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Your search for "*" yielded 533629 hits

A Wideband CP Crossed Slot Antenna Using 1-λ Resonant Mode with Single Feeding

This communication proposes to use the 1-λ resonant mode of slot radiator with single feeding for bandwidth enhancement. The impedance of a simple slot radiator is studied using computer simulation. Since operating the slot radiator in the 1-λ resonant mode requires a longer slot length, a large square slot is used at both ends of the slot to reduce the required slot length. The results of the stu

Industrial employment and income inequality : Evidence from panel data

Over the last decades, the Western world has seen millions of relatively well-paid manufacturing jobs disappear. Some have shifted to low-income countries, while other have been permanently lost due the introduction of labor-saving technologies. Concurrently, many comparatively low-wage jobs have been created in services, for example in fast food and retailing. This paper uses a dynamic panel of 2

University invention and the abolishment of the professor's privilege in Finland

In 2007 Finland changed ownership rights to inventions from its employees - "the professor's privilege" - to universities. We investigate how this change affected academic patenting using new data on inventors and patenting in Finland for the period 1995-2010. Matched sample panel data regressions using difference-in-differences show that patenting by individuals dropped by at least 29 percent aft

Crime Victims and the Right to Punishment

In this paper, I consider the question of whether crime victims can be said to have a moral right to see their victimizers punished (a “right to punishment”) that could explain why they often feel wronged or cheated when the state fails to punish offenders (or even to make such conduct punishable). In the first part, I explain what I mean by a “right to punishment” and what it is for such a right

Diversity of Legacy : The Experience of Immigrants and their Descendants in Sweden

This dissertation examines the integration of immigrants from an intergenerational and multidimensional perspective. During the post-World War Two period, Sweden has been characterized by a large and increasing degree of heterogeneity in terms of immigrant background and reason for migration. This diversity has led to considerable challenges in terms of integration. While the economic challenges o

Examining equity in Ghana's national REDD+ process

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, sustainable forest management, enhancement of forest carbon stocks and conservation (REDD+) aims to reduce the 12–17% of global greenhouse gas emissions attributable to forest loss worldwide. As tropical countries undertake REDD+ readiness, vital questions arise around the equity of REDD+ interventions. In particular, there has been muc

Stellate cells and mesenchymal stem cells in benign mammary stroma are associated with risk factors for breast cancer - an observational study

Background: It is not known whether stromal cells in benign breast tissue can mediate risk of breast cancer. We recently described aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 A1 (ALDH1) positive (+) cells in morphologically normal breast stroma of premenopausal women, and the data indicated that their distribution is associated with clinical risk factors for breast cancer. The aim of the present study was to define

Svårkontrollerad blödning vid kirurgi- praktiska åtgärder

Bleeding with difficulties obtaining haemostasis can be a catastrophe. This paper summarizes a symposium with the above title. A short introduction gives the background of normal haemostasis as well as iatrogenic vascular injuries as reflected in the Swedish vascular registry (Swedvasc). Practical guidelines are given on how to manage situations of severe haemorrhage with the help of pharmacologic

Segmentation of the current levels of passenger mileage by car in the light of sustainability targets – The Swedish case

There is a clear need for debate about targeted policies to address individual behaviour and car mileage. In this study, the point of departure is that we need more knowledge regarding travel behaviour focusing on the needed reduction in car mileages. The study illustrates a series of travel behaviour analyses that can be applied in any other country striving for more detailed knowledge of the cha

Agency and resilience in the time of regional economic crisis

Using a comparative case study on the closure of the research and development facilities of a pharmaceutical company in two regions in Sweden, this paper investigates the emergence of regional economic resilience from an agency perspective. Findings include a networked region engendering agency from non-state actors whilst substantial state intervention is needed to facilitate agency from a less n

Morphogenesis and animistic moments : On social formation and territorial production

This article explores the issue of morphogenesis and metamorphosis in socio-spatial formations. The specific key is what we propose to call the ‘animistic moment’ in form-taking processes. We believe that a conceptualisation of animistic moments might help us to focus better not simply on the coming about of new forms, but also on the power forms are endowed with. The general social-theoretical ho

Measurement of differential cross-sections of a single top quark produced in association with a W boson at √s=13TeV with ATLAS

The differential cross-section for the production of a W boson in association with a top quark is measured for several particle-level observables. The measurements are performed using 36.1fb-1 of pp collision data collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC in 2015 and 2016. Differential cross-sections are measured in a fiducial phase space defined by the presence of two charged leptons and exact

Absence of paired crossing in the positive parity bands of Cs 124

High-spin states in Cs124 were populated in the Ni64(Ni64,p3n) reaction and the Gammasphere detector array was used to measure γ-ray coincidences. Both positive- and negative-parity bands, including bands with chiral configurations, have been extended to higher spin, where a shape change has been observed. The configurations of the bands before and after the alignment are discussed within the fram

Exploring interdepencies and common goals in disaster recovery coordination

The present paper seeks to investigate the extent and nature of organizational interdependencies in recovery operations. It focuses on the recovery following the Boxing day tsunami in 2004 in Tamil Nadu, India. It uses the theoretical framework from infrastructure interdependencies to a disaster recovery setting. It takes a case study approach and is based on eighteen interviews conducted in Tamil