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Relationship quality, well-being and, externalizing problems : The prospective importance of behavior profiles among young women who experienced care in special residential homes

This study examined the adjustment of a sample of adolescent girls and young women (N = 228) who were in compulsory care in Sweden between 1999 and 2000. Using person-oriented analyses, participants’ responses to the Adolescent Drug Abuse Diagnosis Instrument (Friedman & Utada, 1989; ADAD) at intake yielded five externalizing problem configurations. The main analyses focused on examining wheth

Swedish orka viewed through its English correspondences – ability, insufficient strength/energy or insufficient volition?

This paper explores the Swedish auxiliary orka and its English correspondences as reflected in English-Swedish parallel corpora. Orka is interesting from a contrastive perspective since it lacks a straightforward equivalent in English. We show that most of the English correspondences, both in the direction Swedish original to English translation and in the direction English original to Swedish tra


Despite their imperative role in water resources management, distributed hydrological models like SWAT require calibration that can be challenging due to uncertainties of parameters involved. Prior to modelling of hydrological processes, these parameters and their uncertainty range need to be identified. The objective of this study was to conduct uncertainty analysis of hydrological processes and

A validation and extended description of the Lund taxonomy for urothelial carcinoma using the TCGA cohort

Global gene expression analysis has been a major tool for urothelial carcinoma subtype discovery. This approach has revealed extensive complexity both in intrinsic features of the tumor cells and in the microenvironment. However, global gene expression cannot distinguish between gene expression signals originating from the tumor cells proper and from normal cells in the biopsy. Here, we use a larg

A multiple window method for estimation of peaked spectra

A multiple window method for estimation of the peaked power density spectrum is designed. The method optimizes a filter function utilizing the Karhunen-Loeve basis functions of a known peaked spectrum as windows to reduce variance and bias in the locality of the frequency peak. For improving performance, a penalty function is used to suppress the sidelobes outside a given bandwidth. The improved w

Anharmonicity of a superconducting qubit with a few-mode Josephson junction

Coherent operation of gate-voltage-controlled hybrid transmon qubits (gatemons) based on semiconductor nanowires was recently demonstrated. Here we experimentally investigate the anharmonicity in epitaxial InAs-Al Josephson junctions, a key parameter for their use as a qubit. Anharmonicity is found to be reduced by roughly a factor of 2 compared to conventional metallic junctions and dependent on

The influence of hazardous drinking on psychological functioning, stress and sleep during and after treatment in patients with mental health problems : a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled intervention study

OBJECTIVES: Hazardous drinking could negatively affect health and lead to alcohol use disorders, but it is unclear how hazardous drinking affects treatment outcomes of depression and anxiety and stress-related mental health problems. The aim of this study was to examine whether hazardous drinking, measured by Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-Consumption (AUDIT-C), influences the outcomes

Convergence of Dynamical Movement Primitives with Temporal Coupling

In this paper, it is shown that temporally coupled dynamical movement primitives (DMPs), used to model and execute robot movements, are globally exponentially stable. It follows that DMPs converge to their goal configurations, which is necessary to accomplish most tasks. The convergence is proven mathematically, and then verified in simulations as well as experimentally on an industrial robot.

Targeting Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury: The Journey From Basic Science to Novel Therapies

Objectives: Transfusion-related acute lung injury is characterized by the onset of respiratory distress and acute lung injury following blood transfusion, but its pathogenesis remains poorly understood. Generally, a two-hit model is presumed to underlie transfusion-related acute lung injury with the first hit being risk factors present in the transfused patient (such as inflammation), whereas the

The exterior Calderón operator for non-spherical objects

This paper deals with the exterior Calderón operator for not necessarily spherical domains. We present a new approach of finding the norm of the exterior Calderón operator for a wide class of surfaces. The basic tool in the treatment is the set of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues to the Laplace–Beltrami operator for the surface. The norm is obtained in view of an eigenvalue problem of a quadratic fo

Factor V Leiden paradox in a middle-aged Swedish population : A prospective study

Few prospective studies have examined the factor V paradox: factor V Leiden (FVL) is a stronger risk factor for deep venous thrombosis (DVT) than for pulmonary embolism (PE). The present study, to the best of our knowledge, is the first population-based study aimed to examine the relationship between FVL and incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE), DVT and PE in a prospective cohort study of mid

Natural Resources Curse in the Long Run? Bolivia, Chile and Peru in the Nordic Countries’ Mirror

The new estimates of the Maddison Project show that GDP per capita ratio at purchasing power parity (ppp) between Bolivia and Finland has changed from 0.68 ca. 1850 to 0.16 in 2015; similarly, that between Chile and Norway from 0.65 to 0.28. The aim of this article is to present a review of the literature and available quantitative evidence to understand how these extreme differences became possib

Global Engagement and the Occupational Structure of Firms

Global engagement can impact firm organization and the occupations firms need. We use a simple task-based model of the firm's choice of occupational inputs to examine how that choice varies with global engagement. We reveal a robust and causal relationship between global engagement and the skill mix of occupations within firms, using Swedish matched employer-employee data that link firms and the l