna Anne Marte Overaa participates in this project. - 2025-03-09
By anette [dot] welin [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anette Welin) - published 19 February 2021 Saba K et al. The Journal of Pathology Clinical Research 2020:6:231-237 Loss of NF2 defines a genetic subgroup of non-FOS-rearranged osteoblastoma. Saba KH, Cornmark L, Hofvander J, Magnusson L, Nilsson J, van den Bos H, Spierings DC, Foijer F, Staaf J, Brosjö O, Sumathi VP, Lam SW, Szuhai K, Bovée JVMG, K - 2025-03-09
Published 19 February 2021 Clonal competition within complex evolutionary hierarchies shapes AML over time - 2025-03-09
Published 19 February 2021 CXCR4 Signaling Has a CXCL-12-Independent Essential Role in Murine MLL-AF9-Driven Acute Myeloid Leukemia - 2025-03-09
By anette [dot] welin [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anette Welin) - published 10 March 2021 Sister chromatid cohesion defects are associated with chromosomal copy number heterogeneity in high hyperdiploid childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Genes Chromosomes Cancer, in press.(link: - 2025-03-09
By anette [dot] welin [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anette Welin) - published 27 May 2021 IL4 promotes phagocytosis of murine leukemia cells counteracted by CD47 upregulation. Pablo Peña-Martínez, Ramprasad Ramakrishnan, Carl Högberg, Caroline Jansson, David Gisselsson Nord, and Marcus Järås Haematologica, 2021 (Epub ahead of print) - 2025-03-09
By anette [dot] welin [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anette Welin) - published 5 October 2021 DEVOLUTION-A method for phylogenetic reconstruction of aneuploid cancers based on multiregional genotyping data Natalie Andersson, Subhayan Chattopadhyay, Anders Valind, Jenny Karlsson, David Gisselsson 2021 Commun Biol 4(1):1103 - 2025-03-09
By anette [dot] welin [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anette Welin) - published 8 October 2021 Tracing the evolution of aneuploid cancers by multiregional sequencing with CRUST Subhayan Chattopadhyay, Jenny Karlsson, Anders Valind, Natalie Andersson, David Gisselsson 2021 Brief Bioinform bbab292. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbab292 - 2025-03-09
By Kajsa [dot] Paulsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Kajsa Paulsson) - published 10 April 2019 Proteogenomics and Hi-C reveal transcriptional dysregulation in high hyperdiploid childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.Yang M, Vesterlund M, Siavelis I, Moura-Castro LH, Castor A, Fioretos T, Jafari R, Lilljebjörn H, Odom DT, Olsson L, Ravi N, Woodward EL, Harewood L, Lehtiö J, Paulsson K.Nat Commun. 20 - 2025-03-09
By marcus [dot] jaras [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Marcus Järås) - published 9 April 2019 Arrayed molecular barcoding identifies TNFSF13 as a positive regulator of acute myeloid leukemia-initiating cells.Chapellier M, Peña-Martínez P, Ramakrishnan R, Eriksson M, Safaee-Talkhoncheh M, Orsmark-Pietras C, Lilljebjörn H, Högberg C, Hagström-Andersson A, Fioretos T, Larsson J, Järås M.Haematologica. 201 - 2025-03-09
By Anna [dot] Hagstrom [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna Hagström) - published 12 April 2019 FLT3N676K drives acute myeloid leukemia in a xenograft model of KMT2A-MLLT3 leukemogenesis.Hyrenius-Wittsten A, Pilheden M, Falqués-Costa A, Eriksson M, Sturesson H, Schneider P, Wander P, Garcia-Ruiz C, Liu J, Ågerstam H, Hultquist A, Lilljebjörn H, Stam RW, Järås M, Hagström-Andersson AK.Leukemia. 2019 A - 2025-03-09
Published 23 October 2019 A high-content cytokine screen identifies myostatin propeptide as a positive regulator of primitive chronic myeloid leukemia cells.von Palffy S, Landberg N, Sandén C, Zacharaki D, Shah M, Nakamichi N, Hansen N, Askmyr M, Lilljebjörn H, Rissler M, Karlsson C, Scheding S, Richter J, Eaves CJ, Bhatia R, Järås M, Fioretos T. - 2025-03-09
Published 16 April 2020 Extensive Clonal Branching Shapes the Evolutionary History of High-Risk Pediatric Cancers.Andersson N, Bakker B, Karlsson J, Valind A, Holmquist Mengelbier L, Spierings DCJ, Foijer F, Gisselsson D. - 2025-03-09
Published 28 May 2020 CXCR4 Signaling Has a CXCL-12-Independent Essential Role in Murine MLL-AF9-Driven Acute Myeloid Leukemia - 2025-03-09
Published 29 May 2020 Clonal competition within complex evolutionary hierarchies shapes AML over time - 2025-03-09
By Kajsa [dot] Paulsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Kajsa Paulsson) - published 26 August 2020 13q12.2 deletions in acute lymphoblastic leukemia lead to upregulation of FLT3 through enhancer hijacking. - 2025-03-09
By evelina [dot] hagberg [at] cfe [dot] lu [dot] se (Evelina Hagberg) - published 7 April 2021 In November 2020, a hybrid form of the annual conference Europaforum Hässleholm was held. The Centre for European Studies participated during the morning panels on the future of the EU in relation to the pandemic and the US elections. Note: this article was originally published December 22, 2020. Read - 2025-03-09