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Simulation of GPHE diagonal based on full material history

The objectives for this thesis is to further develop a finite element analysis methodology where the material history is evaluated in every step. The processing of the plate from coil to fully formed plate mounted in a heat exchanger should be taken into consideration. Material phenomena such as necking and springback are important to capture. The first attempt was to do the simulation in ANSYS.

Destructive Conflicts Generating Reconstructive Empowerment of Women and Opportunities for Peace?

Conflicts are destructive for humans and societies, but are openings for rebuilding a more inclusive and sustainable society presented in the aftermath of conflict? This paper contributes to the growing research field and examines the link between conflict and window of opportunity for development, through a gender lens. Further, this study seeks to understand how conflict affected women’s socio

Reflections of the Image

The world stands often in the face of moral contentions, determining certain people or events as worthy of security whilst ignoring others. The conscience of watching silently as the genocide in Rwanda unfolded has weighed heavily on the international community’s shoulders, seemingly not heavy enough to refrain from repeating the same mistake however. The role “the visual” plays in framing securit

Kraftvärme - En förbisedd grundpelare i morgondagens förnybara elsystem

The Swedish power system, similar to those of other European countries, is currently transitioning from fossil to renewable. Simultaneously the electrification and digitalization of societies all over the world sets high standards for the availability of power. As a result the power systems experience certain limitations and issues. This can partially be accredited to the decline of available disp

Användning av Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance för barn med Developmental Coordination Disorder

Bakgrund: Developmental Coordination Disorder [DCD] är en motorisk funktionsnedsättning som påverkar förmågan att utföra vardagliga aktiviteter, vilket kan leda till aktivitetsbegränsningar och delaktighetsinskränkningar. Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance [CO-OP] är en arbetsterapeutisk, uppgiftsorienterad intervention med fokus på kognitiva strategier för ett förbättrat aktiBackground: Developmental Coordination Disorder [DCD] is a motor-based impairment that affects the ability of individuals to perform tasks, which can lead to occupational limitations and participation restraints. Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance [CO-OP] is a task-oriented intervention focusing on cognitive strategies to enhance occupational performance. Aim: To describe how

Vårdnadsöverflyttningar för barn placerade i familjehem. En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares bedömningar av barnets bästa.

The aim for this study was to explore how social workers describe their work with children’s placed in foster care when it comes to making desicions about custody transfer to foster parents. The law regulates that a custody transfer should be based on the best interests of the child which requires that an assessment is made by the social worker about the needs of the specific child. The method use

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Sonys kontor i Lund

Denna rapport har gjorts i syfte att utvärdera brandsäkerheten på Sonys kontorsbyggnad i Lund med fokus på personsäkerhet. Skador på egendom och miljö samt ekonomiska förluster behandlas därför inte. Byggnaden består av två huskroppar med sex plan som är sammanbundna med ett stort atrium. För tillfället bedriver Sony sin kontorsverksamhet i ena delen medan den andra delen står tom i väntan på nya The purpose of this report was to evaluate the building’s fire protection system and propose safety measures if personal safety cannot be achieved. An acceptable personal safety is considered to be achieved when every person is able to evacuate safely. To ensure a safe environment a scenario analysis was performed, where a number of possible fire scenarios were identified, of which three of thes

The Populist Crackdown on Human Rights Organizations in Hungary

During recent years, the world has experienced a trend of diminishing freedoms. The failure of governments around the world to tackle polarization and inequality has resulted in a discontent amongst people. A discontent which has been exploited by autocratic and populist leaders claiming to have the right answers. Such a development has occurred in Hungary, where the Fidesz government has transfor

Peaceful Purposes in International Space Law

I takt med ett ökat antal nationella, militära rymdstyrkor har frågan om de rättsliga gränserna för militär användning av yttre rymden (outer space) blivit allt mer relevant. Inget rymdrättsligt traktat har antagits eller trätt i kraft sedan 1984 och innebörden av ”fredliga ändamål” (peaceful purposes) i det nuvarande regelverket är därför av betydelse. Fortfarande finns ingen allmängiltig definitThe question of the legal boundaries on military uses of outer space is becoming more and more relevant through recent developments, for instance as the number of national space forces increases. Ever since 1984, no new space law treaty has been adopted or entered into force and the meaning of “peaceful purposes” as stipulated in the current framework is thus relevant. Still today, no authoritativ

The financial development of a double-edged sword?

Since the mid-2000s, the financial sector in Kenya has experienced an unprecedented surge in financial inclusion amongst the population. Often attributed to financial technologies, commonly known as FinTech, the financial sector in Kenya has seen a boom-like expansion of providers seeking to establish themselves on the market. Leading to further services being provided, a rift between scholars has

Utvärdering av MBT-behandling på psykiatrisk öppenvårdsmottagning

Studien är en del i det ordinarie kvalitetsarbetet på en psykiatrisk öppenvårdsenhet. Syftet var att undersöka huruvida den behandling som erbjuds individer med emotionellt instabilt personlighetssyndrom (EIPS), Mentaliseringsbaserad terapi (MBT), har någon inverkan på patienternas psykiska hälsa/ohälsa. För att göra detta användes Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation – Outcome Measures (CORE-O

Economic sanctions for peace: The non-violent option for whom?

There is a consensus in previous research that economic sanctions have a low level of effectiveness in reaching objectives. Despite this, economic sanctions are consistently used to reach different international goals. In later years, economic sanctions have become one of the most common actions in response to foreign conflict and terrorism. As prior research has stated that economic sanctions wer

Identifying key objectives when going through a Digital Transformation - An Extensive Study within the mining industry

Digital technologies and their significance to society have caused their existence and impact to be referred to as entailing a digital revolution. For businesses, digitalization is the use of digital technologies to create new business models and value-adding activities. The use of digital technologies can in turn result in possible improvements in several areas e.g., productivity. The possible ou

Parentes eller paradigmskifte? En intervjustudie om par- och familjeterapeuters upplevelser av psykoterapi online under pågående covid-19-pandemi

Syftet med studien var att nå en ökad förståelse för hur par- och familjeterapin påverkas av att bedrivas online samt att undersöka par- och familjeterapeuters upplevelser av onlineterapi. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med åtta legitimerade par- och familjeterapeuter som i sin verksamhet har erfarenhet av par- och/eller familjeterapi online. Materialet analyserades med tematisk analys oThis study aims to increase understanding of how couple and family therapy are affected by being carried out online, and to explore couple and family therapists’ experiences of online therapy. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight accredited couple and family therapists with experience of practicing therapy online. The data was subjected to thematic analysis, and nine themes were id

Mapping the carbon emissions for the supply chains of IKEA’s two sofa products, and providing recommendations regarding the highest potential for improvement.

The purpose of this study is to conduct the Life Cycle Assessment of IKEA’s two Sofa products and provide recommendations for reducing the overall carbon footprints. Different phases of supply chains are included in the scope of this study, i.e., selection of raw materials, their acquisition, production phase, and transportation of final product to market regions. The benefit of the study is that

"Att gå in som en katt i mörker, med morrhåren rakt fram" - Personalerfarenheter inom barn- och ungdomshabiliteringen om att fråga om sexuella övergrepp

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka möjligheter och hinder som personal på barn- och ungdomshabiliteringen upplever gällande att ställa frågor om sexuella övergrepp. Detta undersöktes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta deltagare från sex olika enheter inom barn- och ungdomshabiliteringen i Region Skåne. Data analyserades med tematisk analys och resulterade i fyra olika teman: “UppdrThe aim of the study was to explore the possibilities and obstacles that staff at the Child and Youth Habilitation Services experience in asking their patients about sexual abuse. This was done by conducting semi-structured interviews with eight participants from different units within the Child and Youth Habilitation Services at Region Skåne. The data was analysed using thematic analysis and resu

Attityder på Twitter: En longitudinell undersökning av attitydförändringar på Twitter i samband med spridning av felaktig information och konspirationsteorier om covid-19

Information, varav en stor del är felaktig, sprids i en stor utsträckning på Twitter, speciellt när en pandemi samtidigt breder ut sig över världen. Konspirationsteorier frodas på sociala medier om covid-19 vilket blir ett allt större problem för samhället då detta kan ha många negativa konsekvenser som att delar av befolkningen inte följer rekommendationer och restriktioner. Syftet med den här st

The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Cost Stickiness

Purpose: This paper studies the impact of corporate social responsibility on cost stickiness, as well as showing additional evidence of stickiness among European firms. Methodology: OLS regression and fixed effects model. Theoretical perspectives: The theoretical part of the study describe cost behavior, cost stickiness and corporate social responsibility from a stakeholder perspective. Empiri

Evaluation of Novel Quality Control Methods for Wheat Flour

The quality of a flour can vary greatly depending on the wheat variety and on the conditions while growing the wheat. Currently, the quality is mainly assessed by test baking the flour to observe the volume of the final product. The aim of this study was to investigate if three instruments (Alveolab, Mixolab and Rheo F4) analyzing rheological behaviours connected to dough preparation and baking pr