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Ethnic Diversity, a Desolation Row for Interpersonal Trust?

In this paper we will investigate whether the ethnic composition of a county affects their trust. More specifically we will answer the question: does the ethnic composition affect the level of trust in Sweden and are there any specific factors that increase this effect? In order to do this we use data on Swedish citizens from the year 2001 to the year 2012. As an approximation for ethnicity we use

Have We Built Too Large? A study of the optimal size of student housing in Lund

This essay investigates what housing size is the optimal for the average student in Lund. The optimal housing size for the average student is defined as the size that maximizes the average student’s net benefit from size in monetary terms. It is found by equating the marginal willingness to pay for size and the marginal cost for size. The marginal willingness to pay is derived from estimates of ch

Input till en metod för att kontrollera damm i samband med metallurgiska processer

Föroreningar från metallurgiska processer som sprids genom skorstenar och ventilationssystem är ett välkänt problem inom metallurgisk industri. På senare tid har även spridning av föroreningar i form av damm uppmärksammats som ett problem. Föroreningarna uppstår troligen från diffusa källor, vilket innebär att de inte kan härledas till en specifik punktkälla. Detta arbete uppstod som en följd av aPollution in the metallurgical industry has been a well-known problem in terms of dispersal through stacks and ventilation systems. In recent times attention has been drawn to fugitive dust emissions as a pollution problem. This paper aims to illustrate important aspects to develop a method to control dust emissions. The method of this report consisted of a literature and an interview study. The r

"Alla måste tänka likadant" - Pedagogers syn på implementering av lågaffektivt bemötande

Lågaffektivt bemötande är en metod som nyligen har införts i en del svenska skolor för att hantera problemskapande beteende. Metoden skiljer sig mot andra metoder då den har grundtanken: barn gör rätt om de kan, snarare än barn gör rätt om de vill. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur pedagoger uppfattat implementeringen av lågaffektivt bemötande efter beslut från skolledningen att införaLow arousal approach is a method that recently was implemented in some Swedish schools to manage challenging behavior. The method differs from other methods by its keynote: Kids do the right thing if they are able instead of Kids do the right thing if they want to. The purpose of this study was to examine how pedagogues view the implementation of low arousal behavior due to a decision from the sch

Socialchefer inom socialvården på Åland - Varför söka sig till socialchefsarbetet och varför bli kvar eller sluta?

Author: Jonna Granberg Title: Social directors in social work at the Aaland Islands – why become a social director and why stay or leave? Supervisor: Karin Kullberg Assessor: Håkan Jönson The purpose of this article was to examine which factors that influence the choise to become a social director and which factors that influence the desire to stay or leave the profession. To obtain the purpose,

Träningstvång på jobbet - Hur kan träning införas under arbetstid och bli en del av arbetsskyldigheten?

Mot bakgrund av att vissa arbetsgivare infört obligatorisk träning under arbetstid för sina anställda är syftet med denna uppsats att utreda vilken möjlighet arbetsgivare har att beordra sina anställda att träna under arbetstid. Uppsatsen utreder hur träning kan införas som del av arbetsskyldigheten, hur arbetsgivaren bör beakta sitt arbetsmiljöansvar och var gränsen går för arbetstagares personliIn the context of some employers introducing mandatory exercise for employees, the aim of this thesis is to explore the extent to which employers can order their employees to exercice during working hours. Focus is on investigating how exercise can be introduced as part of work obligation and how the employer should take into account their responsibility for the working environment, as well as the

Kvantitativ verifiering av tekniska byten

In this report, a method was developed for quantitative validation of alternative fire protection designs. The report shows that uncertainties in calculations for fire protection and the fire protection devices in buildings are not often taken into account. If the method are used correctly it can serve as a guidance for quantitative validation of alternative fire protection. The method consists of

Petroleum activities, wetland utilization and livelihood changes in Southern Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria: 2003-2015

The state of Akwa Ibom, Nigeria is known as one of the wetlands rich in biodiversity as well as oil and gas reserves. Its wetland ecosystem is noted for its primary support it has provided for the people living in this area. However, this wetland has also been a reservoir for Nigeria’s crude oil contributing a prominent share of petroleum product to the country’s GDP, total revenue to the governme

Aggregation av guldnanopartiklar genom Daphnia magna

Oscar Torstensson Guldnanopartiklar i miljön Nanopartiklar (NP) är väldigt små partiklar som ofta har unika egenskaper och därför kan användas inom en rad olika områden som biomedicin och industri. Användningen av NP har under de senaste åren ökat och det finns därmed en växande oro för potentiellt negativa miljöeffekter, inte minst för akvatiska system. Det finns många olika typer av NP av vaThe manufacturing and use of nanoparticles has rapidly increased over the last years. There is a growing concern about potential negative enviromental effects, particularli to aquatic systems, due to the high probability of nanoparticles ending up in these systems. It is of the highest importance to anderstand nanoparticles toxicity and behavior in the natural environment, so a complete risk asses

Ursäkten hjälper ingen, åtgärden hjälper alla! - Kriskommunikation för ett återupprättat kundförtroende

Nyckelord: Skandal, ursäkt, ansvar, kundförtroende, åtgärd Syfte: Denna uppsats vill skapa en bättre förståelse för hur företag bör uttrycka sig i media efter en skandal, för att bättre möta det som konsumenterna efterfrågar av dessa uttalanden. Syftet med denna uppsats är därmed att hjälpa företag att förbättra sina uttalanden vid skandaler och därmed lyckas bättre med sin krishantering. Metod:

Exploiting user preference similarity transitivity in nearest neighbour recommender algorithms

This thesis explores the Nearest Neighbour recommender algorithm and a proposed way of recomputing the elements of a set, containing values from a similarity metric. In essence, this extends the neighbourhood used in the algorithm by making use of close neighbours’ neighbours. This proposal is motivated by the hypothesis that high user preference similarity is transitive. A programme was implement

Hardware Implementation of a 32-point Radix-2 FFT Architecture

The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm has been widely used in the Digital Signal Processing industry as a rudimentary operation to select the specific frequency components of a signal, which has been involved with other time domain signals. In order to fulfill the requirements of executing precise calculations and less power & area consumption, an algorithm with less number of adders and

Identification of Novel Regulators of Mitochondrial Protein Quality Control

Chronic pesticide exposure has been linked to several human diseases including cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular disease, and kidney disease. Due to the potential risks to human health, the usage of pesticides has been a controversial topic. Paraquat (PQ), a commonly used pesticide worldwide, has toxic effects due to its generation of reactive oxy

Belastningsregistrets påverkan på före detta kriminellas jobbmöjligheter: en kvalitativ undersökning av före detta kriminellas upplevelser av arbetsmarknaden

The number of employers that has requested to look at jobseekers criminal records has increased significantly between 1995 and 2010. During 2014 an investigation began to review whether or not it should be allowed for employers to make this request from jobseekers. The investigation determined that there should be no circumstances where employers should be able to request a criminal record from jo

Referenda on Human Rights: The example of LGBTI Rights

Referenda, as a form of direct democracy, became a popular tool for resolving important questions over the last decades. The issue of rights of sexual minorities, among others, has also become a quite popular topic for referenda. Referenda on human rights, also known as “anti-homosexual” referenda,” discriminatory “referenda or “referenda on the protection of family”, are dedicated to resolving th

A new Green Sample Preparation And Chromatography Method for Nicotine and Nicotine Related Substances in Nicotine Chewing gum

Heptan, går det att ersätta? Mycket brandfarlig vätska och gas; irriterar hud, giftig för vattenlevande organismer med långtidseffekter, kan vara dödlig vid förtäring samt inandning. Detta är en varningstext från ett säkerhetsblad till HEPTAN, ett vanligt förekommande lösningsmedel vid kemiska analyser i Sverige. Bara i ett provupparbetningsförsök på en produkt och för en analys på ett före-tag i

Applications of Cloud-Based Cognitive Computing (Identifying Frequent Complaints from Social Media)

This thesis explores the possibility of using IBMs cloud based software Watson for extracting complaints from social media. This is done with two different methods, both based on Watson's text parsing functionality. Different words or parts of sentences is then extracted and compared to other sources in order to determine if it can be considered a complaint, and if so, how common it is. A smal

Entreprenörskapets konstruktion - en kvalitativ studie ur aktörernas egen synvinkel

Studien omfattade kvalitativa intervjuer av en heterogen grupp entreprenörer. Utifrån teorier kring ämnet entreprenörskap och konstruktionism har vi analyserat vårt empiriska material med fokus på vårt syfte; att skapa förståelse för entreprenörskapet utifrån aktörens egen synvinkel och, genom denna förståelse, behandla dess subjektivitet, sammanhang och omgivningens betydelse. Det framgår att rThe study included qualitative interviews of a heterogeneous group of entrepreneurs and was based on theories connected with the subject of entrepreneurship and constructionism. We have analyzed our empirical material focusing on our intent; to create an understanding of entrepreneurship based on operators' own viewpoint and, through this understanding, process its subjectivity, context and am

Small town life in war-torn post-medieval Scania : a bioarchaeological study of human skeletal remains from 16-18th century Ängelholm, and a discussion of the merits of small osteological samples

The now Swedish province of Scania has had a long history of violence and unrest, with several wars being fought on Scanian soil. Such tumultuous times must have impacted the common people and their living conditions, yet bioarchaeological research is lacking for post-medieval Scania and much of Sweden. By analysing a skeletal material from a 16-18th century semi-urban cemetery in Ängelholm, for w